New York really was the city that never seemed to sleep. It was just as busy as it was when I arrived in the afternoon, and even in the morning it was just as busy as it was at night. I found it hard to sleep even from my high room as cars honking and other distractions from the night kept me awake. The sun was hidden behind dull gray clouds giving the air a lonely and gloomy color. I was both annoyed and excited that the weather predicted a few light snowfall this afternoon. I had never seen snow up close before, but I also didn’t like cold weather so I probably wouldn’t find it interesting. I was in the back of Mr. Benny’s SUV currently pouting like a little girl. We had been pulled over and given a warning that I, the heir to the throne of the oren, was too small to be in the front seat. It didn’t help matters that Aiko was still lightly giggling to herself as she laid half way on the seat and the other half on my shoulders like a scarf.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAkBtI9qwIVP
“We are finally here, my lady.” Mr. Benny noted as he pulled into a nearby parking space, a moment later he opened my door, and helped me step out of the car. New York had a lot of religious buildings, ranging from jews to muslims, but today I would be posing as a little Christian girl. This was the closest church to Whitney Dawnbreaker’s museum and with luck, I would be given access to look around by someone or maybe find this little mouse hiding in the cracks of the building.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAjwPHdmnPHz
“Thank you, Mr. Benny.” I said shivering a bit from the cold as it now reached temperatures of 20 degrees. “Is it supposed to be this cold this time of year?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAgYwA9u5f0o
“Yes it is, we are a day away from december, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get some snow today.” Mr. Benny stated as he did his usual task of buttoning up my coat and slipping my hat a bit more snug over my head. “Ivy, a word of advice, you are not above the law so please do not break them.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANA5NQoSKMZBJ
“I won’t.” I took a deep breath before making my way up the stairs of this church. It was a strong looking building of wood and stone, with a few large windows tinted purple. The large cross standing tall and proud on the chimney almost acted as a beacon. I knocked a few times on the door. “E-Excuse me, is anyone home?” I called out in between knocking, making my voice sound much higher and younger than it was.
289Please respect copyright.PENANACYqJQu6zEr
I was surprised when the door opened for me, (I was half expecting to break a window to get in). Standing there was an older african american man dressed in a dark blue suit and tie. “I was just getting ready to open the doors today darling.” His voice was warm like milk and very friendly. He had no signs or traces of jepei energy on him. His warm brown eyes lowered upon and a small look of confusion formed across his wrinkled face. “Child, forgive me, in my later years my memory is not what it used to be, have we meet before?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANA7tXtHJpUzX
“I do not believe so sir, my name is Samantha Cummings and I just moved to New York.” I explained forcing a cheerful smile to spread across my face. “My mommy is letting me explore the city today with my daddy and I wanted to stop by the church.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAZArIk8EoC6
“Is that your daddy right there?” The round man asked motioning over my shoulders towards Mr. Benny who was starting to make his way up.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAq4HuOXtzno
“Yes sir, they adopted me last year.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAXF7t8q3Rx2
A large smile spread across his face and the second Mr. Benny was within proper speaking range he said. “You are doing the lord's work, my brother, we always need more people willing to take in children to their home.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAAvEnPSw0hl
Mr. Benny lowered his gaze down onto me and without missing a beat, he placed his large palm on my head ruffling my freshly combed hair. “I am only doing what our lord would do, and this one has been a blessing in our lives.” With his other hand he reached out and shook this man’s hand introducing himself as Benjamin Cummings. “Do you mind if we come in for a moment, escape this cold weather?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAx0fxnxDpkc
Bishop Lamarcus Brown said. “Of course you can, please come inside.” The man stepped aside, allowing me and Mr. Benny to come inside first. “We were just getting ready for some teenages from the local high school to come inside to help us with some basic repairs today. I believe it is for community service points, sad that it takes getting a prize for some of these kids to want to serve their community.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAFSnc0EB4IA
This church was unnaturally warm and the air seemed so weird it was thicker like something else was on it. It was huge on the inside with large oak benches, the carper was a lovely red color that led all the way up to a rising platform. A sector had musical instruments just waiting to be played, stands were on the other side for a choir. Sunlight was shining in from three large windows that looked down on us. A few steps lead up to a large altar. I was expecting it to be filled with crosses and other religious items but it looked plain right now. “Aren’t alters supposed to be prettier?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAw4AuEMuBLN
The large man turned around to face me. “It will look much better by the end of the day, we are gonna be moving some of our christmas decorations there today. We just moved a few things away so they aren’t damaged by accident later.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAHupzS2aHvV
As we reached the more raised part of this stage, I saw a doorway nearby swing open. Out came a woman, dark brown skin like the man, her hair a curly mess on top of her round head. She was wearing green ovenmets with a steaming hot tray on it. The room now filling with the sweet aroma of freshing baked cookies. She was wearing a pair of tanned dress pants that hugged her body, as well as a tanned vest with a long white undershirt. “Well who do we have here?” Like the man she didn’t give off any sign of jepei energy.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAgXT29Naxfl
“These folks just moved into the city, this is Samantha Cummings and her father Benjamin.” Bishop Brown introduced walking over to greet the woman. “This is my wife, Danica.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAZ5pY1DgjML
“Well it is a pleasure to meet you today.” Her warm gaze looked onto me and she came over lowering herself to one knee and presenting the tray to me. “Would you like a cookie, hun , freshly made.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANALeE5VrGB5g
“Thank you, Ms. Brown.” I said carefully, taking one of these hot cookies off the tray.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAR5rdoARz6H
Before she could say another word, we both jumped a bit as a loud noise came from the doorway we were coming from. Her warm expression changed into a stern frown as she turned towards the door saying. “Yall better not be playing around back there!”
289Please respect copyright.PENANADK6R406meD
My heart nearly stopped beating as a girl came running into the room. Her body was faintly leaking out silver jepei energy, she had a warm smile on her face, a japanese girl a bit taller than me. “Sorry, Mrs. Brown, it was my fault, not Brittney-chan’s.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANASoWjBLAa2c
“I know yall are excited today but try and calm down a bit, sweet girl.” She gently scolded before adding. “Ori please meet a new family that moved to town. This is Samantha Cummings, and her father Benjamin.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANATB8wk4MWZg
Time seemed to stop as this girl stood before me, her hand outstretched and a friendly smile on her face. “It is nice to meet you, my name is Oikawa Ori, but you may call me Ori.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAUnBScaDmvJ
“Are you okay sweetie, you look pale.” The woman’s words managed to snap me out of my shock. I just couldn’t believe it, I honestly thought I would have to check every church in the city to find this girl but here she was.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAe9oDXENMCh
“Yes ma’am,” I said, letting out a shaky breath. “Sorry, just got a bit light headed for a moment.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAeEpUWkYKEJ
“Please sit down for a moment, Ori please get her a cup of water from the fridge.” She gave the tray to her husband before taking my hand in one of hers. She helped me down the stairs and got me seated on a nearby bench.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAcsZr88EvCM
I caught Mr. Benny’s eyes and he firmly shook his head at me mouthing the words. “Don’t be stupid!” I averted my gaze from him before silently nodding. I gripped my gemstone to summon Aiko back to me but she came slithering back on her own. I have seen a lot of my serpents' facial expressions. However, the only time I had seen or even sensed fear in her was when my mothers animal spirit was hunting us down for a prank we played at an important gathering. “What is wrong, Aiko.” I whispered into the gemstone.
289Please respect copyright.PENANARFGR614oKI
“Scared me,” that was all she said, before I felt her do deep inside of her netrix plain, a place where she mostly stayed to rest and recharge on my jepei energy.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAB1XpgoinBm
As my target returned, clad in a cute white skirt and matching leggings, as well as a white shirt with multicolored snowflakes on it. She quickly came over to me with a cup of water. “Here you go,” she said, giving me the cup. As she did she lowered her voice to a whisper. “Sorry that Mihiro scared your little snake.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAw94ntwjfV7
It took everything inside of me not to summon one of my sickles to slash her throat. “T-Thank you,” much to my horror she plopped down right next to me.
289Please respect copyright.PENANA8roD0DftS9
She looked at me for a moment and after a moment of hesitation she spoke to me in Japanese. “Do you speak Japanese by chance?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAYgeIalSHEl
“Yes,” her face practically lit up with joy.
289Please respect copyright.PENANA4iASlRE1CU
“Thank, Abba, it is nice to meet someone who speaks my language. My English is passable but not that good just yet at least.” She added, “Also you are a jepei user correct, or did that snake belong to your father?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAmQvoBedPeM
“Aiko belongs to me,” I said, not trying to look at her. “Do you live here? Ori-Chan?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAaUQLkrbZkb
Ori shook her head, her braid black hair swinging around like whips. “I used to, but now I am staying with Bishop and Pastor Brown. They kindly took me in when I.” She trailed off for a moment.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAeXT5eFquNE
“You aren’t from America?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANATtiC0Y6k6d
“No I am not, I kinda came here by accident.” She admitted with a bashful blush spreading across her pale cheeks. “I was actually living here in the upper attic for a while when their daughter Brittney found me up there. At first, I thought they were gonna call the police on me, but then they invited me to get something to eat at their home. I have been with them ever since.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAN9kwDYqPYQ
“How long have you been staying with them?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANABP9YZL5hwr
“A week and a half now, Bishop Brown is working to get me back to Japan soon though. He is trying to find my guardian there but it isn’t an easy task.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAbJWd9i5Myc
“How did you get here in the first place?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAannP1gUOtx
Her mouth briefly turned into a tight line. “Well, that is a secret but someone was taking something and someone wanted me to get it back. That is all I can say.” She shook her head a few times as if trying to cast out a bad memory. “Enough about me, when did you move here?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAGs4FaKPv8v
She was almost annoyingly too friendly. “Me and my daddy moved here a few days ago. He wanted to come and see the churches.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAeId05tdjTS
“Are you a Christian?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAiNPUGPDlKr
“My daddy is but I don’t believe,” as soon as those words left my mouth a look of not sadness but almost petty spread across her face. “Why the look?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANA5BUadM6FOn
“Why don’t you believe in him?” She asked.
289Please respect copyright.PENANA5f5y8v9czE
Before I could make up a suitable lie, a taller girl around my age came over. Her skin an almost caramel color and she had her hair in two large poof balls, her eyes were brown and unlike the adults she had a faint hint of brown jepei energy leaking from her skin like smoke of a dying fire. “Ori, you are supposed to be helping me set up.” Her voice was a mix of a command and a whine, “Momma is gonna mad if we don’t finish soon.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAjER6L5FCc6
“Sorry, Brittney.” Ori hopped up to her feet. “I hope you feel better, Samantha.” She wrapped her arms around this new girl’s waist in a playful tackle pushing her back a few feet.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAiTE01rCY5y
Before they could fully leave, I jumped up as well, nearly spilling my water in the process. “Wait, can I maybe come with you?” I called out, getting them to stop and turn around. “I can give you a hand.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANALzQ8rY88Xk
“Are you sure?” Ori questioned a look of concern filling her bright silver eyes. “You were light headed and haven’t even touched your water.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAsZktx3cAdT
“I am sure,” I said, taking a few quick sips of water. “Besides, I wanna see this pretty altar sparkle.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAUvKis64hfH
“Samantha,” I held back a curse as Mr. Benny’s voice called me over. “While I love your quickness to help, I believe we should head back home. I don’t wanna risk you getting lightheaded again.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAkIA5YsKNwv
“Mr. B-” I stopped myself. “Daddy, please just let me help for a bit.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAGfRzxPcq3z
“No, hun,” Mr. Benny walked over to me and lowered his voice. “You know where she is and you can always come back.” He took my hand in his own hand and now I could notice just how much my hands were shaking. “Remember, you are not above laws.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAqtP6tLc32v
I pouted for a moment but reluctantly agreed to leave. I held my arms out to him, “the least you can do is pick me up and carry me, daddy.” Mr. Benny rolled his eyes before picking me up like a toddler.
289Please respect copyright.PENANApimci1F5gV
“We have service tomorrow morning at 8:00 am if you folks wanna come on back.” Bishop Brown said with a friendly wave.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAlLIc3OZhTd
Pastor Brown came back with a ziplock bag with a few more cookies. “I thought you might wanna have something to snack on tonight.” I took the bag in my hand and as I did she placed hers over mine and said. “By his stripes you are healed, in the Lord's name I pray I amen.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANA8kIO6ZVCly
“T-Thank you,” I said in confusion.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAeiRMPipcFq
As Mr. Benny carried me out, I looked back to see Ori waving at me and beside her was a creature I had never seen before. It had the slender body of a snake, but small legs like that of a lizard, it had sharp claws on the end of its human-like fingers. Its head was like that of a lizard as well and it was resting around Ori’s shoulders like a scarf. Its silver voids for eyes were staring at me. “What kinda animal is that?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAXuaKcFJ09h
Mr. Benny turned his head and a look of surprise spread on his face. “A dragon…” he said in amazement. “She has a mystical creature for her animal spirit.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANA03SjNx2dnV
I looked at her in awe and felt butterflies start to flutter inside my stomach. “Things just got so much more fun.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANALXTFFMdlhv
As we entered the car, I slammed my door shut and sat there with a new pout planted on my face. As soon as Mr. Benny entered the car I practically yelled. “Why the fuck did you make me leave?!”
289Please respect copyright.PENANADTNADpXDsT
Mr. Benny turned towards me for a moment, his golden aura surrounded him in a fierce display, and he locked onto me filled with fatherly anger.. “For one never curse at me again or I will personally wash that mouth of yours out with soap! Do you understand me!” I slowly nodded my head and once his anger subsided he continued. “Lastly, like I said in that church, you are not above the laws of this city and you were practically shaking to kill her. What happens if you go off with her, try to kill her and fail or lord forbid you knock her out or kill her. What are you gonna do, drag her body out the back door? Risk people seeing you do so in the process?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANALc445QO6wX
Each of his points made me sink deeper into my seat, I was kinda hoping it would come alive to kill me in the process. “I am sorry,” I whispered. “For cursing at you, it won’t happen again.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANA17lp0Dzgu4
“I may be here as your butler but unlike others that will take your outbursts with a smile. I am not afraid to put you in your place, young lady.” He turned the key and we drove in awkwardness for a while, the stereo music now playing old school blues songs.
289Please respect copyright.PENANArALaLJi2qn
Once we reached a red light, he slipped something onto my lap startling me. “What is this?” I asked, looking at the paper with a few words on it.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAyt15tVbNnt
“He was kind enough to give me their address, asking if I wanted to go play a round of poker with him tonight, at his house. Even invited you for dinner, so I suppose we need to get our story a bit straighter than it was before.” He looked at me with a disgusted look. “For starters, Samantha Cummings?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAtc6uUW7h2U
“It was all I could come up with in a few seconds.” I admitted with a small laugh. “Mr. Benny, can you take me to a library please, I need to look something up.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANA7i5Ds4fxKU
“What are you looking for?” He asked punching in the directions on the gps.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAGvABrMFDeA
“What do you think, I need a book on dragons.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAKrzuNGF11B
289Please respect copyright.PENANAMGVjJsbvuE
The New York library was much bigger than I originally thought it would be. Being the second largest library in the city, and as soon as I stepped inside. It felt like I was in an entirely different domain, people were walking here and there, some people heading to the second floor and others moving towards the large reading area. The ceiling towered high into the sky with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. There were rows of tables just waiting to be used, around them was a long rows of books. There was a second floor above me with even more books, all protected by covers of red and blue, some shades of green and purples, some protected with golden and black covers. I plopped myself at an empty table, setting my laptop and folded laptop that was also a tablet up. I left the reading room and returned after visiting a section with Japanese history including their myths.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAKLVLIaWy6C
It always amazed me that so many people on this earth didn’t know that the mythical beasts really did use to exist. They were the most rare animal spirits that you could have, unlike other animal spirits that gave us certain special abilities. Mystical creatures gave their uses even stronger abilities. I had only heard stories of jepei users with an mystical creature, a story of a native american with the spirit of the thunder bird or skinwalkers. I flipped through the book and found what I was looking for. A story of Ryujin: The Dragon God, Ruler of the Seas. According to the legend, that dragon could control the waters and the seas, I skimmed over the legend of Ryujin and the jellyfish. I wanted to learn what abilities this dragon could have had and that was the one problem with mythical or mystical creatures as jepei users called them. It had to truly pinpoint their abilities and only the user truly knew what they could do. Myths were made by people, stories passed down from generation to generation and all it took was one person messing up for the story to get ruined. So far the only thing I truly knew about this creature was that it had control over water apparently. That one detail worried me since if she has unlocked that ability then that could be a problem if it started to snow like it was rumored too.
289Please respect copyright.PENANACGjwcAqCHe
The other thing that worried me was that her dragon might be one of the uncrowned rulers of the animal kingdom. The Leviathan, The Phoenix and The Behemoth are the known kings and queens of the animal kingdom, only the first humans having rule over them. After them were seven uncrowned kings, this Ryujin was supposedly the true god of the dragons, but there were legends across the world of other dragons being the god of their race. The history of dragons was an entire mess that was hard to get into things. Mythical creatures in general were just an entire mess of who truly was in charge of the animal kingdom.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAWDyBuIW7XB
I had gotten so lost in my research that I didn’t even notice my phone was ringing until a mean librarian came over to me. “This is Ivy speaking, what do you want?” I answered rudely.
289Please respect copyright.PENANADyYyMxLdBv
“If I hear you have cursed at my dear friend again. I will personally come there myself and make you suffer, am I understood.” My entire body froze as that familiar voice filled my eardrum.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAAkWRvdZDkX
“D-Daddy?” I almost didn’t believe it. I hadn’t heard his voice in two months and just hearing it nearly brought me to tears. “Y-Yes sir I understand, I already apologized for that mistake.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANA9QB6IAhy3P
“I am glad to hear that.” His stern voice faded away and a second later he hung up. I thought for a moment that he had completely hung up on me. But then my phone started to ring again but this time it was an alert for a facetime call. I couldn’t hit answer fast enough even if I tried. A moment later, I saw my daddy for the first time in months. His hair was pulled back in a pony tail, he had a deep scar running down the right side of his face going all the way from his temple down to his chin. His dark amber eyes looked at me, and even though he was probably hundreds of miles away, he felt right next to me. “Why are you crying, my dear?” He was half Japanese and half English, and I took my traits from him more than my mother. His cream colored skin and more rounded head.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAGvqPgUQbIO
I reached up and sure enough tears were spilling out of my eyes. “I’m sorry, give me second.” I desperately felt around for something to wipe my tears but settled for using the bottom of my shirt. “I’m sorry, I-I’m just really glad to hear from you and see you. How have you been?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAAe6bwlT4aS
“Tired,” he answered. I could now see the dark circles under his eyes, I wanted to rub them for him to provide him with some kind of rest. “And very very bored, horrible bored, so bored that watching fresh paint dry would be more entertaining than this world.” I giggled a bit at my daddy's words and my giggle got a smile from him that only his family saw. “I am returning home in the next few days, from what I have heard you are on your first actual mission from home.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANA6YUAezv14n
I quickly looked around and slipped my headphones in so no one would hear him anymore than they should. “Yes I am daddy, in fact I am actually doing some research about somethings right now.” I spun my camera around to show off the mountain of books I had and thy different taps I had opened. “My target is a young jepei users who has gotten in way over her head, my payday is very good and if I bring her alive than I get more. My client even wants to make me her personal Oren, and I am sure that will bring in more clients for the family when things go well.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANA8P6K3Kj4QK
“You are doing good business for your first mission.” His small praise made my smile grow even wider to the point that my cheeks started to hurt. “Enough of your mission, tell me how are doing, have you been getting my gifts, how is your training going? What about your mischievous serpent Aiko? Is she doing alright?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAfNGRCFbzpn
“I would bring Aiko out to see you but she is currently resting in her netrix gemstone.” I lied not wanting to admit that someone had scared her so much. “My training has gone well, your gifts are in good shape and resting in my room, though I have the bear you sent me in my suitcase. Where are you coming from?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAJxozwGw4k9
“Tarun’s island, I had to turn in my assignment to the council there. Now I am heading to Japan to speak with the elders there before coming home.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAUPQUvJevjm
“Maybe you could also swing by New York City?” I proposed hopefully. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you, daddy.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANADQFaaxBT83
“You know I cannot come and see you while you are on a mission.” His words pulled at my heart and I couldn’t help but hang my head for a bit. “None of that my dear, I will see you when you complete your mission. I will be waiting for you there, you have my word on that.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAywqrxWv8PD
“Do you promise?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAzm7Mnr9feT
“I give you my word and my word is law second only to your mother.” He smiled at me and his attention was taken from the screen for a few seconds. He returned before saying. “I am afraid I need to hang up as we are about to take off. Do what we do best and succeed but also see the world for what it is and enjoy the time while it is fun. I love you, Ivy, and I will never stop doing so.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAhxciinHV4t
“Bye bye daddy, I love you too.” As soon as his face faded off my screen, I realized that again I was crying for some reason. I once again wiped my tears away before steadying myself with a few deep breaths. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe my sisters or momma when they said daddy was okay. It was just that much more of a relief to see it with my eyes. After all, seeing is truly believing.
289Please respect copyright.PENANAUzvh1ODjXz
My focus was no longer on my work, all I could think about was my success and going home to hug my daddy. So I quickly bookmarked most of the pages I opened, and made a mental note of where the books I got were so I could come back to get them. I stood up and dusted off my pink skirt before pulling on my new coat to leave. I looked up at one of the many massive clocks they had and it was just reaching 12 o'clock in the evening. Mr. Benny was waiting for me in the parking lot. “How was your studying, Lady Ivy?” I looked over at him and he raised his eyebrow in confusion. “Why are you looking at me like that.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAoQyqXCniLw
I was glad he noticed the angry look spreading across my face. “Why did you call my daddy and tell on me, like a big baby?!”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAWorbf9JNOE
Mr. Benny chuckled for a moment. “I did not call him, he called me. Like I have said before me and your father are friends, so as we were talking I told him I was with his youngest, she asked if you have been respectful towards me and I simply explained what happened.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANA73mATvPrpB
“I already apologizes for cursing at you, there was no reason to get my daddy cross with me.” I said now staring out of the window, watching the city that never sleeps pass by. “What time is this dinner? And has my bike arrived yet?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAkfdfwG1GdR
“I received an email that it will be here in a day, and our dinner with the browns is at 6:00 o'clock.” said Mr. Benny, “do you wanna stop and get something to eat?”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAFbqcUgcN3h
“Yeah,” my eyes locked onto the golden humps of a restaurant I was never allowed to go to. “And I know the perfect place.”
289Please respect copyright.PENANAU0DqB8WgV1