Dakota Demarious looked at her friend in what could only be called pure disbelief at what she had just told her. “No way, absolutely not, there is no way that is true!” Her dark honey golden eyes turned off of her pink haired friend, and over to a boy who was chatting with a few friends of his. He was not the tallest, maybe average height, he had average looking arms and face, dark brown skin maybe a few shades darker than her own. She felt her face flush a bit more as she turned back to her friend. “You are trying to tell me that he.” She gulped a bit and lowered her voice just a bit, embarrassed to even be saying what she was about to say. “He spanks girls on campus, and they are okay with that?!”
Evelyn Masters felt her face flush a bit as she slowly nodded her head yes. “It is true if you believe that or not, but I heard from my older sister, and she said that one of her friends went to him, and well I saw something at soccer practice you won't believe.” The blond girl turned to look at the boy who seemed to be laughing pretty hard at something before pushing his friend in a friendly way. “His name is Alphonse I think, he is on the volleyball and baseball team I think.”
Dakota looked back at the boy unable to truly take her eyes off him for a moment. It was hard to believe that such a kindhearted young man was into those types of activities. Dakota had long since been interested in the idea of spankings. Her parents never believe in corporal punishment, something about how it damaged kids growing up or that it was barbaric. However she would never forget a certain line of one of her favorite books growing up. “Young Ally could only cry as her father’s large hand swatted her skirt-covered rump, one, twice, and then three times.” It was one line in a book that sent her into a rabbit hole of sites on the subject. Some being from porn, others being forums like reddit and others of people talking about it, she really wanted one but had no idea how to even go about it.
Now her friend had heard the latest drama or rather had seen something in the locker rooms today. According to her friend, last night at soccer practice. A girl had come in late and a bit teary eyed. While she was getting dressed everyone could make out her bright red backside and as they questioned her about it. She said it was not her parents but rather that it was a student. This alongside what her friend’s sister had told her was starting to make a lot more sense. It did wonders if fueling the fire that her, corporal punishment research, as she often explained to her mom back home. After all there were only two ways she could explain why her search history one day was filled with articles on the subject.
And one she could not bring herself to admit to her mother.
“So how does that work?” Dakota asked. “Does he just drag you away to a private place and wallop on your butt or something. Do you meet at his house? How does that work?”
“I have no idea,” Evelyn answered as her face took on a scarlett hue. “It is rumored that he does them after school for like an hour or something before volleyball club starts. Some even says he does it during our lunch hour. Which can’t be true cause.” Her friend looked back over her shoulder at the boy. “He is sitting right there.”
Dakota couldn’t quite keep her eyes off the boy now. Mostly on his hands and just the thought of those hands swatting her rump, giving her the experience she had been waiting too long for was starting to fill her mind up with new found excitement. “I-It’s probably just a rumor,” she concluded as she went back to her lunch. “A rumor that I want to prove sooner rather than later.” She thought to herself.
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Room 206 was an older classroom here at her large academy. The newer model was built alongside the older model connecting both sides of this school academy. Some of the older classrooms on the first floor were still in use but the 2nd floor was abandoned and the floors were made of creaky old wood. The walls a matching color, it was honestly kinda scary to walk these long since abandoned halls. Every creak made Dakota believe that someone was walking behind her, ready to snatch her up at a moment’s notice. However, she had done a lot of spying on conversations to find this classroom out to chicken out.
The room where hopefully her first spanking of her life would happen.
First she placed her ear against the door to listen in. She could hear no crying, yelping or even the thunderous smacks that she wanted to feel so badly from inside. Instead it sounded like typing, and even some light singing. A soft tenor of a voice that was singing a song her father loved at home, “Always and forever, by Luther Vandross.” Dakota summoned up as much courage as she possibly could before knocking on the door a few times. After a few tense moments she heard footsteps and then the door finally opened.
Now that this boy was up close he really did seem regular in many ways. He had short low cut hair, dark hazelnut skin, he was wearing jeans and a sweater on the chilly fall afternoon. He had dark eyes that held a warmth and brightness to them that was unmatched by few in her life. “H-Hi there.” Dakota managed to whisper out and now that she was face to face with this boy, it seemed so awkward now. Maybe he just used this room as a place to study in private before he went to practice.
“Hey,” he responded back, his voice a lot lighter than his tenor voice would make it seem like. “Are you gonna stand there or do you want to come in? I have tea.”
“Yeah tea,” he said once more with a small smile on his face. “I am a tea guy, if you want a cup.”
Maybe that was it. Maybe he just had a good tea shop in this classroom, and that girl her friend had seen in the locker rooms had gotten punished and had come here for some tea and a talk. “Um sure,” Dakota answered, following the boy inside.
This was an old classroom indeed, most if not all of the classrooms now had smartboards. No more use for the old green clarkboard that was in the front of the classroom. Most of the desks and chairs had been removed except for a long table that had a few straight back chairs. A backpack was sitting on the ground beside the table. She could not see all of the contents of it as it was laying down on its side. However, the sight of a wooden handle gave her both hope and worry that maybe this was the right guy. However, judging from the nice waves in this boy’s hair, he might just have a brush to take care of his hair. On the desk was a small water heater that was already starting to reach its boiling point. A small basket of different tea was sitting beside a few open text’s books and a notebook. “Jasmine, mint, green, or my favorite herbal berry.”
“Herbal berry?” She questioned.
“Yeah it has soothing herbs and a few types of berries.” He lifted up the package and looked at the colorful fruit on the bag. “I think it is raspberry, blueberry and black berry. Aren’t black berries just darker blue berries?”
“I-I guess so.” Dakota felt her hopes starting to dash, part of her wanted this boy to grab her light brown arm and just drag her across her lap. Maybe yank down her soft white pants and undies in one swoop and wallop on her backside like no tomorrow. “I-I’m sorry,” she began feeling her cheek heat up a bit more as she squirmed lightly in place. “This might be rude but aren’t you supposed to.” Her face felt hotter than the surface of the sun as she softly said. “You know,” she couldn’t even bring herself to say the word. Instead she quickly walked to the chalkboard, and messily wrote one word on her mind. “S.P.A.N.K”
“Yeah I know that you are here for that.” That despite was suddenly filled with hope as she turned around to see the boy pour two cups of tea. Even from here she could smell the soft notes of the tea. “It is more comfortable for someone else to bring up that topic rather than me.”
“So the rumors are true.” She wanted him to at least say it outloud.
“Which one?” He asked with a roll of his eyes. “That I am a sick pervert that is gonna tie you up and beat you with a riding crop. That I am gonna strip you nude and beat on you with a belt like that dude in 50 shades of gray? Or maybe-” Dakota couldn’t help but begin to laugh a bit at this boy as the more he lifted off rumors. The more annoyed he seemed to become. “Honestly, when I started doing this freshman year, I didn’t think anyone would actually find out. And now the rumors have gotten out of hand. Some girls hate my guts or come for very odd reasons.”
“Why did you start doing this?” She asked, taking a seat at the empty chair at this table. “I mean did you just wake up and decide, I wanna.” Her face glowed a bit more as she whispered. “Spank some butts?”
“Well I have always been interested in this to be honest.” He said, taking a sip of his tea. “I never was spanked as a kid, mom was too busy to do it and it was easier to just ban me from going outside. I always wanted to give one after watching so many movie scenes and then this idea came to mind. My friend, I don’t know if you know her, Millicent Brown had asked me to give her one in this classroom. I used to use it as a quiet place to study and one thing to lead to another as word spread. Now I come here after school, and do homework for an hour, and sometimes someone shows up, sometimes two, sometimes no one comes.”
Dakota listened to his explanation in silence, part of her waiting for him to burst into laughter, to say this was all a joke and that if she wanted a spanking maybe she should ask a boyfriend or someone one day. “I just didn’t think this was all true, how do some of the guys respond to this?”
“Mixed reactions, some think I am just a freak, others think it is kinda cool but think that spank is a code word for sex and then that conversation gets confusing.” He honestly didn’t seem like a creep or a perv just a boy that shared a similar love for the subject like her. However in his case, he found ways to get it all out, while she felt like a pot ready to explode. Just looking at the word sent waves of interest running through her veins, and watching them made her feel so warm but also so jealous at the models, whose jobs were to be spanked as much as they wanted.
“So what about you, how did you find out about my home away from home?”
“My friend heard from her older sister and one day before practice she saw a girl spouting a spanked backside one day while they were changing. So I had to just see if this was all true.” Dakota found herself staring into her pale orange tea cup. “I always wanted to have one but could never really find someone that could do it, and I never really knew how to bring the subject up before.” Dakota took a deep breath before lifting her head up. She could feel a pleading look starting to form in her eyes as she asked. “Can you maybe help me?”
“Depends on what you are looking for?” He said honestly. “What exactly do you want, some come to be punished, others for motivation for their grades, some just want to try one for themselves.”
“The third one,” Dakota answered, squirming slightly in her chair. “I want a mild one if that helps.” She couldn’t even look at the boy but she heard a chair being moved backwards. When she finally looked back his way, the dark skinned boy had pushed his chair back away from the table and suddenly his lap looked a lot farther than it actually was.
“Well if you want one, then come on.” He patted his lap with one hand. “And I do have to ask one thing before we start.” The next words that came from his mouth sent chills of pleasure racing down her spine. “Do you want it over your pants, panties or bare bottom?”
Dakota looked dumbfounded at the boy as her long time dream of feeling a proper spanking was starting to come true. “M-Maybe… over my panties to start.” She didn’t want to be a wuss, and get it over her pants, but she also didn’t want to expose her bare behind to a boy she didn’t really know. So this was a good middle ground.
“One more thing,” he said. As he reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a small recorder. “I need you to say, I am consenting to being spanked, and your name. Just to be safe.”
“Is that really necessary?”
“Yes it is, it is my way of keeping safe in case someone tries to do something really mean to me, like falsely reporting me or something.”
Dakota nodded her head as she spoke out loud. “I Dakota am agreeing to be spanked.” She couldn’t even believe those words had just come from her mouth.
He hit a red button before tossing it on top of his black backpack. “Alright then, shall we begin?”
Dakota stood up from her chair, her legs feeling like jelly as she walked over to the boy. Her hands came to rest on the hem of her soft white pants. She took one more breath as she slowly pulled down her pants. If she thought talking about the subject had made her face redder than an apple, actually taking down her pants was sending her face into overtime to make her blush deeply. Her heart was racing like crazy as she shimmied her pants down to just below her knees. Exposing a pair of lime green boy shorts that probably would not provide her backside with any sort of protection from what was to come. She gasped as he took her hand and helped drape her over his knee. Her hands came to rest on the wooden floor, she was small enough that her legs dangled a bit. He pulled her a bit so her tummy was resting much more comfortably, she could only imagine how many he had put over his lap before.
She nearly leapt out of her skin as he felt that hand come down, and gave her backside a few soft pats. Each one made her backside tremble, and her face found a way to blush even more as she took a deep inhale of air. Her right foot shot up on instinct, and then Alphonso spoke. “Are you ready?” He asked, that tenor voice being pure music to her ears. “If you want I can help you back up right now.”
“N-No,” Dakota answered. “P-please just give me one please.”
She closed her eyes tight and then as if he had waited for her to be ready. She felt it the first real swat on her panty covered rear. It was not hard but she could really feel it, it was much different from the ones she tried to give herself. Her body jolted a bit, and she felt her right cheek compress and then bounce back into place. There was a small pause before she felt that same warmth and sight sting fill her left cheek. Then her right cheek again, then the left, and then he seemed to get into rhythm as he began to swat her backside at a quicker pace. Her breathing got quicker, her entire body seemed to explode with a pleasure never thought she would feel. As she got what she had been asking about, researching and watching for so long.
She was finally being spanked.
And she had no idea how much she would love it!
The slight sting that came from this hand. How her bottom compressed each time his hand slapped down on her backside. She never considered herself beautiful by normal standards. She was average in comparison to some of her friends, most of her friends developed the curves that came from womanhood quicker than her. The only assets she really had over them was… well her ass as many said. While her friends had larger chests, she had the largest backside of the group. She may not be involved in any of the sports clubs at school but she was a frequent visitor of the gym. Her times on the treadmill, and the multiple workouts (she may or may not have looked up) did wonders to tone and firm her backside up.
And now that bottom that she had been working out was not getting its own little workout. Each swat made her cross and uncross her legs, it sent a shock through her that only grew more and more powerful with each spank that came. She even found herself raising her hips slightly wanting that hand to come down on her light brown bottom quicker. He seemed to take the hint as his hand came down faster, twice on the left and then twice on the right. Followed by a few slow ones to the center of her backside. It was a rhythm that made her firm backside jiggle like jello on a train.
If this was how good it felt to be spanked, then maybe, just maybe she would have a side hassle once she became the lawyer she wanted to be. A spanking star sounded like fun, especially if they spanked like this.
“Enjoying yourself?” Alphonso's voice snapped her out of her blissful wonder.
“Y-Yes,” she answered. “Thank you again for this.”
“Don’t mention it.” She could just imagine the smile that came across his face as he said that. He wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her closer to his chest, repositioning her backside into a better place.
Dakota covered her hand with her mouth to try and hide the small moan that escaped her lips as he began to spank at a faster rate. Each one a solid swat not even a second came before he landed the next one, each swat adding more and more heat to her already warm bottom. She doubted her thin underwear would provide any difference whether up or down. She wasn’t ready to take it to that limit just yet.
Not yet at least.
All Dakota did was lay there and let that hand swat at her rump more and more. Enjoying each second that turned into minutes, she had no idea how long this had been going. What she did know was that at some point her small and quiet moans were turning into slight yelps and whines. These swats were adding up, and that blissful warmth was not turning into a mild sting, her legs were kicking slightly and she found herself balling and unballing her hands with each swat. Finally after three more solid swats, that hand that had been swatting her rump came to rest on her backside and rub at it for a few moments. His hand was softer than she expected now that it was just rubbing her panty covered rear.
“I think we are done,” he spoke as he stopped rubbing and patted at her bottom, even though that was nice. It wasn’t gonna be enough to make her go wild like before. She needed something firmer, but she was gonna have it at another time. She was at her limit for today.
He helped her stand up and her hands came to rest on her backside. It was warm to the touch, and she could only imagine the color that was on it. While her skin tone wouldn’t show all of the damage, it would at least be a bit pink. She let out the breath she had been holding as she pulled up her pants. That seemed to press that sting a bit more onto her backside. She would not forget this moment for a long while. “T-Thank you,” she repeated, unable to truly look at the boy right now. “Is it weird to be thanked for a spanking?”
The boy crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. “Not really, it’s not wrong to thank someone for something. I’m just glad I was able to help.”
“T-Thank you again,” Dakota didn’t really know how to end this conversation. She still was ready to wake up from this amazing dream. “I should probably be going, I do have my own club to go to. I will see you around.”
“Same here, I will always be here.” He said with a small smile. “Well except weekends, and some lunch periods, and holidays, but I will be around.”
She smiled at that as she headed towards the door. Her hands still rubbing her rump, that warmth and sting was going nowhere anytime soon. Dakota looked back over her shoulder as the boy pushed his chair back in and went back to studying. A hum escaping his lips once more. “I hope you will be around.” Dakota thought as she began to walk down the old hallways once again. “Cause I am gonna be back, for a much harder spanking than before.”
As she moved down the hallway. She saw another girl making her way, a bit more bashful look than her. Creamy colored skin, deep orange hair, she looked a bit older than Dakota , maybe a junior or even senior maybe. Dakota watched as the girl passed by and she could just sense a bit of nervousness and fear coming off her.
Some came to try a spanking and see how it felt.
Others came because they felt they needed a real one.
And Melissa David’s was one of those girls.
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed the first of what may be an endless amount of ideas. Most of the girls I use are based on some of my friends and anime characters. These should be read as if you are watching an anime episode and will get better as I get more used to this. That’s the only way some events make sense. I might start using some A.I imagers to give you all a better look at what the girls look like. And if you have suggestions for troupes or even characters you would like to see in these. I will always try to put them in.
Until next time. (which depending on how things go maybe between two to three chapters a week)
Bye Bye.
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