If someone had to describe little Belle Lee, it would be just that little. Belle was born smaller than most girls her age. It was an odd ball as she came from a family of very tall people, and it didn’t help that that family of her’s almost seemed to forget she existed sometimes. Now it wasn’t that her parents and brothers did not love her more than the sun and moon, and would travel around each one ten times to save her. But considering that her brothers were stars of the football and basketball team, and her family very much loved sports. It was not uncommon for them to forget about her their oldest daughter. It was a sad fact that no one would really understand from her usually joyful and happy face. She was good at putting up a mask of fake joy and happiness, it helped that everyone saw her as an adorable little kid most of the time. It was hard to believe that she was a junior and the oldest of her siblings at 1.
Being the oldest and smallest of her family was hard.
And it led her to looking into different ways to to feel like a kid again.
And the way she did this was when she discovered little space.
She had no idea what it was until her friend diagnosed her a little about three years ago. Once her friend had explained what being a little was, Belle agreed with her statement. She had started to get more into being a little once her brothers started playing more sports and her parents didn’t pay as much attention to their oldest daughter anymore. In that time, she would lock her door to her room and completely change her clothes into something not suited for a 17 year old. Gone were the tight jeans and more grown up clothes she often wore around campus. Instead she chose more soft and relaxing pajamas, gone were the more lacy style panties she had brought to remind some of the girls in the locker room that she was very much an older student, and instead she had more colorful and little girl style underwear. (That she kept in a box buried in her already messy closet, if ever found she would just example they were from when she was a little girl) Out came the stuffies that she still had from when she was a little girl, on came the cartoons that were on Disney Plus and Netflix.
Her top three being.
Sofia the first,
And Doc Mcstuffins.
It was her little hobby that no one else was supposed to know about, she only told her friend a few times and even had her look after her for a few afternoons as a caregiver. However, there was one aspect that her friend could never really bring herself to do, see any toddler pushed their mommy’s and daddy’s buttons often. And more times than not they would be punished, sometimes with timeouts but what Belle had been wanting longer than anything. Was a nice hard spanking to truly make her feel little.
Her friend, Nina was too kindhearted to do that to her. Even her own parents never spanked her growing up, but her brothers often got it. It wasn’t that she was jealous of them for getting a more physical punishment, she just never understood why her parents didn’t do it with her. So Belle was left with a problem, she wanted to be a little but she wanted to be spanked sometimes as a little, she wanted what she read in an online story once of having her bottom spanked three times a day. Once in the morning when she woke up, one punishment spanking for when she was naughty, and one last one at bedtime. It was a story she had saved in her bookmarks as it was one of her favorite spicy stories.
Her dream seemed to be more true as during her sophomore year, he had arrived. A boy that was famous not for being the star setter of the volleyball team, or a catcher that was already being offered a few scholarships. No, Alphonso was famous for a rumor that he didn’t hide or shy away from, he was known for being a spanker and he did far more often than one would think. Girls that were interested in that subject went to him during lunch sometimes but mostly after school. She had gone to him, once she was sure he was not some secret pervert or that spank wasn’t just a code word for sex.
He was the real deal, and he had given her a sample spanking. She went to him a few times when she wanted to be spanked, he could give her the spanking she requested but not the spanking she wanted. Belle wanted him to do something to her like her favorite story, it was just awkward to ask as she was 17 about to 18 in a month and he was barely 16 years old. However, he had a maturity to him that came from being the oldest of the child and often a second dad to his two sisters.
If anyone could truly give her what she wanted however, it was gonna be him and if there was anyone she trusted to do this with her. It was Alphonso.
She shook her head a bit as another girl came from his home away from home, room 205. This girl, like everyone else, was taller than her, as Belle was only 4’2 on a good day. Sometimes it was hard as a few more, odd kids, saw her as a real life Loli and tried to get with her. However, Belle had a bottle of pepper spray in her purse just in case things went bad. It also helped to have a few younger brothers on the football team and thanks to them she always had at least one of them looking out for her.
She caught the dark-skinned boy as he was leaving that room as well. He was about 5’7 in height, maybe an inch taller depending on what shoes he wore. His hair always had amazing waves in them, her light pink hair always being put straight back and nappy in comparison. He turned to face her with a pair of dark brown eyes that were warmer than they looked. “Sorry, Belle, I got practice so I can’t really spank you right now.”
It always amazed him how he got straight to the point with ease. “I’m not here for that, can we maybe walk and talk. I know you have practice in 15 minutes.”
HE gave her a slight nod before they began to walk towards the back stairwell. It was always nice how he never looked down on her like some people did, he even slowed his place so she could stay in stride with him. “What up?”
“I have a favor to ask you.”
“What kind of favor?”
Belle closed her eyes before taking a deep breath. “I want you to come over to my house this weekend if you free and be my daddy for one day.” She didn’t bother looking up at the boy to see his response. “You see, I am a little and…”
By the time she finished explaining they were just reaching the doors to the 2nd gym. She explained everything that she wanted, and her plan. The boys football team was going out of town this weekend for a game against a rival state. So she would have the house to herself for the entire weekend as she often didn’t go. “T-That is what I am hoping we could maybe do this weekend, I know it is weird and I completely understand if maybe it is too weird for you to do.”
“Honestly it is not the weirdest thing I have heard before.” Alphonso answered. “Trust me, two girls in the drama club are into much weirder things that even I say no to. However, yours.” He paused for a moment and rested a hand on his bare chin. “If you really want that, then I can try my best.”
“Really?!” She found herself standing up on her tiptoes as she looked at him with hopeful eyes. “You would really do this with me?!”
“Yeah I’m not against it and if it is something you want then I will do my best to deliver, and if you are comfortable with me staying the night. Then I guess I will see you Friday or I will come by early that Saturday morning.”
Belle eagerly nodded her head as she walked away from the boy with a skip in her step.
She could not wait for Saturday to come.
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As Saturday morning came Belle let a soft yawn escape her lips as she rolled over onto her side to try and avoid two things. The bright sunlight that was coming into her room from the window and the soft tenor voice of a boy she had let stay the night in the guest room. “Come on, it is time to wake up, little Belle.”
“No,” Belle replied in a cute little voice. “Come back tomorrow.”
“Come on Belle, don’t keep your.” She held back a giggle as he took a deep breath before saying. “D-Daddy waiting, we have a few things to do today and it starts with daddy warming that little rear of yours.”
“No,” she said a bit more firmly as she pulled the covers over her head a bit more to try and hide her small frame. In the story she had read so many times, the girl’s day started and ended with two mandatory spankings. (A more gentle version of the Lurking Dragon Melody Series) “Go away,” she said, putting herself deeper into her little space than she had before. Her age as a little was just six and she often held back more when her friend would watch her. However today she wanted to play the life she never got a chance to do.
There was a brief pause before the covers were gently yanked off her. “Daddy stop,” she mumbled, kicking her legs against her bed. Eventually she lifted herself up to her knees and sleepily rubbed her eyes. She then crossed her arms over her chest and looked up at him with a pout creeping up on her face. Belle looked adorable in her soft pink pajamas that were a few shades darker than her own hair color. “Good morning.”
Alphonso was wearing a black tank top and a matching pair of pajama shorts as well as a gray durag around his head. He honestly could fit the part of being someone’s daddy, and he was one at least till nine o’clock. They agreed yesterday that they would stop at nine o’clock so he could get some rest before leaving early that morning to go help with setting up the church band. She was gonna join him even though she didn’t really believe in God, however she wanted to help him since he had taken a day to help her.
“Come on,” he said, holding out his hand towards her. “Let’s go to the living room and warm this bottom up and afterwards we can watch your favorite show.”
Belle looked up sadly at her “daddy” “do you promise.” She asked her small hands coming back to cover her pajama-covered rump.
He smiled down at her, “yes I promise you.”
As she was gentle lead down the hallway of her own towards not only her living room but also where her backside was gonna be spanked. She couldn’t help but smile a bit at the feeling that was starting to fill her entire body. Being lead like a naughty child to the living room for a spanking. Today was the day she had wanted for a long time, and she was gonna make the most of it. Big Belle might regret this later but for now, little Belle was happy. As they entered her living room, a large space that had a few nice sized couches, a large plasma screen television that usually would be stuck on espn or boring action shows, now was locked on disney plus. A few of her plushes decorated the room as well now, the coffee table having a few coloring books and a few of the more solid blues and blacks that made up the room were replaced with more vibrant and cheerful colors. The only one that would have been odd to see in this place was a custom paddle that she had ordered three weeks ago. It was baby blue in color with her name on it in cute white letters, as well as a drawing of a girl with pink bottom standing in a corner, sticking her tongue out.
She had worked hard to get the place just right last night.
Big Belle did a good job.
Belle squirmed a bit as Alphonso took a seat on the couch and pulled her smaller frame in between his legs. Keeping her close so that she could not run away or wiggle her way out. “Now little Belle, do you remember what you are supposed to say?”
The much shorter girl shook her head defiantly, of course she knew what to say but she wasn’t gonna go down without a fight. She yelped as Alphonso reached around and planted a firm swat across her small backside making her jump. “Fine!” Belle said with a stomp of her foot only to earn one one more swat on her pajama covered bottom. “I said fine,” Belle cried out as she reached back to rub her stinging hiney.
“I don’t like your little attitude young lady,” Alphonso voice was a bit deeper than that normal soft tenor voice that he often used. “Now you can either say what you need to say like a big girl, or daddy can give you a few spanks with Mr. Spoon if you want.”
A bit of color left Belle’s face as she quickly shook her head a few times. She had once brought one of her mother’s large cooking spoons to the boy to use on her backside. She quickly discovered that it was the worst thing in the world she could have used on her backside. Belle took a deep breath before saying as cutely as she could. “I have been a very naughty girl for a very long time, please give me a spanking to remind me to be a good wittle girl each and every day.” It was a modified version of the line from her favorite story.
“Good girl,” Alphonso praised as he set his hands on the hem of her pajama pants. “And do naughty girls get to keep their pants up for spankings?” She cutely shook her head and her face blushed as pink as her hair as he took down her pants revealing a cute pair of green panties over in a red apple print. “And do naughty girls get to keep their panties up for spankings?”
“If they say pwetty please, maybe?” That got the boy to crack a small grin. “No, daddy.” She then added as she didn’t want to risk a swat to her backside for that funny comment. Her face took on a brighter color as he then pulled down her panties exposing her small bare rump. He lifted her small frame up and draped her across her lap. She cutely reached out to grab one of her stuffed bears and hugged it close to her.
An adorable little yelp escaped her mouth as the first solid swat landed on her backside completely flattening her cheeks. Her feet began to beat a solid tone on the couch as she kicked them up and down with each swat that landed on her tush. There was a small wave of sting that began to build in her bottom, he spanked her at a brisk and steady pace, maybe going easy on her as it was early in the morning. Or maybe he was still a bit tired this morning, that didn’t stop it from hurting nonetheless. She pressed her face deeper into the soft and sweet smelling teddy in her hands, this one came with the smell of strawberries. Each new swat made her yelp and that sting started to grow more making her consider throwing a hand back to protect her bottom.
However, if he was anything like the daddy in the story she had asked this boy to play. That would only get her more spanks, maybe with Mr. Meanie Spoon at that.
So she closed her eyes as he swatted her from the right to left, his hand being big enough to cover her small backside with one swat but he still alternated cheeks with each swat he brought down. Evenly warming her bare bottom, he kept another hand on her back patting a gentle beat on it. It was an odd mix of sting and gentle caresses that reminded her that he was right here. Once her bottom had taken on a solid pink color from top to bottom, her daddy lifted her up and sat her on her feet. “Are we done?” She asked cutely. One hand rubbed her stingy rear and the other rubbed her eye.
“I think you know the answer,” her daddy replied as he pointed not at the paddle she had set out but at the soft pink hairbrush that had also kept out. “I think I will warm your bottom up with that for now.”
“Y-Yes daddy,” she replied as she walked over and grabbed that brush. Grateful that she had decided to leave it out as she wanted her daddy to redo her hair but from her own experiments in spanking herself long before she met this boy. It stung like the dickens. She handed him her hairbrush and Belle was once again over his lap, her pink rear sticking up and her legs kicking a bit more as that solid plastic brush began to beat a rhythm onto her bare booty. It was small enough that he had to spank the top of one cheek and then the bottom of her cheek to evenly warm it up. Her yelps got louder as her bottom got pinker and pinker. As she started to sob a bit over his lap and was a nanosecond from reaching back to try and block. That brush finally came to a stop and her daddy lifted her up.
“Now go and stand in the corner for a few minutes, little one.” He said sending her on her way with one small swat to her backside made her jump and she carefully waddled her way over to the corner. Her pants and panties still at her ankles almost acting like shackles. “Don’t try it little Belle.” She whimpered as she went to rub her backside a bit but then set her hands on her head instead. “Good girl.”
Ten minutes felt like ten hours as she danced from foot to foot trying her hardest to stay still like a good little but also very much wanted to rub her bottom right now. She had been spanked by the boy before when she was big Belle. However she was always able to rub after, and he had only spanked her bare butt once, but she had requested that for all of the spankings hse may earn today. She wanted them on her bare bottom. As he called her out of the corner, her hands came to rest on her stinging rump to rub the sting out of it like it was on fire. She performed the well spanked dance on the spot, probably providing a cute scene for her daddy as he sat on the couch.
“You can replace your clothes and come here now, Little Belle.” He called out, she took a moment to rub her bottom a bit more before pulling up her panties and pajama pants. She quickly walked over and was glad that her daddy lifted her up and set her on his lap to hug her close. “I hope that reminds you to be a good little girl today.”
Belle nodded her head against his chest taking in the smell of the dark smelling lotion he wore. “I will be good today, and if I am weally good today can we maybe skip my bedtime spanking?” She asked, looking up at him with a pair of cute little pink eyes.
“We will see, but if you do earn a spanking today, then your bedtime spanking ight be a bit harder, sounds fair?”
“What about no spankings at all,” she said, making him laugh once more as he held her close. “C-Can I watch tv now, you promised I could.”
“Of course you can.” Belle smiled as she reached towards the remote and began what was gonna be a very long and little day, and she was glad she had a friend that would let her be like this for at least today.
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A/N: So just a quick note, this part will be finished in episode 5-B I promise it is. I try to make each chapter (episode) 6 to 7 pages in length. So I will hopefully have part two up maybe tonight or even tomorrow afternoon, depending on how work goes tomorrow lol. Until than.
Thanks for ready,
And behave yourselves.
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