As he watched the chase with slight amusement he was shocked to see Arius leap down from a building across him, interrupting the pursuit. The girl turned and slowed slightly, but Arius, without turning to face her snarled “run” that’s all it took, she bolted. Wanting nothing to do with any of her pursuers or her possible hero. “Get the hell out of our way” one of the three said, stepping forward threateningly. Arius held his ground saying nothing. A second later the girl darted around a corner, out of view. And just like that a switch was flipped in Arius as he savagely attacked the three men, ripping them to shreds and devouring their flesh. A light bulb went on in Aeron’s mind as he realized the obvious. Arius hunted humans who deserved no pity. He hunted the murderers and the rapists and all the evil doers.
Aeron smirked as Arius wiped the remaining blood off his face onto the sleeve of his black jacket. Their eyes met for a brief moment before Aeron turned and left, seeming as though he had better things to do. He walked to the opposite side of the building he had watched his little show from and stepped off the edge into a neighboring alley way. Arius didn’t follow him, which was a prediction that was only slightly expected. After a moment of thinking of a good place to hunt Aeron remembered the girl who Arius had rescued earlier. The homeless and the evil doers were always the easiest to pick off without any suspicion. He wandered around the building where the chase earlier had reached its end to find Arius had already left. With a small smirk he began to track the girls scent.
As he had anticipated she didn’t get very far, yet she did go through some abandoned buildings, putting borders between her and the chase he speculated. Soon he followed her scent to an old broken down apartment complex, it must’ve been vacant for ten years at the least. He stealthily made his way in. listening carefully until he heard her quiet breathing and steady heartbeat. He made his way up a few stair cases before coming across a hole bashed into a wall revealing a hidden room. He peeked in the four foot tall opening to see her laying on an old mattress.
He looked around the room in awe, drawings on old newspapers covered the walls and littered the musty old floor. Most of them were done in pen and pencil but a few looked like charcoal. Tacks, tape, nails, and even staples held the drawings on the walls. Lots of them were drawings of people but another great portion were monsters and animals and such. And they were done very well, the details were shocking, especially for a self-taught artist.
The girl shifted slightly with a small groan, that’s when Aeron realized she was sleeping. He quietly crawled into the room through the gap in the wall, getting a better view. She was very very pale, which was strange for a person in LA. She must stay in here most of the time, only going out at night. It made sense, it was probably easier for her to steal and scavenge for anything at night. He also noticed her hands were covered in charcoal, probably from a recent drawing. He realized that she seemed to only own one pair of clothes, black jeans and a black hoodie that seemed to be covering a dark grey T-shirt. She had a pair of black converse shoes next to the mattress. And next to that was the stitched up satchel she’d been carrying.
Aeron gently picked up the satchel and opened it to find bags of food, headphones, an old cracked iPod, a sketch book, and some drawing materials. This was most likely all of her belongings. He knew most of this stuff was probably stolen or possibly donated. Gently he set the satchel back down and continued to look over his prey. She shifted again, stirring slightly in her sleep. He titled his head slightly and sighed in thought. Should I eat her now or start a stalking game… or should I just leave her be..? He pondered for a moment. He was definitely hungry because he hadn’t eaten since last night, but something felt off about this one, something that he couldn’t place.
After a while longer of looking at her and mulling over his options he started to feel a possessiveness that he couldn’t place. Perhaps he was starting to view her as his prey and his alone, the dominance in his instincts kicking in. He knew it would be a matter of time before another vampire from his clan or maybe a vampire from another clan found her, so leaving her felt wrong. But at the same time, he didn’t want this possessive feeling gone just yet. It had been almost a year since he played the stalking game, so it was most likely the need for that stabbing at him.
He frowned slightly as he tried to think through his options. He sighed and slowly stood up from the mattress side. After taking one last look around the room he stepped out through the gap and vanished into the night. Once again he began his hunt, running and leaping from building to building in search for prey. During his run he thought about the homeless girl, wondering to himself why he hadn’t just eaten her while he was there. He simply shook it off as a feeling of need for a stalking game.