Before long he came across a small trio of drunks, fresh from the bar. He followed the small group from the hidden distance of the rooftops. He continued to follow them, waiting for them to wander into a secluded area. The trio was made up of two men and a woman, both of the fellows were larger and had dirty blonde hair, most likely brothers or close friends. The woman had wild red curly hair, makeup caked her face, and it was all too obvious to tell she had some work done. He sneered slightly in disgust. Humans with plastic surgery were a pain in the ass for his kind. The nasty silicone and other products used had to be eaten around, sometimes when it came to these people simply draining them of blood had to suffice. Although that sounds like enough, to his kind that was like eating only half a meal.
After following the group for a few minutes they finally stumbled into an apartment building. Aeron stepped off of the current building he had been on and landed silently on his feet toward the edge of the street. Pulling his hood over his head he casually followed his dinner into the apartment building, keeping a good distance he tracked them to the room number 42. He stood at the door and listened, he could hear them talking. He waited until they moved further into the apartment, once it sounded as though there was a wall between them and the door he grabbed the handle, and turned it until the lock snapped. The trio seemed oblivious to the noise and so he continued. Opening the door he sauntered in, closing it behind him quietly. After a minute or two the group made their way back into the main room, where Aeron stood waiting.
After finishing his meal Aeron smirked in pride at his scare tactics. To Aeron the best part of the hunt is ensuing fear on the victims, something he always managed to excel at for his own sadistic pleasure. He left through the window of the room, leaving behind the mess of his night’s dinner. On his run home he once again thought of the homeless girl. He wanted her out of his mind, he hated the idea of his brain viewing a human with what almost felt like pity. Maybe she’d make a good midnight snack. He thought, that’d get her out of my head. Yet as he thought this, he continued his path home to Chemung mine. He knew on the inside that he didn’t want to end this just yet, he wanted to draw this out, turn it into his most interesting stalking game yet.
For the rest of the two and a half hour run home he thought of how this game would go, how he could make it more interesting than simply toying with the girl. Soon he found himself back in the mines, the rising sun hot at his heels. Everyone had gotten back before him, Cerin smiled warmly at his arrival, “there you are, I was beginning to think you weren’t going to make it back before the sun came up” he said with a small smile. Arius was leaning against the wall behind him, he refused to look up at Aeron. He presumed Arius believed that Aeron had devoured the homeless girl he’d rescued, and Aeron could see that the thought of it bothered him. For a moment he felt ashamed for wanting to have done so before.
Arius left to his bunk after a moment and shortly everyone followed suit. It was another sleepless day for Aeron, more thoughts of not just Arius, but of the homeless girl in LA. He wondered what she was doing at that exact moment… he also wondered why he was thinking about her so much. He wanted to brush it off, once again, as another stabbing need for a stalking game. But he felt he may be wrong, he almost feared he may be wrong.
The day dragged on and on before the sun finally set, the second it was safe he darted outside as he had the night before. He hardly hunted that night, too wrapped up in his thoughts. He arrived home only an hour before sunrise, deciding he was satisfied till the sun would once again set. He was as usual the first one home, the others using their time to its fullest. Pacing around the cavernous mine, he toyed with the thought of starting a stalking game. It’d been so long since he last started a game. His hesitation was due to the fact that since he had joined this clan, his stalking games were always ruined or interrupted thanks to his fellow clan members. For example, Cerin killed Aeron’s last toy, and neglected telling him. Making it a game of confusion and annoyance.
His thoughts were interrupted by Cerin punching his shoulder playfully. “So..” he asked “Who’s the homeless girl?” Aeron froze, his feeling of overpowering possessiveness returning, clawing at him like an enraged demon, threatening to escape and rip Cerin to shreds. “How is this any of your business?” he questioned in a guttural voice, peeking his rage. He knew Cerin would kill her, just as a means to piss him off. “Whoa whoa calm down, I promise no assassinations this time” he quickly replies with a smirk. Aeron just glares menacingly “if you’re lying so help me I’ll make your hunts miserable for the next hundred years.” Cerin just continued smirking and walked deeper into the mine, saying nothing in response to Aeron’s threat.
Cerin was unpredictable, either he felt threatened, or the threat wasn’t enough to worry him. Aeron had learned to just predict the worst, it was the safest way to go when it came to Cerin, and most of the time it was the correct way to go. He knew he had to beat Cerin to the girl this upcoming night, or he may not have a toy for a while.