Oliver and Jaxx are sitting in a seat together on a bus, almost half of Oliver's body is sticking out into the hallway because of his massive physique
Oliver reaches his hands up in the air to stretch, but he can't because his hands hit the ceiling
"This is going to be fun," said Oliver.
His arms come back down and he turned to look at Jaxx, who is looking out the window
"Are ya ready pal?" Asked Oliver.
Jaxx continues to look out the window
"I'm kind of nervous, I'm not strong like you," said Jaxx.
Oliver smiles, grabs the top of Jaxx's head and wiggles it around
"Get out of your own head, just try your best and I know you'll make it," said Oliver.
The bus stops at the school and all the students get off with their luggage
Four people are standing at the gates waiting for the students
The students walk up to the gate and stop in front of the four people
One of them walks to the front
"Hi, I'm Brandon, the fire sage, this is Jesse, the water sage, Ben, the light sage, and Scott, the dark sage, we will be your instructors for the entrance exam. It will span over multiple weeks, giving you some time to recover from each test. These next couple of weeks will include survival tests, physical tests, energy tests, and to finish it off we will have some duels. It will determine whether you're up for the task of being an elemental," said Brandon.
The gates open and the instructors start walking into the campus
"Follow us and we'll show you to your dorm rooms," said Brandon.
The students follow the instructors to the dorm rooms
"This campus is so big," thinks Jaxx.
The instructors stop in front of a building
"This is the dorm area, go and get unpacked for now," said Brandon.
The kids go up to their rooms and unpack their luggage
Oliver is walking around the dorm rooms. He sees Jaxx and starts walking towards him
"Meet in the training facilities at 12pm sharp, we are going to start some testing," said Jesse over the intercoms.
As the intercoms are hanging up, Oliver slaps Jaxx on the back, making him fall forward
"Let's go explore the campus for a little bit before the test," said Oliver with a friendly grin.
Jaxx regained his balance and looked back over to Oliver
"What was that for? Alright fine, let's go," said Jaxx.
Jaxx and Oliver walked around, admiring the campus, they found the cafeteria, the training facilities, they also walked past a couple other buildings that they couldn't figure out what they were
"This way," said Oliver as he pointed.
They turned the corner to see the main school building, it was huge
"Woahhhh," said Jaxx, "that's huge."
"Lets head back, It's almost time," said Oliver.
When Jaxx and Oliver walk into the training facilities they see that the rest of the students are already there
Oliver puts his hand behind his head
"Looks like we're the last ones here," said Oliver with a nervous smile.
Brandon walks over to the students and points to a giant crystal in the corner of the room
"For the first test, you will touch that energy crystal. It will glow different colors for a corresponding level of energy, going from yellow, being the worst, to purple, green, blue, orange, red, and finally, black, being the best."
Brandon walks up next to the crystal and holds up a clipboard with a list of the students
"I'm going to call you up one by one to touch the crystal and record your color," said Brandon, "Lauren."
Lauren gets purple
"Well, at least it wasn't yellow," said Lauren.
Nathaniel gets purple
"Are you kidding me? Purple?" said Nathaniel.
Bailey gets purple
"Wait, is purple good or bad? I forgot," said Bailey.
Dalton gets blue
"It's ok I guess," thought Dalton.
Janae gets green
"As I predicted," said Janae.
Madi gets green
"Pretty good for now," said Madi.
Skyler gets purple
"What!? This crystal must be broken," said Skyler.
Cameron gets purple
"I'll have to improve my energy then," said Cameron.
Greta gets purple
"As long as I didn't get yellow," said Greta.
Drake gets green
"And I wasn't even trying," he said underneath his breath.
Tryston gets green
"Easy," said Tryston.
Gene gets yellow
"That's alright, I don't need energy, I have my strength," said Gene as he flexed his bicep.
Delaney gets yellow
"I'm really gonna have to work hard if I want to catch the rest of the kids here," said Delaney.
John gets blue
"It should've been red," said John.
Oliver gets blue
"It's a good start," said Oliver.
Dalton looks at Oliver, analyzing him
"He's going to be the one who causes the most trouble for me," thought Dalton.
Jaxx gets yellow
"I'll have to work even harder then," thought Jaxx.
Brandon looks over the sheet
"Looks like we got a lot of purples. That's not bad for a bunch of beginners. For you greens and blues, don't get cocky, you still have a long way to go.
Brandon touches the crystal and it glows red
"I can only get it to glow red, and I'm one of the strongest people here, I wouldn't be surprised if there's someone out there that could make this crystal explode, that's how hard we have to work," said Brandon.
Jesse walks to the front
"This is all we needed for today, we'll pick up with the physical tests tomorrow," said Jesse.
All the students go back to the dorms, excited for the days ahead
On the way back Jaxx and Oliver encounter some upperclassmen
The upperclassmen stop in front of Jaxx
"How are YOU ever going to be an elemental with that weak energy," said one of the upperclassmen.
Oliver steps in
"Leave him alone," said Oliver.
They look at him and smirk
"And you, why are you hanging out with this weakling, you have so much more potential, if you just ditched this loser you could get so much stronger," said the other upperclassmen.
Oliver gets really mad, but doesn't say anything
Jaxx speaks up
"They're right Oliver, I'd be lucky if I even made it into this academy,"
Jaxx walks by them with his head hung
Oliver looks at the upperclassmen with disgust
"He'll be stronger than all of you combined some day," yells Oliver.
He walks past them, steaming with anger. They cower, feeling his hateful aura
Oliver catches up to Jaxx and they go back to the dorms together in silence
Oliver it getting ready for bed, but he hears something outside, so he walks over to his window and pulls the curtains to the side to see Jaxx training
"He's using his flames as a rocket booster to increase the power of his attacks, he's going to be a force to be reckoned with" thinks Oliver.
Oliver rolled over and went to bed
"That kid will be the strongest some day," said Oliver with a relieving smile as he dozes off to sleep.
The sun peaks over the horizon, shining on the academy, birds were chirping
Brandon comes over the intercoms
"Rise and shine everyone, breakfast is in the cafeteria at 7:30, after breakfast we will start some physical tests."
Delaney roles over and looks at her alarm clock
"Seven o'clock? Are you kidding me?"
The students made their way to the cafeteria, they filled the line for breakfast.
"Eggs, bacon, and pancakes! My favorite!" said Jaxx.
Oliver and Jaxx walk over with their food and sat down at a table
"I wonder how everyone is going to do in the tests," said Oliver.
Jaxx looks around the room at the other students
"I think we'll have numbers all over the place, with some people excelling in strength categories, some in the speed categories, some in the energy categories, and then you have the powerhouses like you and Dalton that excel in everything," said Jaxx.
Brandon and the other instructors walk into the cafeteria
"Testing will start at 8:15, we'll see you in the training facilities,"
The instructors walk out and the students continued eating
"I wonder what the tests will be like,"
"Yeah, what do you think the first one will be?" said some students from another table.
Jaxx stands up
"I'm done eating, let's go early and get warmed up Oliver," said Jaxx.
Jaxx starts walk over to dump his tray
Oliver stands up quickly, shoving the rest of his food in his mouth
"Wait up!" Said Oliver.
All the students went to the training facilities, they were all stretching and warming up
Scott walks up in front of the group of kids
"You can use your element to enhance yourself, but it cannot physically do the task assigned, understand?" Said Scott.
Ben walks up next to Scott
"First we will have a series of jumps. Long jump, vertical jump, and running long jump," said Ben.
Ben called up the students one by one and recorded their scores for long jump
Electricity started coming off Lauren's body and she quickly jumped in the air getting 10'3 feet
Wind started swirling around his feet, as he jumped the wind hit the other student's faces, he got 12'5 feet
Bailey walked up to the line
"My element can't do anything to help me, how am I supposed to keep up with the other kids?"
Bailey gave it her all, but she only got 6'0 feet
Dalton walked up to the line and without hesitation or use of his element, he jumped and got 23'8 feet
Janae got 8'4 feet
As Madi jumped, she shot water out of her feet, propelling her off the ground to get 14'8 feet
Skyler got 7'1 feet
"My element isn't built for that," he said sadly.
Wind started swirling around Cameron's feet just as it did with Nathaniel, the wind propelled him in the air, shooting wind at the other students again to get 11'7 feet
"Thankfully Nathaniel went before me so I could copy his move," thought Cameron.
Greta got 9'3 feet
"My element doesn't help out much here," she said.
Drake squatted down jump, he exploded up, sending a shockwave of air in every direction, getting 18'7 feet
Nathaniel was amazed
"So that's the difference in our energy levels," said Nathaniel.
Tryston walked up to the line, as he got ready to jump a miniature whirlpool formed beneath his feet, when he jumped it sent water everywhere, soaking the students and instructors, he got 17'6 feet
Madi was surprised
"How did he do so much better than me, we had the same color and energy level. He should be in the blue category," thought Madi.
It was Gene's turn, his muscles got bigger and veins popped all over his body, as he jumped the ground shook a little, he got 19'6 feet
Delaney got 8'7 feet
"My element doesn't help me here," she thought.
John got 19'5 feet
"I could've got more," said John.
Oliver got 21'10 feet
"That wasn't half bad," said Oliver.
Jaxx was the last one
"How am I going to keep up with Oliver and them- no, shut up Jaxx, you can do this, this is what you've been working for," thought Jaxx.
As Jaxx jumped he made fire come out of his feet, boosting him in the air
Jaxx got 11'9 feet
"I'm gonna have to work hard to catch up to all of them," thought Jaxx.
Ben seems impressed by their numbers
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"Alright, it's time for the next test, vertical jump," said Ben.
Lauren got 5'4 feet, Nathaniel got 6'2 feet, Bailey got 5'3 feet, Dalton 11'8 feet
Janae got 5'7 feet, Madi got 6'3 feet, Skyler got 4'8 feet, Cameron got 5'2 feet
Greta got 6'3 feet, Drake got 7'7 feet, John got 8'6 feet, Gene got 9'5 feet
Delaney got 4'3 feet, Tryston got 7'7 feet, Oliver got 10'10 feet, Jaxx got 7'3 feet
Ben continues the exams, calling up the students for the running long jump
Lauren got 25'4 feet, Nathaniel got 25'8 feet, Bailey got 24'6 feet, Dalton got 38'9 feet
Janae got 25'6 feet, Madi got 26'4 feet, Skyler got 24'2 feet, Cameron got 24'6 feet
Greta got 25'5 feet, Drake got 30'8 feet, John got 33'7 feet, Gene got 32'9 feet
Delaney got 22'9 feet, Tryson got 30'8 feet, Oliver got 36'10 feet
Jaxx gives a determined look toward Oliver
"I've been at the bottom of the class all morning, I have to give it my all here," thought Jaxx.
Jaxx lines up for the jump. He builds up his composure and goes to activate his element
Suddenly he had this weird feeling that gave him goosebumps
"What's this weird feeling?" thought Jaxx.
Jaxx's flames activated, but they didn't look the same, they looked almost solid
"These flames feel stronger than my normal flames," he thought.
Jaxx's flames burst, sending him flying forward
Oliver squints his eyes
"What's up with his flames, they look weird?" Oliver thought.
Jaxx flicks his hands down shooting fire out of them and his feet, sending him flying in the air, his arms and legs dangling
He lands on the ground, everyone stands in silence
Jesse yells from where Jaxx is standing, 39'1 feet!
"But at what cost? This kid's gonna kill himself at this rate," thinks Jesse.
Jesse runs back carrying Jaxx's limp body
Delaney helps Jaxx to the ground and starts to heal him
Jaxx's burned up body started to return back to normal, leaving some scars behind
"I'm sorry this is as much as I can heal, but it should do for now," said Delaney.
Jaxx wakes up in confusion, he sits up and look at Delaney
"Did I do it?"
Delaney replies
"You did amazing, 39'1 feet!"
Oliver walks over to Jaxx
Jaxx proudly smiles at Oliver
Oliver slaps Jaxx, sending him flying
Jaxx sits back up
"What was that for-"
Oliver cuts off Jaxx, grabbing him by his collar, violently shaking him
"Why would you go and do that, dumbass, you could've gotten yourself killed,"
Jaxx just smiles at Oliver again
"But I didn't, did I? I even showed everyone how strong I can be, just like you said," said Jaxx as he passed out.
A gong is rung off catching everyone's attention
"That means lunch is ready, go eat and prepare for the next test," said Brandon.
The students start walking towards the cafeteria
"Oliver. Delaney . I want you two to bring Jaxx back to his room so he can recover," said Brandon.
Jaxx wakes up again
"Is that my ceiling?" He asked himself.
Oliver is sitting next to Jaxx's bed
"Yes it is, you passed out so I brought you back to recover, Delaney healed you the best she could, I brought you your lunch, here start eating," explained Oliver.
Jaxx looked down at his completely bandaged body
"Are we done with tests for the day?" Jaxx asked.
Oliver's face gave a worried expression
"About that. Brandon said if you can't participate in any more tests without injuring yourself, you will be expelled from the entrance exams," said Oliver.
Before Jaxx could say anything there was a knock on the door
"May I come in?" said Brandon.
Oliver walked over to the door and opened it
"Come in," said Oliver.
Brandon walks in and looks at Oliver
"I need to speak with Jaxx alone for a second? I won't take long," said Brandon.
Oliver nods and leaves the room, as soon as the door closes Brandon walks over and sits down next to Jaxx
"I assume Oliver already told you," said Brandon.
"That you guys are kicking me out if I can't do any more tests? Yeah, he told me," said Jaxx.
"While that statement is true, that's not the whole case," said Brandon.
"What do you mean?" Jaxx asked.
"Well I've been watching you really closely, and I've noticed that your fire is very unique. Well, not your normal fire. It seems that whenever that black tint shows up it becomes too much for your body," said Brandon.
"Now that you say that, my fire did feel a lot stronger whenever I'd get hurt," said Jaxx.
"If you stop yourself from going too far and injuring yourself, you can continue the tests," said Brandon.
Jaxx gave a relieved smile
"I'll do my best sir," said Jaxx.
"I'm serious, because if you can make it through this exam and become a student here, I'll make you strong enough to be able to use that power. You have so much potential, so don't let it end here," said Brandon.
Brandon stands up and starts walking out of the room
"Oh and by the way. Don't tell anyone about the conversation we had today," said Brandon.
Jaxx nodded as Brandon opened the door and walked out
Oliver comes back in right as Brandon leaves
"What did he say? Are you going to be able to stay?" Oliver asked.
"He told me that as long as I'm careful, I can keep going," said Jaxx.
"Yeahhh!" Oliver yelled.
"If you're going to continue the exams we have to hurry, the next one is starting soon," said Oliver.
Oliver and Jaxx walk out of the dorm rooms, Jaxx still adjusting his clothes
"I believe you're strong enough Jaxx, even if you don't," thought Oliver.
Jaxx and Oliver catch up to the students, they are following the instructors to an open field
Brandon turns to the students
"We are going to test your speed, you will be running a 40 meter dash," said Brandon.
Delaney walks up to Jaxx and touched the bandages on his arm
"How's the bandaging holding up?" Delaney asked.
Jaxx got a little flustered
"Th-their holding up great, thank you," said Jaxx.
The students lined up one at a time, getting called off by Jesse
Dalton was first, he got 2.90 sec, Oliver got 3.21 sec, Drake got 3.49 sec, John got 3.93 sec, Tryston got 3.54 sec, Gene got 3.91 sec, Lauren got 3.83 sec, Cameron got 4.23 sec
"I copied Lauren's element but I couldn't keep up with her, I need to work on my bond with electricity," thought Cameron.
Nathaniel got 4.88 sec, Bailey got 5.35 sec, Janae got 4.68 sec, Madi got 4.70 sec, Greta got 4.99 sec, Jaxx got 5.38 sec, Skyler got 5.66 sec, Delaney got 6.01 sec
"I didn't get last, even though I didn't use my element," thought Jaxx.
Jesse looked up from his clipboard
"That is everyone for the speed test, go back to your rooms to prepare for the next test," said Jesse.
All the student head back the their rooms to rest and recover
Jaxx is laying on his bed with his arms, abdomen and legs still all bandaged up when he hears a knock on the door
The door inches open, to reveal Delaney peaking in
"Are you still doing ok? I made you this tea to help you recover,"
Jaxx sits up on his bed and leans against the wall
"Yeah I'm doing ok, thank you,"
Jaxx takes the tea and drinks it
"That should help you recover enough to be ready for our next test," said Delaney as Jaxx drank the tea.
Jaxx gives the empty cup back to Delaney
"Thank you Delaney , I don't know what I'd do without you," Jaxx laughed
Delaney stands up quickly, blushing a little
"I have some stuff I need to work on so I'll let you rest," she said, flustered.
She scurries out of the room
Jaxx gives a confused look
"Oh, ok, good luck," said Jaxx.
After Delaney left the room she did a little celebratory dance
Oliver saw Delaney's little dance in the hallway
"Were you coming to check on Jaxx too?" he asked.
Delaney stops her dance
"Y-yeah, I gave him some tea to help him recover,"
Oliver walks past her and pats her on the shoulder
"Then I won't check on him since you're taking such good care of him," he chuckles.
She smiles and walks off
Jaxx wakes up to Brandon talking over the intercoms
"The next test will start in 10 minutes, make your way down to the training facilities," said Brandon.
Jaxx walks out his room and sees Oliver waiting for him out of the corner of his eye
"Ready?" Oliver asked.
Jaxx turned to answer with a big smile
"Ready," said Jaxx.
They made their way to the training facilities
They walked in to see the other students stretching and preparing
The instructors walked up to the front of the group to explain the next test
"The next test will be the punching machine, it measures the strength of your physical attacks" said Jesse
Jesse calls up the students one by one
Lauren gets 1870, Nathaniel gets 2450, Bailey gets 2230, and Dalton gets 5560
Janae got 1870, Madi got 2540, Skyler got 3020, and Cameron got 3120
"He copied my element and still somehow beat my score," thought Skyler in anger.
Gretta got 2780, Drake got 4070, John got 4460, and Gene got 4730
Delaney got 1710, Tryston got 4010, Oliver got 5120, and Jaxx got 3120
The bandaging on his right arm was slightly burned
"I almost took it too far again," thought Jaxx.
The punching machine flipped with the floor, making it disappear underground, the doors closed and the lights turned red
Walls came out of the floor of the building, enclosing all the students in a 40 by 40 foot area
Suddenly something surprised all the students
"What's going on," thought Jaxx.
The instructors were standing in the middle of the room
"The final physical test. You will have to evade obstacles with high gravity. Be careful, obstacles can appear from anywhere in this building. We are starting on ten times gravity and will go up as time passes, good luck," said Brandon.
The instructors were lifted up to a booth connected to the ceiling to be out of the way
"Oh and by the way, if and when you fall down and you stay down for more than five seconds you're out," yelled Brandon as they rose to the ceiling.
For a little while the were no obstacles so all the students were slightly confused
Brandon came over the loudspeaker
"Level two, times 20 gravity," he said.
Cannons emerged from the wall and started shooting plastic balls at them
A couple of the students got hit and knocked over, Jaxx being one of them, but they all got back up in time
Oliver runs over to Jaxx
"Are you all right?" asked Oliver.
"Don't worry about me," replied Jaxx.
A couple more minutes passed
Brandon came back over the loudspeaker again
"Level three, 30 times gravity," he said.
4 spinning machines came out of the ground, they had with arms that constantly changed in length
Some of the students start to struggle and drop out
"Bailey, Cameron, and Delaney are out," said Brandon over a loudspeaker.
The test continues on for almost an hour
"Level five, 50 times gravity," said Brandon.
"Lauren, Janae, and Greta are out," said Brandon.
"Level six, 60 times gravity," said Brandon.
"Jaxx, Nathaniel, and Madi are out," said Brandon.
More students drop out, with seven remaining. Dalton, Oliver, John, Tryston, Drake, Gene, and Skyler
"Level seven, 70 times gravity," said Brandon.
"Skyler is out," said Brandon.
"Level eight, 80 times gravity," said Brandon.
"Tryston and Drake are out," said Brandon.
More have dropped out, leaving the final four. Dalton, Oliver, John, and Gene
Brandon continues to up the levels
"Level nine, 90 times gravity," said Brandon.
"Final level, 100 times gravity,"
"Gene is out," said Brandon.
John starts to struggle, but Oliver and Dalton look just fine
The instructors look at each other
"For the final round you can now try to knock each other out of the test,"
They all paused for a second, then Dalton, who had not moved until now, turned towards John and started walking towards him. John took a step back, activated his metal on his arms and raised them in front of him in a defensive position. In a split second Dalton punched John and sent him into the wall, he landed on the floor and struggled to get back up. As he stood up Dalton reappeared behind him, kicking him to the floor.
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, John is out," said Brandon
Oliver appeared behind Dalton, punching him in the side as Dalton turned to block it, pushing him away. Dalton stood up straight
He smiled as he brushed off his shoulder
"I saved you for last," said Dalton
Oliver created a giant hammer made of stone
Dalton stuck his hand out and stopped one of the spinning machines, he broke of an end off of one of them
"This is going to be fun," said Dalton.
They both lunged at each other and collided, shaking the room
Oliver pulled away and hit the ground with the hammer, sending a wall of rock at Dalton
Dalton created an ice wall to block Oliver's attack, the collision shattered both of their moves
While Dalton was distracted by the ice and rock going everywhere, Oliver had come up behind him
Oliver went to hit Dalton with his hammer
"This is over," says Oliver.
Right as he was about to hit Dalton suddenly Brandon was there and had caught the hammer, with one hand he crushed the end of it, causing the hammer to crumble to the ground
"The test has concluded," said Brandon
The gravity simulation shut down as the other instructors came down
Dalton dropped the pole
"You got lucky," said Dalton.
Oliver looked to his left to see a giant icicle pointed at him, inches away from his head
Oilver walked into the waiting room where the rest of the students had gone as they got out
Jaxx limped over to Oliver and slapped him on the shoulder
"Good job buddy, you made it to the final two, I'm proud of you," said Jaxx.
Oliver gave a little smile
"Thank you, it means a lot," he said in a calm voice.
The intrustors walk in the waiting room with Dalton
Bandon claps, sending air waves throughout the room to get all of the students attention
"Good job today, get some rest and prepare for the next test, you have the rest of the week," said Brandon.
The instructors walked out
Jaxx made a confused face
"It's wednesday, why are they giving us so long?" asked Jaxx.
Oliver wrapped his arm around Jaxx and they started walking back
"The next test must be hard, but no matter what it is we'll be ready," said Oliver.
Jaxx laughs
"Let's go eat until our stomachs hurt," said Jaxx.
Oliver looks at Jaxx with a smile
"That sounds like a great idea," said Oliver.
There's a flash of electricity from somebody running in a dark room
"Ma'am, I have returned with the report" says Jake.
Jake kneels in front of a dark figure, electricity still coming off his body as if he was cooling down after using his element
Kyl walks out from behind the figure
"Continue," said Kyl.
Jake looks up
"I think I found another stone, one of the students from the School of Elements," said Jake.
Kyl looks unimpressed
"How do you know he has a stone?" Kyl asked.
Jake continues
"The amount of strength he had couldn't come from him alone, especially at that age. And he has this... presence about him, it seemed inhuman," explained Jake.
Kyl was still unimpressed
"And what do you think, oh great leader," said Kyl.
The dark figure leaned forward
"And you believe you have the power to get this stone?" Asked the figure.
Jake stayed kneeled
"Yes, I believe I do," said Jake.
The figure stood up and walked towards Jake, somehow still remaining in a shadow
"Ok, I'll let you go retrieve that stone for me," said the figure.
She put her hand on Jakes chin to lift his face up
"But if you fail me," said the figure.
She leaned in and whispered into his ear
"Well, you know what will happen," said the figure.
The figure slowly went back into the shadows and sat back down
"I understand you'll need assistance, so I've called some people in to help you," said the figure as she snapped.
Four people emerge from the shadows
"You got Jaedyn with the element of love," said the figure.
Jaedyn opens her Tessen and holds it up in embarrassment, covering part of her face
"Master Kyl is so handsome," says Jaedyn in a high pitched voice.
"Brayden with the element of metal," said the figure.
Brayden bumps his fists together
"I'm only helping because the master said so, so don't think you can tell me what to do," said Brayden.
"Ashley with the element of earth," said the figure.
Ashley throws her mace over her shoulder
"Don't talk to me," she said.
"And last but not least, Leah with the element of fire," said the figure.
Leah sticks her Ax in the ground
"I'm ready to kick some loser butt," she said.
"And with you as leader, you guys will be a team of five. Bring me a stone," said the figure.
All five of them spoke in unison
"Yes ma'am,"
They all disappeared with their corresponding elements in each of their places, accept Jaedyn
She blew Kyl a kiss and then was slowly enveloped in a pink swirl, when it went away she was gone
Kyl sighed and slapped his head
"I'm scared that one of these days she's gonna get me, every time she blows a kiss at me I shiver," said Kyl with a chuckle.
Kyl turned towards the figure
"Any instructions for me master?" Kyl asked.
"I want you to look for another stone, the sooner we have them all the better," said the figure.
Kyl nodded his head
"As you wish," said Kyl.
He vanished into mid air as he bowed towards the figure
"If Jake was right we'll be one step closer, they'll never even see it coming," said the figure.