Jakes brought his arms back down
"How can you cure him? there's no treatment for this disease," said Jake.
The figure suddenly appeared next to Thomas
"Get away from my brother," said Jake as he ran towards them.
As the figure touched Thomas's cheek a small part of the mark on his neck and face went away
Jake stopped running and watched in disbelief
"That's as much as I can do at once, but slowly he will be cured," explained the figure.
Jake fell to his knees
"Thank you, but I, don't have any money to pay you," said Jake.
The figure turned and looked at him
"I don't want money, I want your loyalty, I need help gathering something," said the figure.
The figure reached their hand out to Jake
"Will you help me, for your brother?" The figure asked.
Jake reached his hand out to the figure
Suddenly he came back to his senses, he saw Jaxx coming for another attack
Jake flipped in the air and dodged the attack, landing gracefully
"How is he still fighting even though he has that mark, and not just that, but he's faster and stronger now," thought Jake.
John appears next to Jake and throws a punch, forcing him to jump back
Jake lands on the ground
"That was a close one," he thought.
Suddenly Jaxx appeared in front of him and attacked
Jake weaved to the side
"To slow," said Jake.
A second later a diagonal slash appeared on his torso
"How'd he hit me?!" Jake thought.
John appeared behind him and threw a barrage of punches, and Jake dodged them all
"Damn he's fast," thought John.
John and Jaxx continued fighting Jake
Lauren and Delaney were watching them fight
"I can hardly see their moves," said Delaney .
"And I'm not fast enough to do anything, I would just get in the way," said Lauren.
"Where are the instructors at?" Delaney asked.
"I don't know, but I hope they're on their way," said Lauren.
Jesse is standing next to Jaedyn, his eyes were glowing completely pink, it's a 2v3 standoff
"What is her element? What could do something like this, is it a sacred gear?" Scott thought.
Jesse suddenly appeared right in front of Scott, the ground broke where he once stood
"He's too fast for me," thought Scott.
Brandon came in from the side and stopped Jesse's attack with his sword
Jesse jumped away as Brandon slice at him
Frost started coming off Jesse's body, everyone but brandon started coughing
"He's trying to freeze our lungs so we can't breathe," thought Scott.
Suddenly a dark flame enveloped Brandon, he smiled
"Nice try," said Brandon.
Everyone else jumped away but Brandon
"Can you deal with her for me Ben, I need to get somewhere that my range can reach the whole island," said Scott.
"Yes," said Ben as he got in his fighting stance.
Scott ran off into the forest
Jesse and Brandon's battle traveled all over the island
They landed in the forest, the trees were suddenly covered in frost and started falling down, but that did not stop them
Everytime they made a collision it would shake the ground
Brandon landed a hit on Jesse, leaving a cut on his chest
Jesse jumped back and stopped for a second
A light blue aura started coming off of him
"If we use that much power we could completely destroy the island! I have to end this now!" Brandon thought.
Brandon's katana got longer and turned a dark red color
"Sacred gear, sacred katana," said Brandon.
He appeared next to Jesse, the ground cracked where he once stood, the trees to his left were cut clean through, his sword was about to reach Jesse's neck
"Stop!!" Ben yelled.
The sword stopped centimeters in front of Jesse's neck, the wind pressure from the attack demolished everything behind him, leaving a crater
Jesse's eyes went back to normal as Jaedyn ran past them
"Sorry I don't have time to play anymore, bye-byee," she said.
Brandon's sword went back to normal
A small slit opened on Jesse's neck and he fell backwards onto the ground
Brandon caught him with one arm while re-sheathing his sword and laid him down on the ground
"What happened?" Jesse asked in a weak voice.
"I'll explain later. Ben, take Jesse back to the boat and treat him, I'm going to help the students" said Brandon as he took off.
Lauren looks around in confusion
"What was causing all that shaking?" Lauren asked.
"I don't know, but it hasn't stopped those two," said Delaney .
Jaxx, John, and Jake were still fighting, trees laying all around them
Jake moves even faster than before, appearing behind Jaxx
"I don't have any more time to waste on these kids," thought Jake.
"I'm gonna take you with me too," said Jake.
Jake went to pierce Jaxx in the back with his hand
Suddenly Jaxx jumped off the ground and did a backflip over Jake, while he was upside down directly above Jake, he swung his sword, cutting his left shoulder open
Jake fell forward onto the ground
"How? How is this kid so strong? Even when he has that mark," thought Jake.
Jaxx and John walked up to Jake, who was still on the ground
Jake dashed off, he was holding his shoulder and had a scared look on his face
"I need to get away, before I get killed," said Jake.
Jaxx falls over from exhaustion
Lauren and Delaney run over
"I'm going to stop the bleeding from his wounds, then you need to carry him to the instructors," said Delaney .
Delaney runs her hand over Jaxx's wounds to seal them
Brandon suddenly appears next to Oliver, who is still tied up
"Sorry I'm late, here, let me cut you free," said Brandon as he cut the ropes off Oliver.
Brandon stood up and looked over
"I'm going to go check up on the rest of the kids on the island, you guys make your way back to shore to be treated," said Brandon.
"I'll spread the message," said John as he dashed off.
Oliver stood up quickly
"Let me come with you so I can help," said Oliver.
"Don't you wanna go with your friend and make sure he's ok?" Brandon asked.
Oliver looked over at Jaxx, who was still laying on the ground
"He's strong, I know he'll be ok," said Oliver.
"Suit yourself, just try and keep up," said Brandon as he ran off.
Oliver dashed after him
"He's so fast!" Oliver thought.
Delaney and Lauren stood up, Jaxx thrown over Lauren's shoulder
"Let's head back to the boat so I can set up camp to treat the wounded," said Delaney.
Lauren nodded and they dashed off in different directions
Brandon's running around and notices ice clearing the top of the trees ahead of him
He increased his speed, dashing off as a little red flash
He stopped to see Dalton sitting against a tree
"Are you ok?" Brandon asked as he walked towards Dalton.
Dalton stood up
"No I'm fine, I was just having a little fun," said Dalton as he grinned.
Brandon looked over to see the Leah and Brayden stuck in the giant formation of ice
"Oh yeah, they've been dead for a little while now," said Dalton.
Brandon looked at Dalton with concern
"This kid's insane," thought Brandon.
"Make your way back to shore to be treated," said Brandon.
"Yes sir," said Dalton as he dashed off.
Brandon dashed off in the other direction
Gene and Janae are running through the forest
"What's going on?" Gene asked.
"I don't know but it sounds like a whole bunch of fighting so it can't be good," said Janae.
"Well then we need to go help-" Gene stopped.
They saw Madi and Skyler severely injured and on the ground
Janae kneeled down and checked their pulses
"Their still alive, but we need to get them help quickly," said Janae
"Hey!!" Yelled John.
John was running past them
"Bring them to the shore, they can get help there!" He yelled again.
Gene grabbed them both and threw them over his shoulder and started running to shore
Ashley is still guarding Nathniel and Greta
"This is stupid, I came here to fight somebody strong, but I got stuck guarding these losers," said Ashley.
"Be careful what you wish for," said Drake.
A green flash flew in front of Ashley, she reacted quickly and moved backwards
A cut opened on the top of her chest
Ashley gave an evil smile
"Finally, I get to have some fun too," she said.
Ashley pulled her mace off her back and hit the ground with it, sending waves of spikes coming out of the ground towards Drake
Drake dodged them and dashed at Ashley
She jumped back as she made a wall of rock come out of the ground
Suddenly Drake appeared behind her, he swung his machete at her head
She quickly ducked
"You're a quick one," she said, still smiling.
Ashley spins around, hurling her mace at Drake
Drake uses his machete's to block the attack, but he was still sent flying through the air
He landed on his back and bounced back into the air
Ashley appeared next to him and smashed him back into the ground, creating a crater
Ashley landed on the ground and walked over to the crater
"Disappointing, let's finish you off," said Ashley.
"Stop!" Yelled Cameron.
Cameron stuck out his hand, a spiral of winds came out destroying everything in its path, the ground, the plants, the trees
Ashley jumped out of the way just in time
"If that would've hit me I'd be dead," thought Ashley.
Suddenly Ashley was in front of Cameron, her mace inches away from his face
Her mace was hit by something and sent flying into a tree
"I didn't want to have to use this, but..." said Drake.
She looked over to see Drake bringing his hand down, a small amount of green energy was coming off his body, he had blood rolling down his face and torso
"I cannot lose now," he continued.
Ashley's eyes widened in shock as she jumped back and grabbed her mace
"From the looks of it you're probably about 16 years old, so how can you already use that, that's a sage level art," she said.
Drake suddenly appeared in front of Ashley
Ashley held her mace up sideways and used the handle to stop Drakes machete's
"If he was truly using the sage art I would be dead right now," thought Ashley. "Oh I see, you aren't actually using the sage art," she said.
Drake pushed off, pushing her back, and did a backflip to land on the ground
"You're not quite right, I am using the sage art, just not completely, I can use about five percent right now," explained Drake.
"Well if that's all you got then you won't be able to beat me," said Ashley.
"Oh that wasn't five percent, that was two," said Drake.
The energy surrounding Drake grew a little
"This is five percent," said Drake.
Drake attacked Ashley, flying past her, a green stream followed his blade
"He moved so fast! I couldn't see him!" Ashley thought.
Ashley had her mace held in the air, blocking the blow
"If it wasn't for pure instinct I wouldn't have blocked it in time," she thought.
Suddenly the top of her mace fell off, and the top half of her body fell to the ground, the trees and rocks around them were cut clean through
"What happened! Why can't I feel my legs!" Ashley said.
"You lost," said Drake.
Brandon had jumped in the air to get a better view of the island, he noticed a small section of trees laying down
He landed and started running towards the fallen trees
Drake fell over onto his back
"Five percent really takes it out of me," he said.
Suddenly Jeadyn appeared over Drake's head
"You really made a mess here didn't you?" She said.
Drake panicked and kicked at her
She jumped to the side to evade the attack
The shockwave from the kick continued on to demolish one side of a boulder
"I can feel how powerful she is, I can't hold back," thought Drake.
Suddenly Drake appeared above Jaedyn
A big ball of wind was created where Jeadyn was standing
"Omni-directional winds," said Drake.
There was a perfect semi-sphere in the ground where he attacked
Drake landed on the ground and the green aura started to wear off
"Looks like I won't be able to hold this form much longer," he thought.
Suddenly Jeadyn appeared next to Drake with an evil smile, her left arm was all bloody
She went to go slice Drake with her tessen, but he blocked it with his machetes
"I didn't expect a mere student to be so talented," said Jeadyn.
She spun around and kicked him in the gut, making him take a couple steps back
While he was off balance, Jaedyn attacked in him in an instant, leaving a heart shaped cut on his torso
Drakes green energy went away
"You were talented, but not quite strong enough," said Jeadyn.
Jaedyn turned around and went for a finishing blow
Suddenly a portal opened above Jaedyn
Thousands of slashed came down at her like rain drops
She jumped back, but got hit by one on the cheek
Tryston came out of the portal
"Rainstorm slashes," he said.
Bailey followed right behind Tryston
"More annoying kids," thought Jeadyn.
She went to take a step and stumbled a little
"What's this weird feeling?" said Jeadyn.
Tryston had his two blades, that were connected by a chain at the bases, thrown over his shoulders
"Rainstorm slashes, they dehydrate my opponent when I hit them, you're lucky you only got a small cut, if I'd have fully hit you with that attack, you wouldn't be able to move," explained Tryston.
"How is this generation of students so strong?...Although, even as strong as these kids are, they couldn't touch that kid from earlier," she had an image of Oliver in her head, "if it wouldn't have been for my spell I definitely would've lost. He's a monster."
Jaedyn charged Bailey, she went to slice her with her Tessen
Bailey opened a huge portal above Jaedyn, a giant slab of rock came down on Jaedyn
The rock hit the ground sending dust and dirt everywhere
Suddenly Jaedyn appeared behind Bailey and swings her Tessen at her
"Untouchable," said Bailey.
A black sphere instantly surrounded Bailey, Jaedyn's momentum carried her into it and she came out the other side
"She completely surrounded herself with her portals," thought Jaedyn.
Tryston attacked Jaedyn, doing a combo of slashes
Jaedyn weaved around and blocked them with her Tessen
The black sphere around Bailey went away and she made 15 more portals randomly around Jaedyn
Tryston jumped through the portals, slashing at Jaedyn as he flew by
She blocked the attacks with her Tessen, and kicked Tryston in the stomach, sending him flying over to Bailey
He landed in a crouched position and slid backwards next to Bailey
"She's too fast, the only hit I've got on her was that surprise attack. We're going to need help," said Tryston.
Jaedyn gives a surprised face
"Wow, he's already on the other side of the island," said Jaedyn. "Sorry guys, but I'm out of time," she continued.
Suddenly Jaedyn dashed off into the forest
Tryston picked Drake up
"I don't know where she's going but let's not waste any time, we need to get Drake to the ship," said Tryston.
Bailey made a portal to the ship and they jumped through it
Jake was still running away, holding his shoulder where he was cut
"I failed again, the master is going to kill me, I need to go get Thomas and find a place where they can never find me," thought Jake frantically.
"I found you," said Jaedyn into his ear
She stomped him face first into the ground from behind
She grabbed him with one hand and threw him into a tree, where he sank to the ground
"You failed again, so I have to kill you now," said Jaedyn.
"Please, just let me go and tell the master you couldn't find me,"said Jake.
"The master's words are final, you must die," said Jaedyn, coldly.
"What's going to happen to Thomas?" Jake asked.
"Oh don't worry, he's in good hands," said Jaedyn suspiciously.
"Wait-" Jake was cut off.
It hardly looked like Jaedyn moved, but Jake's head was suddenly cut into hundreds of little pieces, blood staining the tree behind him
"Now that that's taken care of, I should report to master," said Jaedyn.
Jaedyn jumped off into the forest
Oliver was running around in the forest
"Help! We're over here!" Yelled Nathanials voice.
Oliver looked over to see Nathanial and Gretta laying on the ground so he ran over to them, Gretta still looked unconscious
"You're going to need an instructor to get these things off our wrists, I've tried everything but they won't budge," said Nathanial.
Oliver reached down and pulled off the metal strips holding them to the ground
"How'd you do that so easily?!" Nathaniel exclaimed.
Oliver pulled the metal strips off of Gretta too
"We need to get back to shore," said Oliver as he picked up Gretta.
John comes running from the bushes
"Is everyone all right? I heard yelling over here," he said.
"Yeah, we're making our way back to the boat," said Oliver.
"Ok, I'll come with you," said John.