All the students are standing on a boating dock waiting to board a ship
Jaxx is stumbling while carrying his stuff
"Are you alright bud?" Oliver asked.
"I trained non-stop for three days so I didn't get much sleep," said Jaxx.
Oliver grabbed Jaxx's shoulders and held him straight up for a second
"Get some rest on the boat so you'll be ready for the next test," said Oliver.
Jaxx nodded his head
The instructors walked up to the edge of the boat
"I bet you're wondering why you've all been called here. The next test will be held on a solitary island 623 miles off the coast, so we will get there around tomorrow at this time," said Ben.
"We will explain how the test works when we are closer to the island, for now just board the ship and rest until we arrive," said Brandon.
The students boarded the ship and settled down in their rooms
Jaxx went straight to his room and fell asleep
He woke up to Oliver poking him
"Hey, are you alive?" Oliver said, jokingly.
Jaxx sat up, still in a daze
"You slept for almost 20 hours, you were really tired," said Oliver.
Jaxx reached his arms up to stretch
"Wow, really? Well It felt great, I'm all rested up and ready to go. How long do we have until we arrive at the Island?" Jaxx asked.
"We have a couple of hours, but not too long. Let's go get you some food, you're gonna need the energy," said Oliver.
"Good idea, I'm starving," said Jaxx.
Jaxx got out of bed and started walking with Oliver
They walk into the cafeteria area on the boat and got in line
"Ooo, chicken patty sandwiches," said Jaxx.
"As well as hash browns and orange juice," added Oliver.
Jaxx and Oliver walk over to a table and sit down together
"Where is everybody else?" Jaxx asked.
"They all already ate," said Oliver while shoving food in his mouth.
"So we get the cafeteria to ourselves, nice," said Jaxx.
Jaxx started digging in
"What do you think we'll be doing on the island?" Oliver asked.
"Idk, but if we have to be brought all the way out here it's probably something pretty tough," said Jaxx.
Jaxx finishes up his food and burps
"That was delicious," he said, patting his stomach.
"You're already done eating?! you must've really been hungry," said Oliver in surprise.
Jaxx sat back in his chair and put his arms behind his head
"Don't worry, I'll wait for you to finish eating, no rush," said Jaxx.
They both went silent for a sec
"Are you going to be ok on the island? I've heard rumors, and some of the students are saying that it's some kind of survival test with monsters, they heard it from some upperclassmen," said Oliver.
"For my entire life, I've always been weaker than everybody else around me, and it's only because of your support and inspiration that I've made it this far. What I'm saying is..." Jaxx paused.
Jaxx brought his hands down and looked Oliver right in the eye
"Don't start doubting me now," said Jaxx with a smile.
Oliver looked down and smiled
"What was I thinking, no matter what obstacle is thrown in your way you can overcome it, I don't know what I was worried about," Oliver laughed.
Jaxx and Oliver heard a commotion outside the cafeteria
"What's that?" Jaxx asked.
"They must be telling us what we're doing on the island," said Oliver.
Jaxx and Oliver quickly stood up and dumped there treys out to join the rest of the students on the deck of the ship
The instructors are standing at the very nose of the ship with the island in the distance behind them
"We have a little over an hour until we arrive, so we are going to tell you what the next test entails," said Brandon.
"The next test will be a survival test. You must survive on the island for five days, with the gear we give you, there will be monsters on this island, as well as dangerous plants and poisonous fruit's," said Scott.
Oliver looks over at Jaxx, who is intently listening to Scott
"So the other kids were right, it is a survival test," thought Oliver.
"You will find a sheet in your room underneath the bed, that sheet has all the poisonous and non-poisonous fruits shown on it, study it the best you can because you are not allowed to take it on the island with you," added Brandon.
"We will group you appropriately in pairs of two, other than that the rest of you will be competing for the resources on the island, that is everything I can tell you for now, I would advise you to go study the sheet of fruits and prepare for departure," said Scott.
The students went back to their rooms to study their sheets
"I'm so excited," thought Jaxx.
Jaxx found the sheet under his bed
"What are these? I've never seen any of these fruits before," thought Jaxx.
Oliver is looking over the sheet as well
"None of the symptoms look too severe. Mild sickness, nausea, tiredness. What's this last one... Death?" Oliver thought.
Oliver walked to Jaxx's room carrying his sheet and knocked on the door
Jaxx opened the door to let him in
"What's up?" Jaxx asked.
"Did you see the last fruit on the list they gave us?" Oliver asked.
"Yeah, I'll just steer clear of that one," Jaxx gave a chuckle.
"Ok, I just wanted to make sure you didn't miss it," said Oliver.
Jaxx and Oliver sat down on the bed
"What kind of monsters do you think will be on the island?" Jaxx asked.
"I don't know, but they're probably strong so be cautious," said Oliver.
"Wanna go see how close we are?" Jaxx asked.
"Yeah let's go," said Oliver.
The two of them walk up the nose of the ship
"Woah, we're so close I feel like I could almost touch it," said Jaxx.
Brandon walked up to Jaxx and Oliver
"Nice you guys are already here, we are going to set up the teams," said Brandon.
Scott, Ben, and Jesse walk in to the front deck area to join Brandon
"We informed the rest of the students to meet here," said Jesse.
Slowly the students started to trickle into the front deck
"Alright that's everyone," said Scott.
"As we are about 5 minutes out, I am going to give you your teams and gear," said Brandon.
Brandon pulled a list out of his pocket
"Here are the teams," he said.
"Team one, Lauren and Dalton. Team two, Gene and Janae. Team three, Bailey and Tryston. Team four, Jaxx and John. Team five, Oliver and Delaney. Team six, Drake and Cameron. Team seven, Madi and Skyler. And Finally team seven, Nathaniel and Gretta," said Brandon.
"Get in your groups and make your way to the center of the boat, each of you will take one bag and meet back here, they all have the same things in them, they are your survival bags," said Ben.
The students walked over in their groups and grabbed a bag
As they were walking back, Jaxx opened the bag and started rummaging through it
"What's in here? A water bottle, a knife, some rope, some bandages and minor first aid, not bad," thought Jaxx.
The students get back to the front of the boat. As they all get there, these walls come out of the floor of the boat, with weapons hung from them, of all shapes and sizes.
"And finally, you can pick one weapon of your choice to bring on the island," said Brandon as the boat stopped.
The students walked up to the walls of weapons and started grabbing them and heading onto the island
Jaxx walked up to a katana up on the wall
"The first thing that caught my eye, you must be the one I'm gonna use, what about you John, which one are you going to use?" Jaxx asked.
"I don't use weapons, just my body," said John.
"Duel chained axes? I like it, what are you getting Delaney?" Oliver asked as he grabbed them off the wall.
"I think I'll take this staff," said Delaney.
Oliver and Delaney pass by Jaxx and John to get on the island
"Good luck Jaxx, I know you can do it," yelled Oliver as he got off the boat.
"Thank you Oliver, don't you die on me ya hear?" He yelled back at Oliver. Oliver gave out a laugh.
Jaxx and John were the last ones on the boat
"Don't you at least want a shield, than we can use it more as a tool or something?" Jaxx argued.
"Fine," said John.
Jaxx smiled as he finished setting up his gear and mounting his katana on his back
"Let's go show this island who's boss," said Jaxx as they walked off the boat.
The instructors looked out at the island, with the students walking into the thick brush
"And so, the second test has begun," said Brandon.
Jaxx and John are walking in the forest together
"I'm so excited, what do you wanna do first?" Jaxx asked.
"We need to find a source of water and some shelter," said John.
"That's a good idea, then we can set up camp somewhere and have something to return to every night," added Jaxx.
Oliver and Delaney are building a little shelter
"I'm sorry you couldn't be with Jaxx for this, I know how close you two are," said Delaney.
"It's alright, he's stronger than he looks, and he has John with him, they'll be fine," said Oliver while working on the shelter, "I'm done with the walls," said Oliver, pointing at a whole bunch of tree trunks stuck in the ground.
Delaney looked over and gave a surprised look
"How did you do that?!" Delaney asked.
"What do you mean, I just stuck 'em into the ground," said Oliver.
Delaney bursted out laughing, Oliver gave her a confused look
"It's not supposed to be easy to stick tree trunks into the earth, I couldn't even pick one up," said Delaney , still laughing. "But onto a different subject, we still need to put mud to insulate it, here I'll start-" Oliver interrupted her.
"Oh I got it," said Oliver as he raised his hand. Mud came out of the ground, filling the space between the logs.
"Are you going to let me do anything?" Delaney teased, "here I'll do this," she put her hands together to make vines surround the building, "that'll protect the mud from the rain," said Delaney .
Jaxx's ear perked up
"Did you hear that?" Jaxx asked.
"Hear what?" John asked.
"I hear running water, over there," Jaxx started jogging through some thick brush.
Jaxx got through
"Look, a creek, it's perfect," said Jaxx.
John kneeled down and cupped his hand to fill it with water. He tasted it and smiled
"It tastes good, and it's not salt water, so all we need now is to build a shelter and set up camp," said John.
John looks around
"There's too much brush here, we might need to clear some out first," said John.
"Oh I got it," said Jaxx as he activated his fire.
"Hey be careful, don't light the whole forest on fire," said John.
Jaxx started walking around and the brush burned away wherever he walked
"Don't worry, the brush will only burn where I walk, but my fire won't leave my body so I won't start a fire. I worked on my fire control non-stop during and after the first test, so I've gotten really good at it," said Jaxx.
John watched as Jaxx finished clearing the brush
"Nice, let's set up camp," said John.
Jaxx looked up at the sky
"The sun's setting so it's getting late, if there are monsters on this island like the instructors said, we should probably hurry and get building," said Jaxx.
"Already on it," said John
John morphed his fingers and toes into claws and started climbing the tree
"We should probably build one up off the ground to minimize attacks, go grab some vines and sticks to hold up the base, oh, and throw me your rope," said John.
"Alright," Jaxx rummaged around in his bag and got his rope, "here, catch," Jaxx threw his rope to John. "I'll be back in a little bit, be careful," said Jaxx.
"Don't worry about me," said John.
Jaxx ran off into the forest
"I better mark these trees so I can find my way back," thought Jaxx.
He walked over and pulled a vine off of a tree and put it in his backpack
"I'll mark the tree's in roman numerals so I can just count down to find my way back," thought Jaxx.
Jaxx walked past a tree and lit the end of his finger on fire and burned the roman numeral one in the tree
"I should probably hurry," thought Jaxx.
He started running all over the place, picking up vines and sticks, and marking the trees so he wouldn't get lost
"XXXIX" Jaxx marked his 39th tree, his backpack and arms full of vines and sticks
"Wow, I've gotten quite a ways away haven't I, I should head back, I think this is enough anyways-" Jaxx was cut off by some shifting in the bushes near him.
He turns towards the bushes in a fighting stance and drops the vines
"What was that?" Jaxx thought.
The bushes shift again
"Show yourself," yelled Jaxx. "Is it a monster or someone else? I don't want to attack if it's another student," he thought.
A green velociraptor looking creature emerged from the brush
"It's a monster, and it's huge," thought Jaxx.
Some kind of dome on its back opened and vines came out of it
"It has an element?" Jaxx thought.
The monster charged as it's vines shot out at Jaxx
Jaxx lit his body on fire like before, the monster's vines burned away as they touched him
"This is a perfect chance to try out my new move," thought Jaxx.
Jaxx's right arm burned bright, right when the monster got close Jaxx shot fire out of his feet, boosting himself forward, he sliced the monster clean in half
"Ouch," said Jaxx as he lifted his burnt arm up, "but it's not as bad as before, I can still even use my hand," he thought.
Jaxx dug around in his backpack to find some bandaging and wrapped his arm up
"Ah, that's better, now it's time to get back," said Jaxx.
Jaxx put his backpack back on, he grabbed one of the halves of the monster and threw it over his shoulder
He squinted and found the last tree he marked
"There it is," thought Jaxx.
He took off running
"Man, how far away did I get?" Jaxx thought. "Almost there, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1," said Jaxx.
Jaxx walked into their area to see John cutting up wood
"There cut into perfect two by fours!! How did he do that?!" Jaxx thought.
Jaxx recomposed himself
"John, I ran into dinner too while I was out," said Jaxx.
John looked back to see Jaxx setting down the half of the monster
"You cut that thing clean in half, nice," said John.
John finished cutting up the wood
"Give me the vines you got so I can start building," said John.
Jaxx opened his backpack and pulled the bunches of vines and sticks out and gave them to John
"Use the sticks to start a fire so we can cook that monster," said John.
Jaxx grabbed the sticks and put them in a teepee formation and lit the fire by shooting it out of his finger, he grabbed two "Y" shaped sticks and stuck them in the ground on opposite sides of the fire. He walked over to the dead monster and cut it up into small pieces and stuck them on a long stick. He put that stick on the "Y" shaped sticks and slowly rotated it
"I wonder how John's doing," said Jaxx as he looked over towards John... "He's almost done!?" Jaxx thought.
Jaxx walked over
"Do you need any help?" Jaxx yelled up into the tree.
John jumped off and landed on the ground in front of Jaxx
"Yeah, would you help me get the rest of this wood up there to finish off the roof," said John.
"Yeah I can help," said Jaxx.
Jaxx grabbed a couple of the two by fours and boosted himself up and landed on a little porch area
"Wow, this is really sturdey," said Jaxx.
He looked around to examine the building
"You nailed the wood into the trees and used vines to hold it up, nice," said Jaxx.
"Yeah, the vines are like a safety nets in case it detaches from the tree, don't be too rowdy up here, I don't wanna do this again," said John from behind Jaxx.
"Wait, where'd you get the nails from?" Jaxx asked.
"I lengthened my fingers and stuck them through the wood and into the trees, then I broke the lengthened part off," John explained.
"That had to hurt," said Jaxx as he cringed.
"It wasn't too bad," said John.
"This guy's crazy," thought Jaxx.
Jaxx set the wood down and turn around
"I'm going to finish cooking that monster up," said Jaxx.
He jumped off and as he was about to his the ground he boosted himself up to lighten the landing
He walked over to the fire and continued turning the meat as it started to get dark
"Must be around seven or eight o'clock, I need to hurry before it gets too dark," said Jaxx.
Jaxx shot more fire into the wood pile to make the flame stronger and finished up the meat
"There, all done," said Jaxx.
Jaxx brought the cooked meat up to the tree house for John, who had just finished up the roof
"The food is ready," said Jaxx.
"Thank you," said John.
He walked over, grabbed a chunk, and took a giant bite
"This is better than I expected," said John.
Jaxx gave a annoyed smile
"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult," said Jaxx.
John grabbed another chunk and continued eating
"We should probably head to bed soon, we can't really do much if it's dark out anyways," said John with his mouth full.
Jaxx finished eating his food
"Sounds good to me," said Jaxx.
Jaxx jumps down and puts the fire out
"Don't want that to get out of hand," said Jaxx.
Jaxx flew back up and went to sleep
"I put the fire out so it wouldn't get out of control," said Jaxx as he laid down.
"Alright, good," said John as he rolled over.
"Goodnight," said Jaxx.
"Goodnight," said John.
Jaxx woke up to severe wind and rain, John was looking out the door, into the distance
"What's going on?" Jaxx asked.
"There's a hurricane coming from the north," said John.
Jaxx got up and walked over to the door with John to see
"Will this place hold up?" Jaxx asked.
"Probably not," said John.
The instructors are sitting at the boat
"That doesn't look like any normal hurricane, I sense some energy coming off of it," said Scott.
"Then it's probably not a good idea to let it continue any further," said Brandon as he stood up.
He jumped onto the island, he jumped again and disappeared into the rain and wind
He landed on the shore of the other side of the island
"Alright now I can't hit anything else," said Brandon as he unsheathed his sword.
His sword was suddenly engulfed in dark flames
He raised his sword and swung it down leaving a line in the air
"Cursed slash," said Brandon.
Suddenly the hurricane was cut in half and dispersed, the wind and rain slowly came to a halt
Oliver looked up in the sky
"It stopped," he said.
A giant sand ball emerges from the water, an opening appears, Jake and his crew walk out towards the forest.