"That hurricane was a great decoy, they'll never see us coming," said Jake with an evil smile.
Jake stopped at the edge of the beach, where it met the forest
"We will split up into teams of two, me being by myself," said Jake.
"Why? You think I can't take down some kids on my own?" Brayden asked.
"I don't doubt your strength, but I want to make sure we get this stone, or it's our heads," said Jake.
"Fine," said Brayden.
"Now, the person that I suspect to have a stone is an earth user, he's about 6 '5 and looks to be around 250 pounds," explained Jake.
Jake thought for a second
"Jaedyn and Ashley are one team, and Brayden and Leah are the other team. Good luck guys," said Jake as he disappeared into the forest.
"Hey!" Yelled a voice from the bushes.
Jake stopped and looked around
Suddenly Jake weived to the side, and something cut down a tree behind him
Nathaniel was flying around, close to the ground to stay covered by the bushes
"As long as I keep moving he won't-" Nathaniel was cut off.
"Well hello there," said Jake.
Jake had suddenly appeared behind Nathaniel
"How did he find me so quickly?!" Nathaniel thought.
Jake punched Nathaniel sending him flying into the ground
"He's strong too," Nathaniel thought as he passed out.
Jake landed on the ground next to Nathaniel
"Wow these kids are pretty weak," said Jake.
Suddenly Jake perked up and dodged something
"You missed," said Jake.
He looked over to see Gretta, with a sword drawn and engulfed in fire
"I'm surprised you dodged that, it's one of my fastest moves," said Gretta.
Gretta looked down to see Nathaniel on the ground
When she looked back up Jake was gone
"You should never take your eyes off me," said Jake.
He knocked her out and laid her on the ground next to Nathaniel
The other four caught up with him
"Brayden, would you tie them down with your metal for me so they can't get away," said Jake.
Brayden started securing them to the ground with metal strips
"Jaedyn, Ashley, I want you two to stay here for when they wake up, I want you to get as many answers out of them as you can," said Jake.
Ashley went over and sat down next to a tree
"How boring," said Ashley.
Brayden finished up tying them down
"You two and I will search the island for the stone," said Jake.
The three of them took off, leaving Jaedyn and Ashley with the captives
Ashley stood back up and paced around
"Why'd we get stuck with the boring job?" Ashley complained.
Jaedyn had a small bird that landed on her finger she smiled as it flew off
"Who are you guys and what do you want?" Nathaniel said from the ground.
Ashley looked at Nathaniel and started walking towards him
"Oh, you're awake, good," said Ashley.
Ashley grabbed his hair to pull his head up and held her hammer right next to his head
"Where is the earth user?" Ashley demanded.
"I don't know, they set us loose on the island yesterday, so he could be anywhere," said Nathaniel.
Ashley raised her hammer back to swing it at Nathaniel
"He's not lying," said Jaedyn.
Ashley brings the hammer back down and looks at Jaedyn
"How do you know?" Ashley asked.
"It's a gift of mine," said Jaedyn.
Ashley dropped the hammer on the ground
"Alright fine," she said.
Ashley looked over at Jaedyn
"So what do we do now-" Ashley stopped. "Where'd she go?" Ashley thought.
Leah and Brayden are running together looking for the stone
"We don't need to be teamed up, both of us can handle ourselves, let's split up so we can search faster," said Brayden.
"Yeah, what are some measly students going to do to us," said Leah.
The two of them dash off in opposite directions
"Alright, now it's time for the real fun," thought Brayden.
Brayden cleared some brush and ran into Madi and Skyler
"I've been saving you two for when I got away from her, now you're all mine," thought Brayden with a smile.
Jaedyn is running through the forest when she runs into Oliver and Delaney
She smiles as she shoots an attack at Oliver, a pink ray in the shape of a heart
Oliver turns to the side to dodge the attack
Jaedyn hears something and ducks down at the last second
"Your ax almost got me there," said Jaedyn as she stood back up.
Olivers ax returned to his hand
"Correction," he said in a stern voice.
A cut slowly opened on Jaedyn's cheek and blood rolled down her face
She rubbed the cut with her finger almost as if she was checking that it actually happened
She smiled as she licked her blood covered finger
"This is going to be fun," she said.
Jaedyn looked over at Delaney and went after her first
Oliver jumped in the way as Jaedyn flashed by, leaving cuts all over his body
"Go get help, I can handle her till then," said Oliver.
Delaney reached her hand out to touch Oliver and heal him
"At least let me heal you before I go," she said.
Oliver threw his ax into a tree and tightened the chain, blocking Jaedyn's attack
He yanked at the chain, sending the ax towards Jaedyn
She blocked it with her tessen, as she turned back to Oliver he punched her square in the face, sending her flying through a couple tree's
"Hurry," said Oliver.
Delaney ran off
"I'll bring back help soon," she yelled.
Jaedyn came walking back from the fallen trees
"Now that you don't have her in the way, let's see what you're really made of," said Jeadyn.
Jaedyn moved so quickly it was almost as if she teleported right in front of Oliver
He used his ax to deflect the attack and stomped on the ground, sending a big chunk of dirt up into the air, he hit it with the palm of his hand, sending it flying towards her, it pushed her back until she cut it into little chunks
"Not bad," said Oliver.
Jaedyn smiled
"You've already stopped the bleeding from my previous attacks, you used your muscles to force the veins closed didn't you?" Jaedyn asked.
"The cuts weren't that deep so it was pretty easy," said Oliver.
A vertical line appeared on Olivers forehead
"Time to get serious," said Oliver.
Oliver flashed behind Jaedyn, his chain wrapped around her arm
"He's faster," thought Jaedyn.
"I call this, earth tier one," said Oliver.
The chain was about to tighten around Jaedyn's arm
"I need to end this before it gets ugly," thinks Jaedyn.
Suddenly Oliver wakes up leaned against a tree
"Where am I, what happened," said Oliver.
He looked down to see glowing pink ropes tied up around him
He struggled a little bit to get out but they wouldn't budge
"They're energy draining ropes, they're draining my strength, I won't be able to get out," thought Oliver.
Leah is still running around
"Where is everybody?" Leah thought.
Dalton appeared right next to her while she was running
"Who are you?" Dalton asked.
Leah stopped abruptly
"Where did he come from? I didn't sense any energy, so he kept up with me at that speed with no enhancements?!" Leah thought.
Dalton had stopped in front of her
"Answer my question, who are you, and what are you doing here?" Dalton asked.
"I'm not going to waste any more time than I have to with him, I'll use my strongest attack," thought Leah.
In an instant, Leah pulled her ax of her back, activating her element and attacked Dalton, cleanly slicing through the tree's around them
She turned around with a smirk on her face, her fire still active, there was a big burn mark on the ground from her attack
"Where'd he go?" Leah said as the smirk left her face
Dalton grabbed the back of her head with one hand and shoved her into the ground, creating a crater with her body
"I was hoping that you would be stronger than the other students here, sadly I was disappointed," said Dalton.
Lauren finally caught up with Dalton
"Who is this person?" She asked.
"It looks like people have infiltrated the island, go help the other students, I got this," said Dalton.
Dalton raised his hand in the air to deflect a blow from the side, the collision shook the trees around them
"Looks like your backup has arrived," said Dalton.
He looked over to see Brayden standing there
"Are you sure you don't want help?" Lauren asked.
"I'm good, there weak anyways," said Dalton.
Lauren nodded and dashed off
Leah came up out of the crater that Dalton put her in
"I didn't need your help," she said, brushing the dirt off her shoulder.
"From the looks of it, I think you did," said Brayden as he charged at Dalton.
Brayden threw a kick to the head, but Dalton caught it with one hand, shaking the trees around them
Dalton threw Brayden at Leah, knocking them both onto the ground
"He's not just able to rival my strength, but he's overpowering me. Is this the one with the stone?" Brayden thought.
"We're going to have to coordinate our attacks if we wanna take this guy down, he's strong," said Brayden.
Leah nodded her head
"We can't afford to hold back against this guy," added Leah.
Leah and Brayden rushed Dalton from two different sides
Dalton smiled as he stomped on the ground, throwing Leah off balance
He turned and kicked Brayden up into the air, he moved so quickly it was almost like he teleported into the air above Brayden and kicked him back into the ground
By the time he landed on the ground, Leah had recovered and came back at him with the same attack as before
She swung her ax at him
Dalton dodged the ax and punch her right in the gut
Leah coughed up blood and fell over
"Are we done yet?" Dalton asked.
Brayden crawled out of the crater Dalton put him in
"You haven't even used your element yet, how can you still be this strong?" Brayden asked.
"I can't move! Why can't I move?!" Leah thought.
Leah's eyes go wide in shock as she has a flashback
There was fire everywhere, surrounding a younger version of Leah, her leg was trapped under a pile of wood that was once a house
"Help! Help!" Leah yelled.
Everyone was panicking so none of them noticed her
She saw an elemental dressed in green
"There's someone that can save me," she thought.
"Help me mister, over here!" Leah yelled.
The man turned and looked at her, his gaze slowly crept up and his face grew into fear
Leah looked behind her to see a giant fire monster, she panicked and turned back around to call for the man once more, but he was gone
The monster opened its mouth as energy started forming into a ball
Leah closed her eyes to prepare for her end
Suddenly she heard a slicing noise and something hitting the ground, the wood was pulled off her leg
She opened her eyes to see a figure standing in the fire, their hand reached out to her
Leah grabbed the figures hand and in the blink of an eye she was out of the fire
The figure carried Leah on her back and ran into the forest
"Why did you save me, lady?" Leah asked.
There was a moment of silence...
"Because no one else would," said the figure.
Brayden and Leah looked at each other, they both knew what each other was thinking
"I can't fail her, I owe her my life, c'mon move!" Leah thought as she slowly lifted her arm.
Brayden quickly stood up and morphed his metal arm into a big sword and raised it in the air
As he did that Leah's flames activated, but they seemed stronger than before, they slowly changed into blue flames
"I will try my hardest, for your sake," thought Leah.
She shot her fire at Dalton, but he dodged it
"Slow," said Dalton.
"That's not what I was aiming for," said Leah.
It flew right into Braydens arm
"Here's something we've been working on for a while," said Brayden.
He swung his arm down, slicing the ground
The attack created a giant fracture spanning the entire length of the island
"Pyro-Blade," said Brayden.
Brayden looked down at his arm
"My arm's still glowing? It's probably because of the stronger fire she used this time," thought Brayden.
Brayden started walking towards Leah to help her up
"Too bad that guy died, I would have loved to see what this new form could do-" Brayden was interrupted.
Dalton appeared behind Brayden and struck down at him
Brayden just barely dodged it by jumping away
"How are you still alive?" Brayden asked.
Dalton lifted his left arm up and gave a cocky smile, blood was dripping off of it
"You weren't quite fast enough," he said.
Brayden charged at Dalton with anger
"He's faster than before," thought Dalton.
The ground melted as his blade hovered over it
Suddenly Leah appeared next to Dalton, her blue fire still active
"I didn't want to use this, but I don't want this going on any longer," said Dalton.
Leah and Brayden were only inches away as ice shot out in every direction
They were completely enveloped in ice, it cleared the treetops
"The ice is so cold! It took my boosted arm away," thought Brayden.
"I can't activate my fire," thought Leah.
Dalton walked out of a crevice in the ice, he was shooting ice out of his finger to seal the wound on his arm
"I wouldn't have expected them to put up that much of a fight," said Dalton.
He walked over and sat down next to a tree
"That's enough for me, if there are any more villains on the island I'll let some of the other students have a little fun," said Dalton.
Lauren ran into Oliver, who was still tied up, while running around looking for people, she started trying to untie him
"Are you ok, here let me help," said Lauren.
She pulled out her knife and tried to tug and cut at the energy rope
"It won't budge," said Lauren.
"What's going on over here," said Jake.
Jake appeared out of now where
He looked over at Oliver and gave a look of surprise
"He's the one that I thought had the stone, so how did someone beat him?" Jake thought. "The ropes are pink, that's Jaedyn's element," he continued.
Lauren appeared right in front of Jake with her knife, her electricity activated
Jake flashed above her and back heel kicked her into the ground
He landed gracefully and walked towards Oliver
"Now that I got that out of the way," said Jake.
Jake reached his left hand out to grab Oilver
"Let's bring you back to the master," he said.
Suddenly a vine reached out of the ground and grabbed Jakes arm, he pulled away and activated his electricity
An orange flash flew by, the tips of Jakes fingers were sliced clean through
"Keep your hands off him," said Jaxx.
Jake looked over to see Jaxx re-sheathing his sword, his legs and arms steaming
"I was going for a kill shot but I just barely got the tips of his fingers, he's good," thought Jaxx.
Jake looked down at the missing tips of his fingers
"Even if the vines slowed me down, how did he out-speed me enough to cut me?" Jake thought.
Jake got angry
"I'll kill him," he thought.
Jake appeared behind Jaxx
"Look out," yelled Lauren.
He swung his arm down, sending Jaxx flying and destroying a line of trees
"That had to have gotten him," Jake thought.
"Alright, who's next," said Jake as he turned and walked towards Lauren and Delaney .
Lauren and Delaney got in fighting stances
Suddenly Jake heard popping and tearing noises behind him
Jake turned around to see John throwing a tree at him
Jake chopped the tree in half
The two halves were headed straight for Lauren and Delaney
They both tried to run away
"I'm not fast enough, it's gonna hit me," thought Delaney .
Suddenly a flash of orange flew by, and the tree was cut into smaller pieces
Jaxx came sliding to a stop, steam was rising off his entire body, blood was rolling down his face from the top of his forehead, and he was all roughed up
"How did he recover so quickly? Wait, his energy, it feels familiar," Jake thought.
Jaxx suddenly appeared in front of Jake, his sword was on fire, he swung it down at Jake
Jake dodged to his left, as he jumped away he noticed a mark on Jaxx's neck that had spread up to his lower cheek(A glowing orange mark that looks like a crack you would find in the ground)
"That's the same mark Thomas has, so how can he move like that?" Jake thought.
Jake had a flashback of him sitting next to a bed, he looked much younger at the time
"How long do you think you have?" Jake asked.
"Not much longer, I'm sorry," said Thomas as he coughed .
A tear rolled down Jakes cheek and he hung his head
Thomas went to wipe it off
"It's ok Jake-" Thomas was interrupted.
"Why?! Why couldn't it have been me?! My brother never did anything wrong!" Yelled Jake as he lifted his head.
"Don't say that," said Thomas with a worried voice.
Jake stood up
"But I'm the bad one, I've stolen, and killed. I haven't done a single thing right but you were always there for me!" Jake yelled while still crying.
Jake fell back into his chair
"You're all I have left, if it weren't for you I wouldn't even be alive from the house fire, you could've saved mom, or dad, or Lily(little sister), but you chose me, and I threw away that second chance you gave me. I'm pathetic," said Jake.
Thomas waited for Jake to finish and reached his hand out and put in on Jakes head
"Whatever you have done, or whatever you will do. I want you to live life the way you want, it makes me happy to see you happy," said Thomas with a soft voice.
His hand fell off Jakes head so Jake looked up quickly to see Thomas lumped over
"Thomas?... Thomas!" Jake panicked.
He put his head up against Thomas's heart and gave a sigh of relief
"His heart is still beating, he must have passed out from talking too much," said Jake.
Tears started rolling down Jakes face again as he stood up to walk out
"What am I going to do?" Jake said.
"You really love your brother," said a figure from the corner.
Jake was surprised and got in a fighting position
"Who are you," said Jake in a stern voice, "I didn't hear them come in," he thought.
"I'm someone who wants to help you, I can cure your brother," said the figure.