Quincy arrived at an old, 5-story car park. He could hear laughter and see an orange glow coming from the 4th floor. That'll be his friends. He walked towards the entrance of the car park, it was long abandoned and it was rarely used for parking cars. There used to be an old shopping centre in the 60's built right opposite it, but that was shut down before Quincy was born. Now, the car park was mainly used by teenagers who wanted somewhere 'secret' to hang out. There was nothing really all that secret about it, everyone knew about it, and every teen knew about what it was used for: drugs, alcohol, fights and sex.
Quincy's friends were involved with all 4, but Quincy himself tried to stay distant from most of it. He understood it wasn't great stuff to get involved in, but these people were people you would rather be friends with than anything else. They weren't the 'popular' kids, but they were high enough on the social food chain to have people fear them, or rather fear Ralph, their technical leader.
He was a dirtbag. He was missing two teeth in the sides of his mouth from fighting, and had his head completely shaved. In reality, he was tall and lanky, but so tall no one dared to speak against him out of fear. His nose was crooked as it had been broken the year before, and his knuckles were always scuffed up or bandaged. He usually wore dark, baggy clothes and a silver chain dangling around his neck. In fact, he was quite ugly, but he had no problem picking up trashy girls, with the same rough upbringing as all of them, around Quincy's school, which was weird since he was 19 and the girls were 16. The last person to question it had been beaten by a group of 4 and ended up moving out of St Albans. Everyone knew it was pretty illegal, but Ralph wasn't someone to fuck with.
Quincy turned the corner of the 4th floor and sure enough, there was Ralph and his sheep. Everyone looked cautiously as Quincy turned the corner, but their caution quickly faded as they realized it wasn't a threat, or rather, the police. Behind the flickering glow of the fire, Quincy caught sight of his best friend, Maxson Averell. His head turned to face Quincy, a smile creeping it's way on to his face.
"Quinn! Man, I didn't think you'd show tonight!" He got up off the floor to greet Quincy.
"Yeah, nor did I to be fair," Quincy replied, pulling Maxson into a hug, "Good to see you, Max."
"Lover boys! Sit your asses down, you're not gonna believe what Ralph got us!" This came from Thomas, he was newer to the group, a year 9. Most of the things he said made Quincy cringe because it was so clear he was trying to suck up to Ralph.
Nevertheless, Quincy and Maxson sat together by the fire. Quincy could feel the flames burning at his skin and making him sweat, but didn't take off his jacket; you never knew who would take what after those meet ups, even some worn out bomber jacket. For all Quincy knew, it could be labelled as 'vintage' and sold for a couple hundred.
"Boys! Listen up, what I've got 'ere is gonna fuck you up, I haven't met one man who deals this shit-" Ralph was quite dramatic, Quincy thought that he might've even been into theatre when he was at school, or maybe he was just a prick?
"What is it Ralph?" Thomas spoke up with childlike eagerness, something that would've got him a punch in the gut if he was older.
"Stop me again and I'll personally fuck you up, got it yeah?" Ralph gritted his teeth in annoyance. Quincy felt a little sorry for Thomas, but that was gone as quick as it appeared.
"Everyone takes one, boys! No pussies aside from the pussy we're gettin' tonight." Everyone laughed at that comment, then a small plastic bag started to get passed around the group. Tiny, white pills were stored in the bag, Quincy suddenly felt sick. He wasn't in the right mindset for drugs, prone to a bad trip. Once the bag was passed to him, he hesitated.
"C'mon Quince," That was a stupid nickname Ralph gave to him since meeting him, now everyone except Maxson called him it. It was either Quinn or Quincy, Quince was just stupid. "You're no pussy, right? God, I never expected that from you!".
Everyone began to laugh, if he didn't take this one pill he'd surely get rejected by the group and become a complete joke. The last thing Quincy needed was his school life to become like his home life. He took a pill into his palm.
"You know I'm no pussy, Ralph." Quincy was expressionless, Ralph smirked.
"Go on then, Quince. Swallow it. Show us all you're no pussy."
Quincy looked down at the pill. It's tiny, there's no way it's really all that bad. He'd done LSD and Ketamine before, and even coke one time at some fucked-up party, there's no way this was any worse. He threw his head back and dropped the pill into his mouth, swallowing hard. There, no big deal.
"Nice one Quince." Ralph soon moved on and swallowed his own when his turn came, he made sure everyone else took one while he was sober so he knew no one had skipped.
After everyone had taken the mystery drug, Ralph got bored again. "Why don't we go for an adventure, boys?" and of course, everyone cheered in response.
The group of 6 all clambered into Ralph's pickup, Ralph and Michael (Ralph's right-hand man, a college kid) were in the front, whilst the other four were in the back of the pickup, in the open. Christopher and Finley were pissing around on the right side of the truck, whereas Quincy and Maxson had taken the left.
"Quinn," Maxson lowered his voice, "I know you didn't wanna take that pill". Maxson reaches into his mouth and retrieves the pill he had 'taken'.
"You didn't do it?" Quincy questioned, his vision was getting a little hazy but he could still see the tiny white pill in Maxson's palm. He threw it out of the truck.
"No, I'm gonna take care of you, okay? I don't know what that shit does, but Ralph was pretty excited about it."
"How did you get away with it?" Quincy turned to face Maxson.
"Hid it between my teeth and my lips, never touched my tongue." He smiled, "No one's gonna find out, don't worry about me."
"God, thank you Max. Sometimes Ralph can be such a dick." Quincy sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"Only sometimes?" Maxson laughed and patted Quincy on the back.
After a little while, the truck stopped. By this time, the drug was in full-swing and Quincy could barely talk without slurring and stuttering. It made him feel awful.
"Everyone out! Told ya' we'd be gettin' pussy tonight boys!" Ralph slammed the car door shut and everyone accompanied him to a massive house filled with booming music and a mass amount of people.
"Do we even know these people?" Quincy slowly asked Maxson.
"Nope. I'm pretty sure we're just crashing." Maxson put a reassuring arm around Quincy and patted him on the back, "Just stay with me, okay?". Quincy nodded.
Walking inside, the music became almost deafening, or maybe that was just the mystery drug enhancing his senses. Quincy winced as he heard glass being smashed in the room next to him. He saw teenagers and young adults drinking and taking drugs everywhere, and if they weren't doing that, they were dancing or making-out in inconvenient, busy places. It made him uncomfortable, seeing people obliviously grinding on each other in front of everyone. At that moment, he decided he would never be one of those.
Maxson gestured to a quieter, smaller room, where the others were laughing and already drinking dark bottles of beer. They sat on a white, fluffy sofa away from everyone else. To Quincy's drugged-up body, the soft faux fur seat felt like a cloud, engulfing his entire body. He very willingly sunk into the seat, releasing a sigh of relief.
"I wouldn't relax yet Quince." Ralph's irritating voice interrupted Quincy's relaxation, and he suddenly felt like punching him in that sharp Adam's apple he had. Then again, he had always wanted to try punching him in the throat, but Quincy decided to blame the drug for his violent thoughts.
"..What's going on?" He slurred.
Almost immediately, a girl grabbed him by the arm and ushered him to a closet- or pantry, he really couldn't tell.
"Wait.. wait what's happening?" He asked again, putting his hands on the shoulders of this random girl who was unusually close to him.
She placed a finger on his lips, "Shh, I'm gonna make you feel really good, okay Quince?" There it was, that nickname. Ralph had put her up to this no doubt.
She gave him a swift kiss on the cheek, before moving down and sucking on his neck. His hands were still on her shoulders, but weakly. It's not like he hadn't done this before, he might as well let her have her fun.
Her hand wandered down and pressed against the front of his jeans. Quincy let out a sharp sigh as he felt the sudden pressure against his crotch. Without hesitation, he pressed down on her shoulders, indicating for her to go lower. The girl smiled, then dropped to her knees and quickly took him in her mouth.
A few minutes later, Quincy could feel himself reaching his limit. His breathing grew heavier and he let out a small groan as he came. The girl stood up again, wiping her mouth and smiling.
"Told you I'd make you feel good."
With that, she left. Quincy zipped himself back up and soon left too. He joined Maxson on the sofa where he'd left him.
"Dude, what just happened?" Quincy asked again, hoping for an answer this time.
"Apparently they were playing spin the bottle, we didn't notice. I'm sorry dude."
"It's fine," Quincy laughed, "It wasn't too bad anyway"
"Oh really?" Maxson playfully nudged him with his elbow, smirking.
"Shut up, dude." Quincy rubbed his eyes, laughing with his friend.
After a few hours laughing, drinking and smoking, a boy that looked to be around 17 ran, without warning, through the hallway shouting as loud as he could, "COPS! COPS! GET OUT!"
The entire atmosphere shifted from something somewhat hearty to sheer panic. "Quinn, Quinn, we gotta go.". Quincy felt Maxson's arms lift his intoxicated body up out of his seat, pushing him towards the back exit. They both ran as fast as they could, with Ralph and his sheep tailing behind.
As soon as they reached the truck, everyone rushed to hop inside, and anyone who didn't make it was a dead man. Christopher, Finley, Maxson and Quincy all flattened themselves to the floor of the pickup, hoping above all that they wouldn't be seen. The rough revving of the engine and the clammer of panicked teens was the last thing they heard before driving away on a dirt path.
"I'm pissed. Everyone go home." Ralph ordered. Of course, everyone followed as soon as the truck halted, half an hour later.
"C'mon Quinn, I'll help you home"
Maxson and Quincy walked slowly towards his house, and Maxson quite literally had to 'help' him home as he was stumbling like his own mother on a bad day. Once they reached his bedroom window, they shared a hug.
"Thank you for looking after me, Max. I'd probably be dead, or locked up, without you."
"God Quinn, don't tell me you're suddenly a sappy drunk?" Maxson joked, causing Quincy to chuckle.
"Shut up, Max," He smiled, "Give me a lift, would you?"
Maxson took Quincy's foot and carefully lifted his friend up to his bedroom window, "Hold the wall! I'm not having you fall from there.".
After climbing through his still-open window, Quincy turned around. "Thanks Max, I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"
"Sure you will, see you". And with that, he left.
Quincy soon collapsed on to his bed, still fully clothed. He liked this time of night especially, because it was dead silent. His mum was passed out somewhere, and Leroy was most probably asleep in bed or in front of the TV. Silence was one of the best sounds to Quincy, it meant there was no conflict, and that there was some form of peace. He often liked to smoke and look out the window while it was so quiet, it gave him room to think and breathe. It was almost theraputic.
He wouldn't do that tonight, though. He was much too exhausted for that. Quincy slowly closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep.185Please respect copyright.PENANAyq32cXJcI4