A new video popped up. Fondoman announced for his fans like Tabe, and they were doing baffling challenges like him. He challenged all of us to do a “50 challenge trial”. This means we get to do only hard, difficult, or/and even impossible, and even ultimately impossible, things to do as a challenge and dares. Tabe was very excited to hear this on the news. “Yes! Finally!” he shouted and cheered. His dad can hear his loud yell from his distance. “Tabe!” he shouted. “Keep it down!” “No way Dad!” He said as he was charging out of his room. “Fondoman, offering us some great new challenges! I have a right to scream happiness!” he cheered with joy. His dad frowned. “Tabe. You’re still watching that unneeded man?” he asked. “Um, yeah? I’ve been watching him or the last-” “I don’t want to hear it.” Tabe’s dad interrupted.205Please respect copyright.PENANA3DKYYUkp3Y
“The only challenges you’re able to do is your chores.” he gave him the broom, mop, and Clorox wipes. “Including the trash and the mail, cleaning the dishes, cleaning the bathroom, unclogging the toilet, and-” “Yes Dad. I know.” Tabe admitted. “If you do, then why?” his dad asked. “Why, what?” Tabe asked back, “Excuse me?!”, his dad scolded, “Excuse what?” Tabe said back, “You know what” his dad said, “What about what?” Tabe asked again. “Stop!” His dad yelled, “Stop what?” Tabe asked once again, “Extra chores for you!” his dad said, “Why?” Tabe asked. His dad paused for him to say something else. “Now we doing silent language?” Tabe asked more. “GO.” his dad said. “Go wh-”, he was about to ask when his dad screamed, “GO DO YOUR DAMN CHORES NOW BEFORE I-” “Okay. fine. But why didn’t you say so?” he asked. He stormed out of the living room. “Also, my Challenge is already been accepted,” he said as he left the room. His dad sighed and scoffed. “Oh Lord, please do have a good concern for mercy” he talked to himself.
Tabe’s dad despises that man and his son’s hobby. It’s hard for Tabe to try to impress his dad, which his dad has no care for. All he wants Tabe to do is to do the household chores, EVERY SINGLE FULL DAY. Like 24 hours a day basically. But he’s used to it. He likes unreasonable challenges like Fondoman does anyway. But it doesn’t mean he’s able to have a break. Which is not fun at all eternities. Of course, he’s very bored, but if he didn’t get all that encouragement from Fondoman, he would be like a homeless slave. Which he’s like right now and from before. His dad never does anything for the household. Not even the mail, bills, and shopping, and he doesn’t even call maintenance to fix broken parts of the house. All he does is eat, drink, and sleep for the whole day. So Tabe does
everything for his dad. Yet, he accepts it.205Please respect copyright.PENANAZKqYBY0PUQ
After a few hours, Tabe has done all the chores nice, neat, and tidy. He didn’t do most of it. Yes. He did all of it. Every single day. Does he eat, of course? He just takes less than 5 or 10 minutes to finish his food. He eats fast anyway. He’s always hungry for something. But is that considered a break for him? Sort of. That’s the only time off he can have. Besides, everyone needs energy from hunger and hydration. All his dad does is eat and sleep, and watch anything but what Tabe does, is adult shows. Which is not appropriate for Tabe, and his dad at any age. He’s like 30 years old (If you know what he’s watching, don’t ask and even think about it).
After a couple of hours of working non-stop, Tabe finished his task. Again, he’ll do the same tomorrow and the day after that continuously. He’s also pretty fast, like what Fondoman is capable of. He might as well be an athlete, too. After putting all his cleaning supplies away, he went back to his room to learn more information about the new challenge free-for-all fans trail. As he watched the video, the guideline man was through the video. “For a celebration of the unstoppable, invincible, Fondoman, he’s having a big trial for all of us to compete in his challenge to us. As a total completion of all 50 try-outs, or should I say, challenges?” he explained then on, “Each of every challenge can be 5 sorts of difficulties, easy, medium, hard, impossible, and the ones that you’d hope you don’t run into, The Death-Wish. A deadly challenge that might 98% kill you. No mercy at all,” he told.
“But if you are completely confident and dare to take on the dangerous test. However, I’m gonna tell you the bad news if you fail just to be safe. Real safe.”, he said to me and the fans to give us a warning. Tabe didn’t care about the wishes of death. He just wanted to take all of them on like it was nothing effective to him. He might have done dangerous things before, though. “Okay, spit it out!” he said to his TV. “If you fail on one or two of the challenges, you’ll still head on to the next one, or if you finished all of them, possibly not, though. I would best recommend you do all of them if you can do them all.” As he put a smirk on his face. “Yeah, yeah, just tell us already!” Tabe was very impatient to hear what the good news is if we win, or if one wins.
The guideline man then continued to the good news. “Now the moment you’ve all purposely waited for, if you have finished the total of only 50 challenges...”, “Come on, come on!”, Tabrian prayed, “You’ll do an extra challenge, which is the boss battle!”, the guideline answered. Tabrian just froze in unexpected disappointment. “What?”, he asked. Then the guideliner continued his announcement. “With the famous Fondoman monitoring, and observing you!”, the guideliner man said with excitement. “WHAT?!” Tabe
yelled with shock. “That’s right! The amazing Fondoman will be able to watch your skills of talent like you’ve been through plenty of challenges and never failed once! He’ll be impressed if you complete the final challenge!” the guidelines man explained. “So that’s 51 challenges.” Tabe corrected. “Yes I know that’s 51 challenges, but which will prove to you, how invincible, and how tough you are! Just like Fondoman!”, he said. Tabe was still in shock but with gained extreme confidence.
“Speaking of tough and invincible, here’s our unstoppable, hero now!” the guideline man said as he gave the microphone to Fondoman appearing in the video. “It’s him!” Tabe said, even though he had seen him a lot in videos inside stadiums. “My loyal fans.” Fondoman greeted. “I appreciate your love and support from all these years that I’ve done. I’m really happy to announce, that I’m giving y’all a chance to challenge yourselves and against others to see how much effort you put in yourself.”, “Of course, we’ve been putting much effort into us! We wouldn’t be like that if it weren’t for you!”, Tabe commented on him but still talking to the TV. “I want to see what all of you can do. I want to know what you are capable of. I want to experience what you have been trying you’re hardest to do. And most importantly,” he paused. Tabe was staring and waiting for him to say his last words on the TV. “I want to challenge you to stop facing your fears like being a sore loser, and start being yourself, by showing your friends and family, who you are, and what you’re not afraid of. Don’t deny it, just rely on it!” He said with an honest opinion. Tabe nodded his head.
“So my loyal fans. Please Don’t forget, that you still have to finish 50 tasks to complete to see what you’re up for. If you want to know who you truly are, and you believe you can do anything, then show it to me at the 50 challenge trial.” he said. “Sign up in your schools to compete on your quest to challenge the impossible tasks. When you do, you’ll get an email to sign in. The challenges will be at the baseball field in Raleigh.” he explained. “Okay then.”, Tabe said. “Now my fans. My question is... Will you compete in your trial?” he asked. Tabe’s dad suddenly stormed into his room. “Tabrian! You know it’s Sunday! The trash truck is coming in the morning! Plus, you have over 10 trash bags that you purposely forgot to throw them away in the trash bins!”, Tabe ignored him while still staring at his TV. “Tabe. Will you take all of the god, damn, trash, out?” he forced Tabe. Tabrain responded to Fondoman’s question the same as his dad’s annoying question. “Challenge Accepted.”, he responded.