Tabrian has been watching every single running race channel that he's never missed since he was a kid when he first saw his favorite athlete who is unstoppable, and unbeatable who's still running on and on who's lost nothing at all in that man's whole life from then. This tough man is named “Fondoman”. The 2nd greatest athlete champion of the state. Who has never lost a race, who has never been in 4th place, 3rd, and even 2nd place? He's won over 40 races, which is equal to 47 trophies so far. If he achieves all 50 of them and the races, he'll achieve the last and special trophy, “The Grand Brand Athletic Cup”. The one cup that every racer is trying to win on. I know it for its reference to those who won the cup for their bravery, speed, hard work, trustworthiness, long-term, improvement, steady and balance, and teamwork. He's been working towards that goal ever since he started being an athlete when he was a teenager.
He became so popular that he also became the world’s first Eat a Whole Fruitcake challenge. He also wrote 100 math question answers in one whole day's challenge. He also won the world’s hardest game in a whole hour with no death's challenge. What’s something that’s even crazier? He was completely unexplainable for an unknown reason and did a catch-on-fire on his hand for 1 minute and 30 seconds. Was forcefully put his other hand in very sharp needles with the same countdown time. Without getting hurt, struggling, crying, and not even a yawn with a little tears. He almost did too, and boy, did it hurt. Nope. As expected, he passed the challenge. Which is baffling! Who would dare somebody like that? People, of course. With their baffling and dangerous ideas. It's probably because he will take on any challenge that anybody dares or asks him to do and things get in his way that He'll do himself. And he still has lost no challenge from today and one and on so far and then. It's like everything that he has to do and go to, it's automatically a challenge to him, or should it be for him.
Tabrian has been a true fan of Fondoman, to himself, for years since he first saw his first race. And from a couple of races, Tabrian realized that man does more than just race competitors, he's done many unbelievable challenges and some even not meant to be a challenge but it is, anyway. It's so amazing that he's made so much effort that it wasn't even his first time doing something he's never done before, even though he has never seen, heard, or done it yet. "I guess it's a special gift that he has," said Tabrian.
As he kept watching Fondoman's new video of a live stream, or challenge by that name, he now challenged himself to work part-time, or now it is his full-time job for the whole day, like 24 hours, no breaks, not even bathroom breaks! just kidding. He can use bathroom breaks. It’s definitively not possible. He’s lucky for that, too. But he doesn’t enjoy hearing things that will not be possible or not able to. If he wants things done the right way, and he doesn’t want to not accept anything that stands in his
way, and does a task, and again, challenges that he will complete immediately and permanently without a doubt. That’s what makes him so special. Trying new things He’d have to face anyways.
Also though, he doesn’t have to try everything, but he may try most of everything in the continuing upcoming and near future. Like what everybody has to face. We can’t avoid it. We’re going to need to learn something to get prepared and be aware. Like bills to pay, credit cards, finance, different emails, appointments, and lots more. Especially as an adult. Otherwise, we’ll be missing good things you don’t.
That’s exactly what Tabe is doing. His progress, not so much effort. But he’s putting a lot of effort and skills into himself. He’s been trying to be like Fondoman for a long time since then he’s been so popular. Most people love him. They wanted to do the same thing as what Tabe was trying to improve for Fondo. It’s difficult, though, difficult at all. People try to do many impossible challenges, and things that do not need to be necessary to be a challenge at all, but they do it anyway. Most things did not go well for the one who did, of course. Some got badly injured, sick, and almost died because of that. Even for Tabrian, it’s a very difficult and complicated challenge to do. It’s really hard to do things, especially doing plenty of them in one day.
But Tabrian didn’t care. He enjoys trying new things he hasn’t done or seen before. Even if it’s a very difficult and impossible challenge for him. Of course, he may get hurt. But that doesn’t stop him. He keeps going and tries again by doing it the same or finding another way. Although he hasn’t done every challenge like Fondoman has done yet, there are times he has failed some challenges. Even easy ones that are so simple. He doesn’t give up. It’s okay to fail. You just try your best and try again if you can. Fondoman is the same as Tabrian. He doesn’t give up at all either. He still keeps going like Tabrian.
That’s how Tabrian got all that encouragement, confidence, and perseverance from Fondoman. He’s a legend. Yet, he still lives now. “I promise, I will dare to challenge the face of tragedies that will lurk upon me. As I dash through those dangers, danger is my ability”, he said to him as he stared at the video of Fondoman. What he means by that is, that dangers to him, do not affect his strength. Just like his hero, the amazing, unstoppable Fondoman.