"We're still in disbelief of a high schooler winning the annual contest. His identity is still secret. Word is that he is an upcoming prodigy." The reporter said.
"Now let's hear what you have to say for yourself."
Before I could even start,
"Oh, Mr.Lipsky hasn't his performance proved enough? I mean look at my boyfriend's masterpiece." She said flipping her which later rested on her tailbone.
With a plastic smile, that was meant towards the camera, she directed her attention to the crowd, waving vigorously.
"Now that we're done here, we'll give you more information on the current events, the competition's results and what happened in the event itself".Mr. Lipsky said.
When the reporter was out of sight, one of the competitor's family came to me with a hand extended out. I took it and shook it.
"Was a view looking at you cook." He whispered in my ear, "Need work on your exposure skills though. I couldn't deny noticing your bored expression at the mention of 'boyfriend'." and smirked before continuing," Archer Smith."
"Aiden Walker", I introduced, "Animations department huh?"
I gestured towards his jacket with an exclusive logo.
"My cousins wanted to flex about me getting in."
"Oh, you missed saying 'mate'." I snickered.
He rolled his eyes.
"Another fifth-grader joke. How did they take in no-brainers in the priority admissions?"
"Someone does remember his classmate and best friend of four years now. Doesn't seem like that a few minutes ago when I was so formally introduced to Lil Archie who seems to have grown a ponytail." I replied.
We looked at each other for another solid minute and burst out laughing.
"You know, I think I'm going to stick around to see how this turns out. I don't like seeing all these talented people lose their way after befriending the much of insanity you are."
"You better. And think of ways to deal with Ray. He won't like it when he comes to know that the third Musketeer returned a week prior and didn't even let the cat out of the bag."
She jumped on my back.
"Hey there my sweet lollipop. Oh my God Archer! Is that you?". Her attention shifted.
"Guess my plastic surgery didn't work." He said with the same old bored expression, not looking at her. His ebony eyes were everywhere but her black ones.
From the corner of my eye, I could see her scanning him from head to toe while tightening the acrylics on my sleeve. More like trying to hold back a sudden urge to do something while biting her lip.
"Who is this girl?" Archer asked as if he didn't know her at all.
The woman in front of us gave a shocked smile. But her expression quickly changed to a smirking one.
"Hello Archer. I don't think I've had the pleasure," she said extending her hand to shake hands.
"She's Tess Jhonson. If you don't remember she's my cousin-"
"Friend. I am his childhood friend." Her eyes never dropped from his face though her hands have dropped from my hand.
He slightly nodded to the big lollipop on top of the candy shop right behind me and said, "Excuse me then."
"See you at school", she let out while vigorously waving at him.
Giving each other a look, we walked our way out.
Kenzie POV
When my alarm went off I groaned in revolt.
It wasn't even 11:00 a.m yet. Why did I have to wake up at 6 in the daylight?
Turning the alarm off I sat straight with half a blanket on. I had just proceeded to yawn when my phone buzzed further.
"She's awake Mrs.Brown but still on her bed. Sure. It's 2 minutes earlier than yesterday, so maybe it's progress. I assure you she will. Okay." Nic answered before fluttering the phone in front of me and yanking the sheets.
I jerked myself onto the footing to pick up the device to see it was my mother calling.
"Wake up the lazy ass. It's 9 am right now." My infuriating brother's voice rang through the phone.
"Are you listening? Why are you such a kumbhakarana?"
(Kumbhakarana is a demon from the Hindu epic Ramayana. He had a curse to be sleeping for long durations and was hard to wake.)
I tsked, kneading my eyes and yawned once again while the phone probably switched hands.
"Yes, mamma," I responded finally coming out of trance.
"The school starts tomorrow. If it remains this way, you'll sleep till the lunch ends."
Her voice was laced with concern yet strict at the same time.
"I woke up early today. Just playing with him, nothing else."
"There's no use lying to me. This sometimes gets more concerning that if you get lat-"
"Everything will be fine mom. Don't worry. Is papa okay?" I did a fictitious backpat to myself for being so talented in altering the subject.
After some commotion, a low-pitched voice replied to my concern.
"I am fine beta. Is everything okay?"
(Beta is used as an endearment in the Hindi language.)
"Yes, papa everything is going good."
"Are you ready for the school tomorrow?"
"Dad, what grade am I in?" I asked with a slight mockery.
"Ninth." He replied after a good 30 seconds, probably asking for help from my mother.
I chuckled to myself. "Yes, I am ready papa. Can you bring the phone on speaker phone please?"
After a brief pause, I said," Don't worry about me. I am fine. It's just school and I know I will do well. Just take care of yourselves and the day fatty's results drop, text me."
"Hey! I am not a fatty! You are-", I hear him yell on the other side and instantly dismiss the call. I gleamed to myself for a moment until I recalled I was to collect some stationary.
Apart from accumulating my midnight-secret stockpile of noodles, I also got my hands on some spices from the supermarket nearby and toured an art museum for a pause from studies.
Reminiscing myself of the articles that had to be bought, I turned my heels to initially groom my love, my bed, just to come face-to-face with a grinning Violet.