He flashed me that dazed grin he'd been wearing ever since we got on that highway. It was as if every twitch of my bodyexcited him. I don't know if he was planning to test his limits by challenging the Grim Reaper, but he wasn’t going to use me as a guinea pig for his stupid desires. I had other plans to accomplish, for him...and for myself...
“Orrrh you're doing too much, since when did you get so soft like that bro?”
He had stepped over another detour that zigzagged between the porous, deflowered paths of the road.
"Okay okay.... Just chill. Here you go, easy, I'm slowing down..."
"Are you okay now? You little pain in the ass? I can't believe the great Allan, who lives his life like he’s going to live it forever, is whining like a 5-year-old. For someone who has seen all Windrop's bras and thongs, I'm surprised you piss yourself at the slightest speeding excess... You for sure don’t freak out over getting an STD but you’re shitting your pantsfor some little 115 mph."
“Go suck my motherfucking dick, you idiot!”
"That's definitely NEVER going to happen, I don’t want a gonorrhea infected mouth_ he bursts out laughing, shit I want to wipe that filthy giggle off his face forever. We'll see who getsthe last laugh_ Besides, Allan, you're pushing 30 and it's about time you stop talking like a teenager. What's worse, you're a fucking lawyer, and I often wonder how you got that way, throwing around ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’ everywhere like some Doritos. Is that how you talk during a trial? Must suck to be a client of yours."
He had started laughing again, but this time he was more sober from his euphoria. I didn't give a damn about his opinion. Always ranting like he was a saint. He's everything he pretends not to be. At least, he was driving at a more or less normal pace at the moment. I wasn't going to die today, phew! At least not before executing my plan.
“Speaking of sucking dick...”
“What ?”
“Ahem...hum hum”
"Wh-What? No-no... What the hell are you talking about? Besides, it's not like you weren't doing the same thing when we were in high school-..."
"Key words ‘when we were in high school’, people grow up Allan, and so should you. Besides, you and I aren't the same, I'm bi, I like guys and girls... You, sucking a dick or taking it-..."
“I haven't sucked anything, stop!”
"Then what's the problem? Why do you want to talk about it?"
“You and... hum hum... You and Mason.”
"Me and Mason what? I'm not following you."
“Hum... Well, that's because I noticed you last time at the Raccoon, when, hum-”
“Stop with the fake cough and speak clearly, you're stressing me out.”
“When-when you were, you know what I mean-”
“No, I don't know what you're talking about, Allan.”
“Stop interrupting me if you want to know!”
“Stop beating around the bush if-...”
"WHEN YOU WERE GETTING READY TO FUCK! How's that? Sorry, I... well, I just noticed you looked embarrassed, borderline disgusted when Mason moaned. And-and I'm not the only one who noticed it, the others in the group mentioned it to me too, and I-I'd just like to know if you were sincere with Mase or you've found someone else..."
For a moment, he didn't flinch. His eyes suddenly focused on the road ahead, unfolding itself over hundreds of kilometers away. His hands embraced the leather of the steering wheel, allowing strange nerves to ripen in the flower of his skin, nerves that were only born during irruptions of anger. I think I've trapped my prey in the net, bingo!
"Yes, he disgusts me and yes I've found someone else.
I'm just sick of him, of this fucking marriage. He bothers me, he embarrasses me, he's so... ugh, God... He's so clueless. He does everything wrong, says everything wrong. He can't even MOAN like an adult. MOAN for fucking sake! It's like I married a fucking teenager trapped in an adult body. He's just immature and trying. He's nothing like my former conquests, he's nothing like Marina. I often wonder why I married him. Sure, he fascinated me for a while, when we were still in uni, his innocent, clueless puppy looks seduced me, I admit, but now he repulses me. Every cry he utters repels me, every whimper that squeaks from his mouth repels me, every time he blushes with pleasure, I want to grab him and beat him so hard, to the point where his neurons will snap back into place,and he'll finally behave like an adult. I'm trying to get out of this unhappy marriage, but on second thought... No. It's a good cover, with good benefits. After all, he's Mason Treize, son of billionaire Malcolm Treize. All to my advantage. His whole being repels me, his presence disgusts me... But if for the time being, I can unite my fortune with his legacy, well I'll stay, plain and simple."
I'm just stunned and at the same time so-
“Is that what you wanted to hear?”
"All of this? Is that what you wanted me to tell you? Admit it, it was worthy of a good, Oscar-level performance."
He sighs
"Look, Allan, none of what I just said is true. No, I don't have anyone else in my life and no, I don't find my husband embarrassing, are you nuts or what? Well, maybe he can seem embarrassing at times, but he hasn't had a crazy life like ours, fucking all the time. And all that, that pleasure, the feeling of having your entire being adored like a liturgical oration, of feeling loved, I understand that it can be too much for him and being 'embarrassing' is his way of expressing it. But I don't mind, and to be honest I love seeing him like this. Embarrassing and embarrassed. I love my husband more than anything. I adore Mase, he has like… sanctified my soul from sins. He's so pure, I... I've never been through this with anyone, any girl, any guy, not even Marina, you know, who was the one I was planning to marry had it not been for the fact that we had Moon and her parents split us up. But I'm glad, I'm very glad I didn't get engaged to Marina, because I met the best human being ever. His love sanctifies me, I kind of relive the fullness of creation just seeing him smile, if that is humanly possible. It's crazy, isn't it? Me, Ryan gloating like this, because of another guy."
Shit, shit, shit.
“So, clean your ears and rinse your eyes well... I love my husband!”
“I-I'm sorry if I-...”
"It's okay buddy, don't worry. But why?"
“Why what?”
“Why do you care?”
"Oh... hum hum... nothing, nothing. In fact, Mase, he's my best friend, I know he's fragile and I wouldn't want the slightest harm to be done to him; and having everyone come and tell me things about you, it made me-... I preferred to talk to you directly."
"I see... It's kind of strange that you and Mase are best friends. I mean, the two of us, you and I, have known each other for a long time, long before he came in the picture, and all of a sudden, you become HIS best friend."
“We’ve got to know Mase at the same time, but you ended up his HUSBAND.”
“Fair, but it's not like you're interested in men either.”
He bursts out laughing again. God, I want to take that laugh away from him forever. Idiot!
“You're right.”
“And with Ketty, everything's going well?”
"Yes, yes, everything's fine. Don't worry."
He gives me a doubtful look and I sense he's about to throw a lot more questions at me. I wouldn’t stand him peppering me with annoying questions about my married life.
“My guy, you'd better drive faster, Remy just sent me a message that they've all arrived already.”
“Well, well, well, now look who's asking me to drive faster? ... You've packed everything we need?”
“I said drive faster, not drive us to the grave”.
“And yes, I got everything”
I've got it all, Ryan McLores. Everything it takes to make you a future memory.