I groaned as my alarm clock went off, it's shrill sound resonating through the room. I rolled over, causing my hair to splay across my face. I grunted as I lifted my head off of the pillows.729Please respect copyright.PENANAmOHT9riBdC
Jesus Christ, Monday morning came around quick.
Eventually, I managed to pull myself from under the covers and into the bathroom. When I turned on the shower, I shrieked as the freezing cold water hit my bare skin. Jamie had used up all the hot water, what a surprise.
I wrapped one of the white fluffy towels, that sat on the sideboard, around my body and headed for my room. I stepped into my walk-in-wardrobe, in search of the clothes that I'd forgotten to lay out yesterday. After quite a while, I chose a white tank top, grey denim jeans and a leather handbag. white heels completed the outfit. I left my hair down and makeup natural. I looked at myself in the mirror and felt ridiculous. I didn't know why I'd picked such an outfit.
Jamie was already stuffing his face when I got downstairs. Grease from the bacon he was eating was smeared around his mouth and he'd managed to get ketchup on his chest.
"You really need to learn to eat delicately," I scoffed, accepting the bowl of muesli, my mother was offering.
"I could say the same about your..." he stopped his mouth open. I cringed, as it was full of food, and shut it for him. "You know, if you weren't my sister I would so date you!"
I almost choked. "Ewww!"
"What I'm just saying, you should dress like that more often. You look hot. Anyway, I did say if you weren't my sister. I'm not that gross," he attempted to defend himself, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"No, ugh you're meant to be making jokes about how ugly I look," I muttered, taking a seat opposite Jamie.
When I had finished my breakfast, I stood up and made my way to the door. Jamie called after me and I stopped. "Don't give me any reason to beat someone up, if you're going to dress like that. Ok?"
"Dress like what?" I asked, poking my head around the corner.
"A girl!" he exclaimed and burst into fits of laughter.
Ok, so maybe I dressed a bit like a guy. Hoodies and jeans often featured in my outfit choice. I could dress however I wanted to though, couldn't I? My brother was just way too over protective. I was pretty, even I could see that, but I was no supermodel.
Mercedes had asked me to pick her up on the way to school, so I did. She had a thing about not driving alone. She was slightly ahead as we walked towards our lockers. It wasn't surprising, she was a fast walker. She was about fifteen feet away from my locker when she stopped dead.
"The eagle has landed, I repeat the eagle has landed," she muttered, her eyes widening and her mouth dropping open.
I peeked over her shoulder and I swear my jaw nearly hit the floor. Leaning against my locker was the most stunning boy I'd ever seen. His hair was a golden colour and it was styled away from his forehead in a tousled manner. He was dressed nicely too in grey skinny jeans, a white tank top that just showed his toned abdominal muscles and a red, white and navy flannel. It wasn't either of these things that had me rooted to the spot though, it was his eyes that took my breath away. They were a deep ocean blue and sparkled in the most enticing manner. I could've stared into his eyes for hours.
It took me a while to realise what Merche had said. When I did, I looked at her in astonishment.
"Wait what?"
"I dunno, it was subtle. I could of yelled OM freakin' G über hot boy, at the top of my voice," she said shrugging.
"Ok," I replied and nodded slightly. "I am going to make my way over there very slowly, act normal."
I walked slowly and deliberately toward my locker, trying to act as if he wasn't there. For some reason I had this mad urge to stroke his hair as if it was a horse's forelock. I shook my head in attempt to rid my brain of the thought.
Weird, weird and totally weird.
As I put in the combination, he leant over me with one hand resting on my locker door.
Oh my god, don't panic.
"Hey, it's Kalia right?" he asked, a smirk plastered on his face.
Great, another player to add to the schools long line of players.
"Yeah," I breathed, mentally kicking myself for sounding almost seductive.
"I'm Apollo, nice to meet you."
Within the moments that he spoke that sentence, I swear my heart stopped. The name Apollo made my heart race as if it meant something great to me. I couldn't figure out what, but it suited him perfectly.
"Yeah, you too." I muttered, collecting the various books I needed for the day. I had expected him to move away at that point, or even look slightly offended, but he didn't. "Look, isn't there something you could be doing right now?" I asked in a manner that was, if I was honest with myself, a bit rude and unnecessary.
"Not really." He replied coolly and I realised he wasn't going to move.
I slammed my locker shut and turned around to find him gaping at me openly. I was shocked to say the least and slightly creeped out, but a part of me was deeply flattered. His eyes wandered all over my body until they firmly attached their gaze to my cleavage.
"Excuse me, my eyes are up here," I stated, doing my best not to flush bright red.
At my comment, his gaze shifted up a notch to the base of my neck as if he was looking at a pendant I was wearing, but I wasn't wearing one. His eyes widened, after a few seconds, and he staggered back a few steps.
"Holy..." he murmured, shock seeming to override all sensible thoughts. "I... I gotta go," he stuttered, spinning around and taking off.
When he was out of sight, Mercedes approached me. "Well, that was uh slightly weird," she commented, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her white denim jacket.
"Yeah," I laughed, "forget the eagle has landed; more like the nutcase has landed."
The way he had stared at me and the way he had taken off had unsettled me slightly but I didn't tell Mercedes. It wasn't as if he was the only weirdo I'd encountered at school.
"So, to art?" Merche asked and I nodded.
We reached Miss Hatter's class early but she let us in to start our projects nevertheless. She was an odd woman to be working as a high school art teacher. She was far too young, pretty and talented in my opinion. Just by looking at her you could tell she was artsy. She had long auburn hair that was always tied back in some kind of updo with a chopstick secured through it and her pastel green eyes always sparkled. There was always copious amounts if the same pink blusher highlighting her high cheekbones and it was rare that her clothes weren't already paint splattered by first period.
"Morning girls, what will we be working on today?" she trilled, clasping her hands together, when we arrived.
"Uh, nature designs?" Merche replied unsurely and Miss Hatter nodded vigorously.
"Excellent choice Mercedes," Miss Hatter exclaimed, "well hop to it girls!"
I moved quickly to set up my workspace and at the same time I allowed ideas to go coursing through my wild imagination. I had to have an idea or more preferably an image in my head to draw or paint. It was impossible for me to pluck something to draw out of thin air; I just had to be able to depict the image In my head.
As I sat down at my designated desk, the image of a beautiful and delicate tiger lily appeared in my stream of consciousness. I set to work immediately and it seemed as if I wasn't in control of my own movements. My foot tapped on the floor incessantly and my hand moved at such a pace that it was almost a blur.
The peace and quiet didn't last long. A few minutes later the bell rang and soon after that Apollo entered amongst my year's population of jocks. They occupied the back of the classroom as usual and Apollo was sat slap bang in the middle of them all. It seemed they'd already accepted him into their posse and from then on I had no doubt whatsoever that he would become the school's next star quarterback or something; he certainly had the physique for it.
Miss Hatter began explaining to everyone how this class would work, but I ignored her. I'd been in Miss Hatter's class since freshman year so I was pretty sure I knew the gist of everything.
The sheer amount of noise coming from the back of the class throughout the lesson made it almost impossible to concentrate and it got to the point where I was seriously considering going over to them and bashing Apollo's skull in to shut them up.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Repeated taps on the shoulder from Mercedes was what broke the murderous glare I'd directed at Apollo.
"Kalia, it's the end of class. We need to get to the sports hall stat," she announced when she finally had my attention.
We only just got to the sports hall and got changed in time. I ignored the cat calls and wolf whistles and weaved my way through the mass of football players until I found Brent.
"Kalia," he began, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I thought we discussed you not wearing skorts for gym. That thing is so short you might as well be naked,"
"Brent," I whined, "I thought you said you'd stop doing my brother's job."
"I'm sorry but I really don't like having to watch my whole team, including that new kid, mentally undress you," he snapped.
"I can look after myself Brent, I really can." I replied, placing a reassuring hand on his forearm.
"Hey babe, you're taken? What a shame," Apollo called and began jogging towards the two of us.
"You're a lucky man," he said to Brent. "I've gotta say, her ass does look mighty fine in that skirt."
"Excuse me?" I shrieked and Brent's face turned tomato red.
"How dare you?" he practically yelled and began advancing towards Apollo.
"Dude..." Jonty warned, but I wasn't exactly sure who the warning was aimed at.
Apollo spun around to face the dark-haired defender. "She's a chick," he said, a slight look of confusion crossing his face.
"Look man, you can have any girl you want but you don't go near let alone hit on Kalia. That's just not cool man," Jonty elaborated.
"But she's..."
"Off limits," Jonty finished the sentence fore him.
"Are you seriously telling me that the hottest chick in the whole damn school is off limits for what seems to me like no reason apart from the fact that that jerk is her boyfriend?" Apollo asked incredulously.
"Yes he fucking is," Brent said through gritted teeth and I had to restrain him from jumping Apollo.
"Can you guys just get along for two minutes?" I butted in.
They both scoffed at the same time causing me to smile and them to glare at each other even harder.
I was thankful when Mr Hill, the teacher who was in charge of the girl's sport, turned on the little portable music player he always carried with him and one of the current chart toppers blasted from it's speakers.
"Get dancing girls!" he yelled from where he was sat, slouched, on the bleachers.
I immediately started spinning on pointe as if the would rid some of the tension in the air. After a few turns I proceeded to complete several backflips causing several people to cheer. When my progression of flips finally came to a natural end, I called to Mercedes. "Hey Merche, come dance with me!"
Eventually, the other coach came out and the guys had to go over the other side of the field. I danced with Merche for a while, but I couldn't get Apollo's words out of my head. 'She's a chick.' Was that supposed to mean I should be free hunting territory for him?
I thought I'd finally got rid of him until he sat himself in Brent's seat at lunch.
"What do you want Delos?" I spat, feeling suddenly venomous.
"You," he replied and smirked.
Mercedes glared at him. "Go sit with your idiot friends," she muttered, gesturing to the other table full of jocks, but unfortunately he heard her.
"Calling yourself an idiot are you?" he replied, the smirk never leaving his face.
Did he just imply we're friends?
"No I certainly am not!" she screeched, causing everyone to stare at her.
"So," Apollo continued, ignoring Mercedes, "I heard you two were on the cheerleading squad."
"I suppose you're on the dickhead squad," Merche remarked in return.
I sighed and pushed both hands through my hair before resting my chin against one palm. "She means the football team," I explained when Apollo looked confused.
He gave us one of those Captain Obvious looks and was about to say something but he was cut short by Brent's arrival.
"Get your Floridian ass out of my seat," he commanded through gritted teeth.
"And if I don't?"
"Don't push it Delos," Brent growled. grabbing Apollo's shirt collar and dragging him out of the seat.
This was bad; this was really, really bad. Brent didn't do fights whatsoever. It just didn't happen. The only time I'd ever seen Brent get into a fight was last year when one of the seniors decided Brent had gotten too big for his boots and had attacked him. To cut a long story short, the guy ended up in the ICU. Brent was very lucky he didn't end up facing an assault charge.
"Brent don't you dare, he's not worth it," I warned.
"I won't have him publicly lusting after you, it's disgusting. I won't stand for it."
"It's not your damn job okay? I don't need a bodyguard!" I yelled, unable to control myself. "You know what? Screw all of you."
As I stormed out of the cafeteria, leaving my bags underneath my seat, I caught the slightest snippet of Merche's words.
"All right dickheads, we're gonna sort this out or I'll have to kill both of you," I heard her growl, grabbing on to both of them.
"Sis, don't walk away from me!"
Great, just great! That's exactly what I need right now, my brother poking his nose into things that aren't at all his business.
"It's not your problem dude," I called back to him, not bothering to turn around.
"It sure damn is," he replied, grabbing my shoulder and forcing me to turn around.
"You know what? If you wanna beat the crap out of the loud-mouthed idiot then fine. I don't care. Just don't drag me into it. I don't wanna deal with your bullshit; I don't wanna deal with Brent's bullshit and I most certainly don't wanna deal with Apollo's bullshit. Okay?" I said, shaking his hand off of me.
I took off without another word. Why couldn't they just accept that I didn't want or need fifteen bodyguards. I just wanted to be normal, like every other kid I guess. Why couldn't they grant me that?729Please respect copyright.PENANASVLrao1yeo