A golden sky like flame, below an inky blackness. The eagle soared, its wings stretched out to support its flight. As the eagle flew, he weaved through the craggy pillars of rock that blocked his path. On he flew towards the everlasting source of light. He was so majestic, spiralling towards the Doric columns where the sun rose.
"Kalia, Kalia. Oh for God's sake!"
The eagle blurred and I woke to find a turquoise pillow stuffed in my face. Shaking myself awake, I looked up to find my best friend Mercedes staring at me quizzically. I moaned and begrudgingly hauled myself up.
"Sorry." I muttered, my voice thick with sleep. “Vivid dream."
"About what?" Mercedes asked me slyly, her eyes glinting somewhat evilly.
"Oh god Merche, not everyone dreams about boys! And no, I do not bat for that team." I knew what she had been implying from the look on her face.
Merche was Mercedes' nickname. She'd had it since she was tiny but now she liked it purely for ease of use. It stopped people asking why she was named after a car. It was rather hard to explain to people that Mercedes was a Spanish name long before cars were invented, as we had found out. Unfortunately for those who knew her, she did not live up to the meaning of her name. She was certainly not merciful. I knew that I would never get away without telling Mercedes the exact details of my dream. I had learned from past experiences that I would hear about it for days on end, until I gave her the response she wanted.
"It was the one with the flying eagle." I whispered.
"What? Again?"
"Yeah, I keep wondering whether it's meant to mean something."
"Maybe..." replied Mercedes smiling sweetly. Oh God, I'd seen this face before. This was not good.
"Ta Da! Another fantastic prediction form the one and only. Mercedes Aiza!" I announced pretending to be astounded.
"Maybe..." Merche continued, "This infinite light source is like, a mega hot boy!" she squealed, bouncing up and down on the mattress.
I snorted with laughter, Mercedes was such a believer in all of the romantic nonsense and her 'dream interpreting' hobby was nothing more than an excuse that allowed her to dream up fantastical situations we would supposedly get put into. These mostly comprised of Merche making out with hot boys at parties although I did appear in the odd interpretation, it depended on her mood.
"So, we still on for the beach today?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"Defo, I have been dying to work on my tan." Mercedes enthused
"Merche you're Spanish for god’s sake, you have a tan that most girls would kill for!"
"Fine..." Mercedes paused pretending to sulk, after a few seconds she shot me a grin, "I just want to put on a bikini and flirt mercilessly with the guys even though I have no chance in hell."
I just had to laugh Mercedes was indeed such a flirt. "Well, give me ten minutes to take a shower and we can go." I called, not looking over my shoulder as I headed towards the bathroom.
"Finally, I've been ready for an hour!" Merche joked, picking up her phone and flopping on the bed.
Ten minutes later I re-entered the room. I had changed into a pretty black bikini and styled my hair. I grabbed my tan leather purse and shoved in my wallet, phone and a pair of matching flip flops before applying waterproof mascara and swinging the bag over my shoulder. Mercedes was waiting patiently at the door, wearing a teal blue bikini.
"Pancakes?" She inquired as I approached her
"Pancakes." I replied with a deft nod of my head.
Mercedes' mom made the most heavenly blueberry pancakes. They were a firm favourite of ours and Merche's father for that matter. As they came down stairs, Mercedes' mother was already at the stove cooking whilst her father tried and failed to sneak a pancake or two when she wasn't looking.
"Oh really, Enrique, go sit down you're acting like a four year old!" She chastised exasperatedly. “Girls here are your pancakes." She handed us each a plate of pancakes. She huffed at her sulking husband and offered him a plate too.
The pancakes were to die for. Not only were they perfectly cooked and smothered with blueberries but Teresa had taken the time to drizzle them with her homemade toffee sauce. Just heavenly. After we had finished eating, we headed towards the hallway where Mercedes collected her white tote bag.
"Dad?" She yelled, rocking back onto her heels. "Where's my car keys?"
Her father chuckled. "In your bag, where you left them." He replied, I could just imagine the smug expression on his face.
"Right" she rolled her eyes and pulled the oak front door open, "Come on, then."
I laughed at my friend’s eagerness and climbed into the passenger seat.
"Let me drive this time, Merche." I just about pleaded.
She just shook her head and laughed as we started up the car. We zoomed off with a wave to Mercedes' parents. Her house was a short drive from the local beach, only about ten minutes but with Mercedes driving they could make it there in less than three. She was a complete and utter maniac. Each time we went on any kind of journey I begged her to let me drive, but sadly to no avail. Apparently the car was her baby but I was surprised she hadn't got pulled over by the cops yet.
I climbed out of the car and rushed towards the golden sand, ditching Mercedes in an attempt to get the sooner. She followed me after locking the car, her arms piled high with all of our beach stuff. After scouring the sand for a good spot we eventually settled for one quite close to the water's edge. We put down our stuff and Merche began to set up the parasol. The beach was beautiful but I guess that’s what you get in sunny California.
"I'm going to get slushies, ok?" I asked as I rifled through my bag, looking for my wallet.
"Mm, Green Apple please." Came Merche's answer as she spread out a towel.
I finally caught hold of my wallet and ran over to where the snack bar was perched at the end of the promenade. There wasn't a queue.
"One Green Apple and one Wild Cherry slushie please." I asked, pushing silver around my hand in an attempt to count the correct amount.
"Sure thing!" He chirped as he went to make the drinks. If Mercedes were here she would have already been squealing. The attendant, whose name was Dirk Connelly, had been Merche's crush in sophomore year. Dirk was a sophomore too now, in college. A few minutes later he returned bearing two iced drinks, which were welcome on such a hot summer’s day.
"Thanks." I took the drinks from his hands.
"No problem beautiful." He winked and I chuckled slightly, rolling my eyes.
As I turned around, my whole body froze. Mercedes was laid out on the beach towel, just as she had been when I left her, but now there was a gang of boys heading towards her. I knew that gang very well, I had given their leader a few black eyes in my time. Unfortunately they were unrelenting. I hurried back towards our base, my eyes never leaving Nick their leader. I watched as her sauntered up to Mercedes, his crew just behind him. I watched as he ran a hand through his greasy blond hair as he approached her. Damn, why was the snack bar so far away? As I set the drinks down I could hear Nick speaking.
"Hey baby, wanna go for a... Spin?" Mercedes was on her feet now and even I could smell his breath, which reeked of alcohol, through his slurred words.
He took another step towards her and reached out to pull her closer to him, his wasted crew leering from just a few meters away. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him. Merche pulled back in blind panic, trying to pull away from the monster before her. I saw her twisting in his grasp as he tried to kiss her. I ran towards them. I had to protect her, I had to. I always did, it was my job.
"Whoa!" I yelled as I reached them, catching him off guard. He let go of Mercedes in surprise and stumbled back slightly. "Back off!" He stared at me, his expression a mixture of surprise and indignation. I should have been terrified. A drunk man especially one as strong as Nick should have been terrifying but I wasn’t scared off anything. "Yeah you heard me, back off!" I slammed him into the sand. He really wasn't as tough as he looked but then again I was a hell of a lot stronger than I looked. "And if you ever dare come within ten feet of my best friend again, I will pulverise you and your lackeys. Now, get out before I do you some real damage.” I spat. Nick took a hesitant step backwards.
“One day, you’re gonna regret messing with me.” He threatened as he back up further. “C’mon guys.” He turned around and sauntered away.
“You know what, I’m looking forward to it Nick.” I called after him.
“Are you okay Merche?”
“My God, I’m so sorry Merche.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“It is, I should have been there sooner.”
“No, Kalia. It’s not your fault.”
“You have to speak to the police Merche. Next time I might not be around.” I insisted.
“Tomorrow Kalia, I’ll talk to them tomorrow.” Mercedes replied, eager to change the subject.
She wouldn’t go to the police tomorrow. I knew she wouldn’t. She’d promised me so many times that she would and never did. I should’ve gone to the police but I couldn’t break her trust.
I sat down next to her and enveloped her in a hug. I passed her drink to her and she took it gladly. She put on a good show, seeming unaffected and all that, but her hands were shaking as she brought the slushie to her lips.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” I asked.
“Yes!” She snapped. “Jesus, Kalia would you quit it for just one second?”
“I’m worried about you Merche!” I exclaimed.
“Well stop. I don’t need your concern. Please just let’s enjoy ourselves.”
I decided to let the matter rest. She was right this was our last day of freedom. We might as well enjoy it. We savoured our drinks for a long while, enjoying the cool ice against out tongues. Eventually however the slushies were gone and we decided to play a game of volleyball. A few metres away, some seniors were setting up a net. We rushed over to them.
"Hey, mind if we join you? I asked.
The boy I had approached shook his shaggy blond hair and replied, "Not at all, we needed two more players." we were assigned a team and began to play.
We spent hours with the group, playing games, eating and eventually we set up a fire. It was especially nice since we didn’t know them very well. I wasn't surprised when many others joined us. It was practically a tradition for our year group to come down to the beach on the evening before school started up again. This way it felt like we never left.
Cody and Grey, identical twins and football players, were first on the scene. They brought kegs of beer and cans of energy drinks. The second they began hauling them out, I strode over to them.
“Hey boys.” I greeted.
“Kalia! What’s up?” They chorused.
“Nothing much.” I replied.
“You want a beer?” Grey asked.
“Really Grey? Beer? C’mon you’re better than this.”
“It’s just beer Kalia, chillax.”
“It’s also illegal Grey. Put it back in the car and take it back to your dad’s brewery tomorrow.”
“She’s right Grey. We shouldn’t have taken it. Let’s put it back in the car.” Cody pitched in.
I instantly felt guilty even though I’d done it for the right reasons. I had always had influence over people. I could make them do things without them realising I was making them do it. That’s why I was always so impartial. I hated influencing people; it wasn’t right.
After helping the twins put away the beer, I headed back to the beach where I sat down between Mercedes and Grey. The boy’s had already began talking about football so I turned to Merche.
The buzzing sound of laughter and chatter could be heard from a mile away and continued long it to the night. At some point someone brought an old fashioned boom box and we danced until dawn came.
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