The Awakening
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"Waah! It's Ichi!"
"So pretty!"
"So beautiful! I wish I was like her"
"Her ability is so amazing!"
"Her eyes are so cool"
Distant murmurs continued to flow in from the onlookers around the academy seeing the spectacular view of Rosencreuz's garden flourishing in an instant. It's been three years since Ichi has entered Rosencreuz. She has now become quite popular among the juniors in the academy. Aside from that she is also one of the top students along with Crawford.
"It's been three years since that day..." Ichi unwittingly murmured under her breath.
A memory of her sneaking a kiss at Crawford when he was asleep back then made her blush.
"Uwaaaah! Why am I remembering this suddenly at all time" Ichi started flailing her hands. In response to her unstable emotions, the rose garden nearby suddenly overflowed and as if with a mind of its own began to chase after the onlookers.
"Waaaahh!! Run away! The plants have gone wild!"
"What the-?"
The sounds of screams could be heard from around. Ichi coming back to her senses was surprised as well and began to panic.
(Oh no, even after all this time. I still can't control my power properly. Anyway I need to calm down....calm down...) Ichi desperately tried to calm herself down by taking deep breaths, but instead got even more anxious.
It was then a familiar firm hand had grasped Ichi and the soothing scent of lavender that came with it.
Ichi was then pulled around and was embraced by a kiss from Crawford. As if melting away in his arms, Ichi flailed helplessly. In the same moment the plants that have gone rampant have returned to their original position although the mess created from the overflowing amount of plants still linger.
Crawford still holding Ichi in his arms sighed. "What am I ever going to do about you? I take my eyes of you for a moment and you go out of control again"
Still not realizing what happened (more like not wanting to accept they just kissed) Ichi pushed Crawford back and protested "W-w-what!? Whose fault do you think t-this is?"
"Well I only know one person here that's loved by plants" Crawford shrugged as he scratched the back of his hair.
"Urgghhh...Are you saying I can't control myself!? Just so you know, even if you didn't come I could've handled this all by myself!" Ichi puffed her cheeks as she stared at Crawford with her hands on her hips.
Flicking his spectacles Crawford smirked. "Yes, I'm sure you can"
"W-what was that!? Are you-" Ichi was stopped when she heard the sounds of whistling and cheering from around them. Shrinking down, she blushed.
Picking her up by the chin, Crawford looked Ichi in the eye" Am I what?"
As soon as Crawford did that, the sounds of firecrackers blowing up and constant cheering, continued to grow. It was then Crawford took Ichi's hand and knelt down on one leg.
Jolting in surprise Ichi tried to pull away. "C-craw! W-what are you up to!? Everyone is looking!" Her eyes squinted due to embarrassment.
It was then one the other students came over and handed Craw a small box wrapped in a silk cover.
"Here is your request Master Crawford" the student unveiled and opened the small box. Inside it was a single ring which Crawford then took out.
Peeking with one eye, Ichi met with Crawford's serious gaze. She quickly closed her eyes and her face blushed even more. (What is he doing? Is he proposing? Is he proposing? What do I do!?!?) Ichi thought to herself, screaming in her mind.
"Ichi..." Crawford gently called out to her.
Once again slowly peeking out her eye, Ichi replied with a little head tilt.
"Will you...marry me?" The usually calm and collected Crawford made a bashful expression and looked as if he tried his best not to look away.
Ichi who was ready to burst was really holding back, after a few pauses and calming down she then replied. "Did you plan all this...?" Unable to look at Crawford's face for too long thinking she might faint from the excitement she averted her eyes.
Crawford was used to Ichi how Ichi replies to him but today he was quite surprised by her question. Maybe it was because he himself is feeling quite emotional that every word Ichi says gives him a tingling feeling. He then cleared his throat before answering. "Well...I am an Oracle. So I knew this was coming and I..." Crawford paused for a bit blushing even more. "I thought it would be the best moment to do it...So will you accept?"
Tears started to well up in Ichi's eyes. She then started to cry out loud surprising the onlookers and Crawford the most. Just as Crawford was at a loss at what to do and was going to get up, Ichi stopped him. Sniffling back her tears and wiping her overflowing tears with her free hand. Ichi looked back at Crawford seriously. "S-stupid! If you're really an Oracle then do you even need an answer!?"
With his ability, yes Crawford could actually see the result of his confession. Regardless of that, they were already long been a couple so he was confident he wasn't going to be rejected. But this time, it was the only time he didn't rely on his powers. Because deep in his heart, this was the moment he had longed to witness for himself.
Feeling surprised, Crawford smiled. His eyes beamed wide and returned Ichi's gaze. With gentle hands, Crawford slid the ring he held and without resistance the ring fit perfectly on Ichi's finger. He then raised his own hand and showed Ichi a matching ring on his hand. Ichi who was holding back immediately pounced on Crawford crying even more. The sounds of cheering and applause continued to grow in the small backyard garden of the academy. As if already forgetting their time and place, being in a whole different world with only the two of them, Ichi and Crawford once again lovingly embraced. This time not to calm Ichi down, but to show how much they actually love each other as the two lips entwined under the blossoming garden that continued to grow even more beautifully.
At the same time, a figure watching them from the window of the upper floors smirked and the curtains were then pulled aside concealing its figure.
A month had passed since Crawford's proposal had become a very popular topic. Gossips would go on without end and the couple even had a fan club going for them. But all the happiness quickly went down the drain when a week ago Ichi and Crawford were called to the headmaster's office and each received a letter with the name 'Katyana Rosaline' written on its cover. Inside was written.
Dear Ichi,,
I wish for you and Crawford all the happiness the world can offer. But sadly, it seems I might not be able come back for a while. I will go and investigate some matters. I'll be back soon.!
727Please respect copyright.PENANAguMCLnNIWN
Dear Crawford,
The Demon is awakening.
Don't tell Ichi and please keep Ichi safe. Trust no one.
727Please respect copyright.PENANAmC5UFOIO5k
"You know what this means don't you?" It was the headmaster of Rosenkreuz who was speaking.
"What is the meaning of these letters? When and who did you receive them from?" Crawford for once felt an urge to seriously become angry. Who wouldn't, when their privacy was pried open and suddenly shoved in front of his face. Ichi on the other hand was devastated by the contents of the letters that she almost dropped down if not for Crawford supporting her.
"I believe you of all people should know better. As the owner of Oracle and being the people who she last made contact with. Shouldn't it be us who should be asking as to why delicate information such as this is hidden and only told to the two of you?" The headmaster slammed one hand on the table intimidating Crawford.
"This doesn't mean you can invade our privacy!" Crawford glared at the headmaster while clenching his fist.
"This is no longer a matter of privacy! Demons are our natural enemy! If the world were to end because of you people playing secrets then what!? Should I brand you three as heretics and banish you for siding with the demons?" The headmaster threatened them once again slamming the table with his fist.
"LEAVE ICHI OUT OF THIS!!! I will resolve this myself" For one of the few times in his life, it was the first he was angry towards the person who he thought was his own benefactor.
"You raise your voice to me? Who was it that raised you here?" Throwing a bundled parchment in front of Crawford the headmaster got up and turned his back towards them. "Take it, inside is the location of where you can find her. Bring her back and I shall clear all of your suspicions"
Gritting his teeth Crawford tried to calm himself down, he looked at Ichi and called out to her "Ichi..."
Ichi was staring blank into space, her fragile heart was broken reading that letter that seemed like a lie. Scooping her up in his arms, Crawford carried her out of the room and returned to the dormitories bringing her to his room.
After settling Ichi down, and brewing her favorite milk tea to calm her down. Crawford got ready to leave.
"Craw..." Ichi called out towards Crawford, her eyes still looked downcast as she gazed emptily towards the warm cup of milk tea in her hands.
She was trembling, although the cup was quite warm on the verge of hot. Ichi had not felt a shred of heat. She couldn't feel anything. She just felt sheer numbness.
Crawford glanced back towards Ichi, he wanted to take her with him, but he thought that if he did so in her current condition. It'll only endanger herself. Thinking it was best to silently leave while she is lost in thought Crawford ignored Ichi's call and silently exited the room.
Agonized by the fact he actually left Ichi when she really needed him by her side, Crawford shook his head. (For Ichi's sake I must do this! Even if she comes to hate me for it I have to do it). Crawford heaved a heavy sigh, unable to resist. He took one quick glance back towards the academy.
"So are you also going to leave me too...?" A sad heartbroken voice could be heard.
The voice came from behind Crawford. He quickly turned back towards the gate where he headed off to. Completely overcome by surprise, Crawford dropped to his knees.
Tears welled up in Crawford's eyes for the first time ever as he gasped and fell on all fours. "I...I'm...I-ichi I'm sorry! I have to do this. I don't want to involve you. So please...just stay here where it's safe!"
Amazingly enough, Ichi who had been devastated moments ago had quickly resolved mind and even managed to get ahead of Crawford although his room had been in the third floor of the academy. Using her powers, she traveled down the window while the plants carried her safely as she waited for Crawford.
" why I hate you!" With tears in her eyes, Ichi quickly wiped them away and turned her back towards Crawford. Using vines, Ichi dragged Crawford with her.
"I-ichi!? Didn't you hear what I said!?" Crawford struggled to get up.
Briefly stopping a few steps after, Ichi called out to Crawford "So, should I drag you along till you let me go with you or will you let me come with you? Which is it?" It was a cold voice filled sadness and also madness. Crawford knew better then to reject Ichi when she is like this. It was Ichi's serious side, and when she is like this not even his Precognition could figure out what was going through her mind, which was also one of the reasons for Crawford to fall for her in the first place.
Heaving a heavy sigh, Crawford wiped away his pathetic tears and got up brushing the dust away from his clothes. "Alright alright, I'll let you come. But don't expect this to be an easy journey" Crawford thought deep in his mind. (Ichi, day by day you keep becoming stronger and beautiful. Probably a day will come when I might not be able to protect you. But I promise you, till then I will always protect you) Crawford gently caressed the ring on his finger, before quickly catching up towards Ichi.
"Are you sure you're prepared for this Ichi? Ichi...?"
Ichi once again fell into exhaustion. She overused her powers and entered her usual energy saving mode and fell into a deep sleep. Crawford couldn't help but smile. He thought of bringing her back again and leaving her, but it might post a more serious threat if she instead overuses her power to chase after him and lose consciousness somewhere where he can't see her. So instead, Crawford scooped her up and carried her along with him. Looking up towards the setting sun, the two set off.
It's been over 6 hours since he last left the academy, fatigue began to overcome Crawford's body as he continued to drive in the darkness. Previously the bundle contained a car key and map leading towards the uncharted realm that included a pass to enter the realm. It was a place that was actually sealed off as a hazardous area for normal citizens. But for people who were psychic, this was actually a forbidden place since the mystical energy is quite thick and may cause various abnormalities towards their psychic powers.
Crawford had a bad feeling lingering and couldn't help but feel anxious. Looking around the dark path, he slowly stopped the car and parked it in a nice spot that could serve as a shelter against the cold night wind. The time was already way over midnight and the sky was colored an ominous red with the moon hidden beneath the foggy weather. Quickly setting up camp, Crawford laid Ichi to sleep in the tent before lying down beside her. Using the only blanket he has, Crawford blanketed Ichi and smiled as he tried to sleep enduring the cold night wind.
Thirty two hours have passed since they have ventured into the uncharted realm. Finally they have located the location that was specified within the map. It was day two of their journey and the weather was not very friendly. Actually, it was the worst that could have ever happened today. The wind was blowing harshly although it was morning, the cloudy stormy weather made it seem like it was still in the night. It's the weather that Ichi hated the most as she curled herself in the cars passenger seat covering her ears.
Cursing the weather, Crawford quickly maneuvered through the uneven road and quickly parked the car in a nearby shed at the specified location. As if the weather wasn't worse enough, the location they had to venture was in fact the worst thing to calm Ichi down. It was yes, an abandoned old mansion. As you might know, things that look abandoned usually reek of ghosts. In this case, Ichi was terrified of them.
Gripping the car's steering wheel tightly, Crawford felt he wanted to just blast the whole place to smithereens. But of course, that wasn't possible since he didn't have the power to do so. Taking a deep breath, Crawford called out to Ichi and took one of her trembling hands holding it.
"If it's like this, the storm won't be so scary right?" He caressed Ichi's hand gently. Her hand felt cold to the touch, but he could clearly see it was working as the trembling slowly subsided.
Looking back at Crawford with teary eyes, Ichi frowned.
Seeing Ichi's face like that, Crawford couldn't help but start patting her head. "'s okay. That's why I told you to stay put didn't I?"
"D-d-don't treat me like a child! I'm not a child!!!" Ichi pouted as she flicked Crawford's hand away and crossed her hands.
As if God was mercilessly against her. A loud thunder crackled and struck a nearby tree causing Ichi to jump unconsciously into Crawford's arm.
"Whaaaa! I-ichi!" Crawford was caught by surprise being suddenly pounced on. Since the door had been unlocked, he had fallen out of the car instead with Ichi on top of him.
"O-ouch..." Realizing the embarrassing position she's in, Ichi quickly moved away and fidgeted with her hair.
Crawford smiled looking at her bashful figure, and got up towards her. "Now that we are already out here, might as well get over it quickly. Shall we go?" Crawford raised a hand towards Ichi holding it up.
Taking Crawford's hand, Ichi blushed as she was pulled closer towards him. She nodded silently. Although, the thunder was loud the voice of her heart drowned away her fear of thunder. Just with Crawford beside her, she felt like nothing else mattered. Even the mansion that was supposedly scary seemed like a walk in the park to the current her now.
Just before the mansions door, Crawford stopped, feeling concerned for Ichi.
"It's okay..." Holding one hand against her chest, Ichi took in a deep breath. "Let's go!" Ichi replied with the most cheerful smile she could muster and instead brought herself to drag Crawford in instead.
Crawford was mesmerized by her smile that he actually skipped a beat before getting back to his senses and matched Ichi's pace. Inside they go towards their final goal.
"So it's this place...?" Crawford's eyes glowed as he peered through all the possibilities of the future. In one of his precognition he found out there was a secret passage hidden behind one of the walls where the map's hint ended.
Gently tapping the disheveled stone wall, the ground started to rumble and a passageway appeared before them as the stone wall gave way. Magically, the pathway down was suddenly lit up as torches began to blaze lighting the small narrow path down.
"Craw...I don't like this...I have a bad feeling about this" Ichi was genuinely worried as she firmly held onto Crawford's cloak.
Once again Crawford's eye glistened indicating his use of his precognitive ability. "Don't worry, there is nothing to worry about. With us together we are invincible! Right?" Crawford smiled reassuring Ichi and held her hand "Anyway Ms. Rosaline is in danger. We need to hurry!"
Ichi gasped hearing what Crawford said "M-mama is...?" But being dragged down by Crawford she had no room to hesitate. For now all she thought of was to focus on returning back safely with the three of them.
After decending a few flight of stairs, Ichi and Crawford finally arrived at a large underground room where they saw a figure laying down near the end of the room.
Ichi was shocked speechless. That figure, it was something she knows very well. Crawford also realizing it moments later was also shocked. It was the figure they know very well 'Katyana Rosaline' the greatest psychic in all of Rosenkreuz.
"M-MAMAAA!!!" Ichi who couldn't hold back quickly ran towards her figure.
"WAIT ICHII!!!" Crawford extended his hand trying to catch her, but Ichi outpaced him as she slipped away from his grasp. "IT'S A TRAP DON'T!" Even yelling out won't stop Ichi once she sets her eye on something.
Gritting his teeth Crawford knew the danger that it posed to him and he knew very well he won't get out unscathed. But in his mind, Ichi is more important than his own life. With that in mind Crawford rushed in knowing what fate had in store for him.
"MAMAAA!!! WAKE UP!!! MAMAAAA" Taking out a small medicinal herb, Ichi quickly made it bloom and ripened it, maximizing its healing capabilities while running towards the figure before her. But just as she was about to hand it over to her step mother, a metal thin rod had pierced through her hand immobilizing her hand as it sent out small jolts of electricity causing Ichi to writhe in pain dropping to the floor beside her step mother.
"ICHI! RAAAAGGHHH!!!" Crawford was furious, dodging the projectiles launched his way, he took out the gun which was entrusted to him and had begun to take down the assailants one by one.
"" Ichi passed out unable to endure the pain coursing through her body from the metallic rod lunged in her hand as she last saw the enraged Crawford flashing before her eyes.
Crawford never had any experience with guns before, but for him it was an exception. Call it a cheat if you could say so, because with his precognitive ability to see the future, it would also mean that he could see what will happen the moment he pulled the trigger. So he didn't need to be good at the gun. He only needed to know the perfect time to use it. One shot one kill, it really was a one sided slaughter. In sense, Crawford's ability as an oracle was truly dangerous. He had no blind spots and he was also peerless with a great amount of intellect behind his muscular build. In short, Crawford was the very man who could well stand at the top of the world with his abilities alone. But it was precisely that very same reason he was hated also by the people who felt their position being threatened.
Gasping for breath, Crawford made sure to look around for traces of any enemies left. He then quickly ran towards Ichi and held her up.
"ICHI! Hey Ichi! Wake up!" Crawford desperately called out to her.
Moments later Ichi's hand begun to twich and her eyes started to open.
"Ichi!? Thank God your awake" Crawford quickly hugged her small body feeling relieved.
A smirk appeared on Ichi's face as she pushed Crawford back and called out towards him. "Craw..." Looking bashful as she unbuttoned her top piece of clothing, Ichi exposed her bare skin beneath it.
"Ichi!? W-what are you doing? Stop!" Quickly trying to refasten her buttons Crawford let his guard down.
"Heheh..." With an evil smile, Ichi used the end of the metal rod still stuck on her hand. Pulling it out, she sliced Crawford's eye with it before kicking him away.
Screaming in agony Crawford held covered his bleeding eyes. "I-ichi...why...?" He was completely shocked and broken. Tear's mixed with blood continued to flow nonstop from his eyes.
This whole scene was actually created by the people who wanted Crawford dead. Crawford was known to have no weaknesses. For that very reason, they used his one and only known weakness. Yes, they used Ichi the only person he lets his guard down with.
After her body fell limply to the floor, Ichi started to regain consciousness once more and was surprised at the amount of blood that had spilt all over her.
"W-what happened..." Ichi's face grew pale as she saw Crawford on all four holding his face while screaming.
The sound of a maniacal laughter echoed through the enclosed space. Its sound came from the figure that had previously been lying down motionless. She was now standing instead and grinned. The figure of 'Katyana Rosaline' had crumbled and an unknown figure appeared.
"Mamaa...? No! Who are you!?" Holding her wounded hand, Ichi glared at the figure that had been impersonating her step mother.
Laughter rang out again from the figure as it arched its body. "So..." Walking towards Crawford who was lying down, the figure yanked his hair and held him up while whispering in his ear. "How did it be betrayed by the one you love"
Realizing his mistake, the possibility of a possession ability user never crossed his mind. Crawford hung his hand limply by his side, revealing the long fresh wound that slit his eyes as he stayed silent.
"W-what are you talking about..." Ichi almost lost her breath seeing the horrendous condition Crawford was in.
"Heheh.. don't ask me! You're the one who did it~" The figure replied teasingly. With the flick of her finger, the previous assailants who were supposedly shot dead had suddenly once again risen up.
"Alchemy...!?" It was Crawford who was surprised.
"Oh...I'm surprised even in your blind state you can tell it was Alchemy? What gave it away?" The figure chuckled as it walked back towards Ichi.
"Hiyaaaa! Let GO!" Ichi struggled as she tried to release herself from the two assailants who held her down.
"ICHI!!? Y-YOU BASTARDS! LET HER GO! THE ONE YOU ARE AFTER IS ME RIGHT?" Crawford struggled to pick himself up.
Returning beside Crawford, the figure kicked him down and stepped on his head. "Oh my, for someone who caused this to you, you still plan on forgiving her? How nice of the youths these days..."
"What...I...did that...?" Ichi dropped down to her knees as her legs gave away, looking towards the painful wounds on his beloved.
"SHUT UP! Don't think I don't know you can also use possession! For a psychic to own two unique powers...what more do you want!?"
The figures expression turned dark. "Heheh...What I want?" It then made a twisted expression "You know...when a psychic dies, their ability stays with them. So let's say they die and someone transmutes their body with alchemy. Won't it be fun gaining their abilities? EheheheHAHAHAHAHA" The figure once again started to laugh maniacally and grinded it's shoe on Crawford's head.
"Craw!!!" Ichi shouted out to him with tears in her eyes.
Slowly opening the slits of his eyes, Crawford seemingly looked towards Ichi's voice. His golden eyes have already lost its radiance and were dyed red in blood.
For the first time ever, anger welled up deep within Ichi. Irrepressible, bottomless and insatiable, she felt the feeling of wanting to devour everything then and there. The painful thought of losing someone dear to her, the agony of feeling useless, the guilt of harming the one she wants to protect and the hatred she once had for the world who thought of her as a cursed child brought forth the sealed powers within her. The ground started to quake in unison.
The figure snarled at Ichi "What's going on!? That metal rod was imbued with a lethal poison meant to stop psychic powers from triggering"
Crawford smirked and let out a small laugh mocking the figure. "You can't poison people who are immune to poison..." Grabbing onto the figure's leg as to not let it go Crawford yelled out to Ichi. "DO IT ICHI! DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!"
"DON'T GET COCKY WITH ME! KILL HER! And for you...I guess I'll give you a quick death instead" Taking out a pocket knife, the figure flicked the blade open.
Just as the figure was about to slit Crawford's head, a loud high pitched scream came from Ichi. The figure was then gouged by a raging tree root and flicked away. Out from the ground multiple large tree roots began to protrude, maiming every single individual inside the room entangling them.
But it didn't stop there. For wounds are easy tasks to recover from, especially for alchemy users who can transmute even other things and replace their damaged cells. Ichi, who was fond of poisonous plants have of course gotten immunity from them, and Crawford who had to look out for her had also had his share of poisoning and thus had also gained immunity to it. Inside of her pocket, a rosary that looked like it was adorned by pretty little jewels was in fact a poisonous plant, Ichi even joked about it as she made the rosary since the plant had the same name called 'Rosary Peas'. They are lethal plants that contain Abrin, a deadly poison that could kill people in mere days by destroying every source of protein within their body if they were to come in contact with it.
As if responding to her call, the rosary split apart and grew into a large tree which then was skewered by the other tree roots basking the whole room in a thick miasma of poison. Unable to recover, the figure and the other assailants writhed in pain. Aside from the 'Rosary Peas', there were multiple other poisonous plants involved each possessing their own deadly characteristics.
It was an understatement to say that Ichi's power was only the power to control plants. Her codename 'Phoenix' might suit her as someone who rose from its ashes, but at this point she might not notice it herself as she is consumed by her unstable emotions. The reason why she was taken care of by the step mother who she has yet to thank, the reason why she was chosen to save the world, the reason Crawford could not foresee her future and thus fell for her, and the fate that brought them together. Ichi had another code name, the true code name hidden from public only known and given to her by her step mother, and her true powers which will only blossom when she fully recognizes her love.
The codename given only to those chosen as the true Guardian of the World...
Wielding the powers of Mother Nature, the true blessing of the God's, meant to protect the balance of the world. Who would have thought that a child who had to bear the fate of the world and blessed with such ability had to suffer the fate of being cast away by her own parents? Such is the story of Ichi and Crawford, and the burden they carry.
The earth quaked heavily, as the tremor could be felt throughout the world. In the blink of an eye, the whole mansion caved in as it vanished, replaced by a huge tree spanning a few kilometers in width and had grown far up with its tip nearing the clouds. In the center of the tree lay Ichi and Crawford, protected from the vicious thick poisonous fog. Meanwhile the figure and the other assailants were entangled within the branches as they screamed in pain while they continued to slowly rot away.
Holding the unconscious wounded Crawford in her arms, Ichi gently whispered to him. "Crawford...I will always love you" She then gave him a wet kiss drenched with her tears.