The Awakening Side Story
This scene takes place in between the moment where Crawford leaves the academy with Ichi and decides to spend the night on the way there. It will unravel the story of the day they went through together.
“Nggnhh…” Crawford groaned rubbing his stiff neck as he woke up.
As a diligent student, Crawford had the tendency to wake up at six in the morning without fail. Even when he is sick or whether he slept or not, he will always wake up at six. It had become a routine activity for all he could remember.
Pulling away the blanket covering his body, Crawford felt around for his glasses and put them. Looking around, Crawford who was still half asleep yawned and rubbed his eyes. “Where am I…” He muttered under his breath.
It was then he felt a mini heart attack, Crawford realized that Ichi was missing.
“ICHIII!!!!” Crawford jumped up and ran out of the tent, incidentally he tripped and toppled over the tent bringing it down with him. Not letting it impede him, Crawford sluggishly dragged on making a bigger mess of the camp before feeling pissed off and untangled the tent that stuck to his body.
“Was that Ichi!!?” Crawford turned pale as he searched for the source of the voice. Following the footsteps he found on the moist ground, Crawford quickly dashed off once more in search for Ichi.
“Fuaahn…” Ichi stretched her body as she woke up. For some reason, she never felt hungry despite how long she sleeps.
After rubbing her eyes and noticing the blanket covering her, Ichi looked around for her surroundings. There by her side before very her eyes, lay Crawford curling up like a ball slightly shivering.
Stifling a laugh, Ichi swiftly pecked a kiss on Crawford’s cheek. “Thank you…for not leaving me behind” Smiling, she then blanketed the curled boy beside her.
It was then that Ichi thought of an idea as she bonked her two hands against each other. “Ah! Might as well find something to cook and surprise him” Stepping out into the still dark environment, Ichi once again stretched her stiff body.
“Haahh…The nature free of pollution really is refreshing…” Ichi continued to inhale the fresh morning air till she was satisfied. It was then amongst the sound of nature she heard the faint sound of a stream.
“A river? Ugh…it must be cold…but there’s bound to be fish! Maybe i can catch some” Without a second thought Ichi immediately set off following the sounds of the stream.
Moments later, Ichi who wasn’t particularly fond of dark places, had a feeling something nice was waiting for her. If not for the fireflies that inhibited the area, Ichi might have probably been lost somewhere in the dark forest. But as she made through the woods, a small meadow appeared before her. It was a beautiful peaceful sight with a small river running across the middle of the meadow, fireflies shimmering as their light were reflected by soft water current illuminating the meadow.
A bright cheeky smile grew on Ichi’s face. It was the type of childish smile she would’ve never shown to Crawford before since back then she thought that he would be annoying is he ever saw her smiling like this. The reason for her smile was because of the plants inhabiting the area. What plants could they be? Of course, poisonous plants!
Without further ado, Ichi trotted deeper into the meadow approaching the stream while sampling a few of the plants along the way stuffing them into her pockets.
“Ah! How long has it been since I’ve had a chance to see so many plants in my life” Ichi’s eyes sparkled as she happily sampled every plant available while mischievously planting some of her own collection. With a nod of satisfaction, Ichi declared for herself that this will be her own personal garden.
Noticing that the sun has begun to rise, Ichi sighed as she approached the stream. “W-whoaa…? Is this heaven? Ah…!” Ichi covered her face as a fish had suddenly jumped out of the stream splashing some water at her.
What surprised Ichi was actually not the fish, but at how clean the water is. There, decorating the river, many aquatic plants such as water lilies that served as natural purifiers swayed in the gentle stream. It was so clear that she can actually see the bottom of the shallow river.
“Hmm…since I don’t have much time left because I got carried away picking plants…and I do feel a bit uncomfortable not bathing…” Ichi held herself in thought for a while before looking around at her surroundings.
Blushing, Ichi then took off her clothes warily as she dipped her foot into the river. “T-there’s nothing wrong about this! That’s’s just so that I can catch fishes and bathe all at the same time” Still covering her body with her hands, Ichi took a deep breath and submerged herself in the water.
“Fuwaaah! The water really is great! Not as cold as I thought! Now then…” Using her powers, Ichi then grew out some vines and wound them up to create a net for catching fishes.
While Ichi scrubbed her body of dirt and sweat, it didn’t take long for the net to start overflowing with fishes since she literally blocked the whole stream altogether. Thinking it was about time to head back, Ichi left the stream and started to dress herself.
At that time, the plants near Ichi started to rustle. A thought immediately flashed through her mind. (Could it be a peeping tom!?) Ichi thought as her face turned pale while covering her chest, looking around warily.
“KYAAAAA!” Ichi screamed loudly, as something surprisingly jumped out towards her.
“Guh! How did this even happen!? How could I have been so careless” Crawford cursed under his breath as he ran as fast as he could through the uneven terrain.
All around him, densely flocked and heading towards the same direction he was going to, were animals inhabiting the forests. Crawford was baffled as to why they were heading towards the same way he was to the point he felt that he was following them instead.
Shaking his head, Crawford focused his thought. “Now’s not the time to wonder about animals. But… it might not hurt to check…” Still keeping his pace, Crawford’s eye glowed in a more golden color.
Using the power of his eyes, Crawford peered into the future. He saw plants, and many animals surrounding a particular place that he couldn’t particularly make out because of how dense the plants were. What shocked him were the plants, they weren’t normal. Not even the type to even grow around these parts. Guessing who the culprit is, Crawford came back to his senses. But in his carelessness he stumbled as the ground suddenly went downhill.
“Whoaaaa!” Crawford rolled down the steep slope.
After tumbling a few distance and crashing into a bush that broke his fall. Crawford rubbed his back “O-ow…well that was unexpected” He groaned as he looked up towards the where he tumbled down from.
“Craw…?” A familiar voice called out to him.
Straightening his glasses, Crawford looked towards the source of the voice. “I-ichi!?”
“How did you find me here?” Ichi who was flocked by small mammals like bunnies and squirrels slowly got up and approached Crawford.
While covering his eyes, resisting himself from peeking Crawford replied. “Y-you were missing when I woke up and I heard your scream so I quickly rushed over” Straightening his voice, he continued. “Anyway, please wear something…I don’t want you catching a cold now of all times” Crawford then got up and quietly walked away towards the direction he came from.
“W-w-wha…” Noticing herself, Ichi’s whole face turned red.
Because of the animals that suddenly appeared before her, Ichi forgot all about dressing herself and just had the urge to pet them as they reminded her of the cat she took care of as they playfully snuggled around her body.
Only in her underwear, Ichi shouted out. “Y-you P-p-perverted FOUR EYEEEESSSSSS!!!” Covering her chest while pointing towards Crawford, vines shot out from nearby trees and entangled Crawford, hanging him from a tree.
A surprised shout came out from Crawford as he was pulled up a tree dangled upside down. “WHOAAA!”
“You saw didn’t you?” Ichi pouted.
“I didn’t see anything! I didn’t see your pink underwear either! In fact I saw nothing today. Hahaha…” Cold sweat dripped down from Crawford’s forehead. (Shit, I said something wrong) He thought to himself.
“W-what!? F-f-forget you ever saw that! Forget it!” Ichi flailed her arms around as her embarrassment reached the limit. Taking in a deep breath, Ichi still felt mad but she sighed. “Since you took me here and didn’t leave me. I-I’ll forgive you! But only this once okay!? Also take back the fishes I caught in the river. We’ll cook them for breakfast” With her back towards Crawford, Ichi quickly put her clothes back on before releasing the tangled up Crawford.
Having arrived back at the camp, Ichi was surprised at how devastated the camp was. It was a complete mess. The tent was in tatters and belongings were scattered around.
“W-what on earth happened here? Did someone attack us?” Ichi ran over to check the car’s condition and their luggage.
“…” Crawford who was actually the culprit silently walked near the camp and set down the fishes he was carrying.
“Thank goodness nothing was lost…Did you happen to know what caused this Crawford?”
“Ah! I suppose I’ll get the firewood ready for cooking the fish. I’ll be back in a bit Ichi” Crawford skillfully dodged the question, quickly walking away with cold sweat rolling down his forehead, he sprinted at full speed in an excuse to find firewood.
“W-well…I can’t say I’m not annoyed at his reaction. Leaving me with this mess…Isn’t he the one who likes it neat and tidy? Come to think of it when he came to find me, he was also quite a mess…could it be that he did this?” The thought quickly left her mind, instead Ichi blushed thinking back of being seen by Crawford in that state.
Being in between feeling annoyed yet embarrassed, Ichi started off by tidying the camp packing the tent away. She then prepared planting spices and ingredients, which she then made to grow ripe before harvesting them for seasoning the fishes. From an unknown onlooker, Ichi looked like a very adept housewife. She even handled the fish well as she took out a knife and skillfully managed the fish while adorning it with seasoning.
After all that’s done and prepared. Ichi heaved a sigh and skewered the fishes on sticks since they didn’t bring much cooking material. It was then Crawford returned looking surprised and satisfied with the tidiness. He then set up the firewood he had gathered and lit them up, setting the fishes to grill as he sat beside Ichi.
Ichi with a sour face looked towards Crawford. “What took you so long?”
Smiling, Crawford gently patted Ichi on her head. “You did pretty great on your own today”
“W-wha- Hey, you’ve been avoiding my question” Ichi although she looked like she hates being patted didn’t resist at all.
“Well…actually I’ve already returned for a while, but seeing a new side of you like today seemed made me want to watch a bit” Crawford scratched his chin as he said that.
Once again fuming with embarrassment, Ichi looked down while twiddling her fingers. “Hey…Craw…”
Leaning even closer making Ichi slightly back away, Crawford said in a gentle voice. “Yes…? I can’t head you if you don’t speak up”
“Ugh…” Clenching the hem of her skirt, Ichi slowly looked up towards the golden eyes that reflected her. “C-can you say it again…”
“Say what…?”
“Say that you…lo…”
“Ichi…I love you…”
“I love you and I will always love you…” Crawford’s eye met with Ichi’s as they held each other in their arm coming together even closer.
The sound of a loud stomach growling could be heard. Because of it, Ichi who was surprised, pushed Crawford down in reflex.
“Ah! I-I’m sorryyyyy!” Ichi covered her face looking away. It was her stomach that was growling. Well nobody can blame her since she hasn’t eaten for a whole day.
Crawford just laughed as he saw Ichi reacting like that. “Don’t worry about it! Here it’s your fish. Go ahead and eat up” Crawford grabbed two sticks of fish and handed one over to Ichi.
Still looking away, Ichi reluctantly took the fish from Crawford. “Umm…I cooked this for you…” She muttered under her breath.
“Huh?” Crawford looked puzzled since he couldn’t hear Ichi’s voice.
“NEVERMIND!!! Just eat the fish and tell me what you think about it!” Ichi then took a bite from her fish, munching it down as she pouted.
“Ahaha…okay then. Thank’s for the meal” Crawford was anxious in eating the fish, he had imagined what Ichi’s cooking was like before. But, seeing as how Ichi tried her best to cook and judging by its look and smell, Crawford thought that this time won’t be so bad. It’s just grilled fish. He then took a bite.
Ichi wasn’t someone who would just say hey I cooked this for you. So instead, she observed Crawford who took a bite of fish as she peeked at him with one eye. “ So… what do you think of the fish?” Ichi continued to munch on her fish eventually finishing it and grabbing another one”
With cold sweat running down his forehead and a runny nose, Crawford replied. “I-it’s good…” He then passed out due to the poison Ichi mixed in with the seasoning in an attempt to subdue the fishes smell making it more fragrant.
“C-craww!? What’s wrong!? Craaaaaaaawwwwwww!” Ichi who was surprised jumped up and caught Crawford before he fell.
Because Crawford was out cold, it took them a few extra hours to rest in that area before once again moving to their destination. By then the sun was already high up and they decided to quickly move on.
Ichi who was sitting in the passenger seat moped sadly. “Huhu…”
“Now-now…I told you it was good…Aside from the unnecessary poison plant as an ingredient, it was pretty good” Crawford tried to smile, but he was still a bit weak as the antidote that Ichi gave him was still in the process of spreading. Luckily due to having to deal with Ichi’s marvelous dishes, Crawford has attained another special skill, a skill called the Iron Stomach.
Driving through the uneven road once more, Crawford looked in his back view mirror. He was rather curious as to why the animals have gathered around their camp, no more specifically around Ichi. Unable to figure out why, Crawford continued to drive away as the animals seemed to see them off before returning into the woods.