This night... it would be filled with ruckus, rage, angry mobs— gun fire every second, Infiltrators prowling around every corner to find Subject 1116. And who that may be was a fugitive going by the name "Blue", which corresponds with their metallic blue hair. Five days ago was when he was last seen with Infiltrators—according to the multiple groups of scared to the bones victims, and he planned to be on the run for as long as he can before whatever stops him comes.
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Worth mentioning—this wasn't an area where Blue usually traversed through due to the high traffic of victims and other very depressing factors. Though he was one of the very few among all those victims, who live in Hemlock, to be brave enough to do what he'll do and think; feeling love— specifically for a person he would soon meet, who we'll call "Red". Including things he'd gotten in trouble with Deceivers already like writing and art.
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Most of who try the more "explicit" acts against Deceiver words get caught and die, some being hanged and humiliated... But, Blue had the feeling, the feeling that he could create a change— a change to everything in Hemlock... even if it kills him. Many things and people could kill him too early though, and he couldn't have that happen since he's in on this alone.
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Swiftly, Blue came out of a shadowy alleyway, setting off to blend in with the large amount of people going on the train for work. All of them seemingly trying to fit in with the mould set in Hemlock— straight-faced, boring, loveless, "hard working" robots. To Blue, all of it is just a piece of shit kind of mould, being forced to follow that mould set, it disgusted him.
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Blue managed to safely pass through the crowd of a, what Hemlock considered, usual amount of people. It worried him somewhat (being squished tightly to the sides of many groups of mindless people); but Blue had better things to ruminate on as he watched his surroundings carefully. There was in fact something... he caught a person talking as he passed through the crowd— it was about him— from what he picked up in the few seconds.
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It seems that the Deceivers had reported on "Subject 1116" being more hidden, and smart, or whatever— well, Blue just took that as he's doing good. But if so, the Infiltrators might amp up their attacks on "Subject 1116"—(They hated every time they were labeled as that, or any deceiver given label for that matter. He only knows his true self as Blue) and that's no good.
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As he reached into the Highlands of Hemlock, Blue ran to his hideout, to grab his journal that he'd write about today in it since he felt an entry was due by now. It was about the usual time he gets back to the hide out, it being 8:20, and Blue knew how to uncover it, he just had to—... And now it's open, a dark stairwell, looking longer— and deeper than it really is. Blue shut the entrance before rushing down the steps and flipping the switch at the end of the stairs, now the decently sized room being lit well enough for him to figure out just where he possibly could of last put it...
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Before going to it, Blue removed his dark grey hoodie and set it on a box near his journal, he didn't care much on the tidiness of his hideout, it makes it more interesting to look at. Then he snapped out about that— quickly grabbing his journal and a pen, now looking at the next clear page in it, writing down Entry 4before thinking of what to put for today. He had left absent the date due to how he's recently forgotten the days that have passed.
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Entry 4.
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Today, whatever day it may be, it was... the usual— somewhat, I could say; there were more nuisances out, probably for another one of those imbecilic Deceiver speeches. I hated that I was forced to listen in on them, it was just a lie after a lie that staggered on for too long... All right, I gotta stop and get to the main point of my thoughts.
Every second I hope that whatever I do in the future helps this place, it truly needs it. And lately going to the outside has become... more exhausting, frightening even. Though I cannot be frightened by the fools who make living worse than being dead. They'll never be able to deceive my mind, I'll never forget what both Deceivers and Infiltrators have done to me and this place. Hemlock.
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Stay cool...
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After Blue finished writing, he let out a somewhat sad sigh, pondering a bit on something... then wrote back down a p.s. down below his name.
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*P.s. I just decided that ima go out and check the tunnels a bit more near the edge of the outside, maybe that'll make today more... interesting? Or fulfilling— I guess...*
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Then Blue shut the journal of his and moved it back to a more... hidden spot, he just felt the need to put it in a safer area. His knife sat on the ground, near his bed— weird... Blue gave it a confused look, now feeling like maybe having better spots for stuff would be good, but he just bent down and picked it up.
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Surly he didn't leave the hideout with it just lying out, usually it sat on his desk but today just happened to be different. His knife was not necessarily fancy, but he knew how special it really is to him and his journey, plus the origin of how he obtained such a sleek weapon. 'I... I thought I put it on my desk... oh well, probably some animal got in...' Blue thought as he glanced around to see if one did get in. It seemed like the answer was no according to the quietness that filled Blue's hideout. He just groaned, a bit annoyed and pissed from everything before he grabbed and put on his hoodie, as well as his shades. Having both his shades and hoodie on, including his signature knife, he was now ready to go back to the outside and explore a bit more for the night was still young.
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The heavily camouflaged door to Blues hideout clasped shut with a rather... unpleasant sound, making him slightly cringe; hoping nobody was near enough to hear it. It seemed like there was luck on Blue's side for a bit, though... he wanted it to stay at least just for long enough. As he walked quickly, Blue had also been attentive to his surroundings, to make sure no one's near him—at least not a deceiver... He was now going North, towards the tunnel system, it wouldn't take him long at all; Blue had made sure his hideout was relatively close to it.