67Please respect copyright.PENANARkzZzMzK4q
It was some days later, and Blue had been focused on making the perfect plan right after Red had left to go back to her so-called friends.... This plan he'd make would need to be the best version it could ever be— but it cost him to lose track of time, not noticing how he hasn't cared for finding her again.
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Something hit him suddenly as he paced around his room slightly— how many days have gone by since he left his hideout?? Beginning to ponder on the days, he remembered Red—and that look in her eyes that he had luckily caught, it looked venomous, addicting— she wouldn't die on his watch.
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Sprinting over to his desk he'd now be in a hurry to grab his knife and journal, being in a general hurry to get out the door and begin searching for any sign of their red hair.
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Every second that passed he yearned to find her as he ran through the Hemlock Hills forest, Blue had gotten addicted— he knew him and Red had to be getting somewhere... he hoped.
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Jumping over the twigs and tree trunks on the forest floor, he was going back near the tunnels— maybe her and the group of friends she was with would be here, though Blue thought 'If she's with her friends, again, then that must mean she hasn't listened to me...'.
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Panting worryingly about the fact Red could have changed her mind since they were last together made Blue irked as he struggled slightly to find his way to it. He would be able to recognise the area a bit clearer, seeing the tunnel in his view slightly— then looking for anyone near it from the tree he'd be peeking out from the side at.
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He heard it— voices... but was unable to identify who. Moving his position to a side more to the left let him see, and... there was the red hair. Well, something... something wasn't right at all, Blue could tell from how the voice of who Red's talking to sounds; gruffly and stern— not one of her shitty friends. She seemed to be telling the man about... him?
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He looked at this moment, becoming more perplexed by it. Abruptly his hand began gripping to the rough bark of the tree firmly, feeling himself become... infuriated— at Red.
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'She's... on their side?' It quickly had felt like everything he knew was a lie— as he'd been betrayed greatly by someone he possessed a generous amount of hope for in just a single day. 'Maybe I'm just... overthinking, it's gotta be that.'
67Please respect copyright.PENANAbzIz9qSFp3
Red gave out information to the chief infiltrator about who it was that tackled her, not knowing it would be a terrible choice to do so. He'd been able to muster up some words he heard; trying to make sense of them. What it seemed to be told at the moment was what Blues' appearance was. Blue couldn't see the chief, just him talking and the expression Red would wear.
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Her face was filled with some kind of odd expression, he couldn't tell the kind of tone she was talking in, but maybe there just had to be some guilt behind it— or force to it.... This just continually hurt him when he listened in, hearing Red tell about him to the large, intimidating chief. "Yeah. He had blue hair... and shades on. Then he pulled out this knife he had with him after I took out mine, to protect myself..." The chief listened, immediately knowing it's the subject they're looking for, Blue slightly hearing him ask if she'd known his location or any hideout.
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He felt his grip on the tree become frantic and tighter, then feeling light headed—like he would soon be unable to control himself. When the chief tried digging to get Red to tell where its hideout is located, she'd look around to the right of her, and spotted... Blue? It seemed he was gazing at her— angrily, but also with sorrow in his eyes—... Snapping back to look back up at the chief, having a spooked and unsure look to her, he'd notice.
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"What're you looking at? Huh? You seen something missy??" He did a Quick Look to his left, which was the way she looked, not seeing anything as he went back to looking down at her with that same mean look of authority.
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With making a quick decision to not tell where Blue's hideout was located, she replied back, having an astonished and offended kind of tone. "What? No-... I just... looked over there." Red crossed her arms, her looking forming into a more troubled, agitated one.
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He gave her a suspicious look, leaning in a bit, then leaned back to a normal stance as he talked."Okayy... we will have our eyes on you, so we'll know if you try any following in subject 1116's footsteps, little lady." Red got angered by the chief's choice of words, looking at him with repugnance, not wanting to deal with him—. As Red swore to herself that she saw Blue... it just made her feel some kind of guilt deep in her chest.
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Meanwhile, as Red was trying to get away from talking to the chief, Blue began to twitch and judder his head angrily, having a rabid and hostile look as he ran off east. As he traveled deeper in the woods his footsteps were heavy and exasperated as he seemingly started to lose himself in his thoughts. His mind was a blur before he suddenly sensed something— almost immediately making him stop in his tracks. Turning his head left and right, trying to see what the smell- the smell just like what he had felt from Red. Before she seemingly betrayed them. It tingled his brain as he yearned to find it, wherever it could be in this shady, mysterious forest.
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Shaking continuously and jittering with every step in the direction he's sensing the gratifying odour from, his mind swore it was right below him at this point. Looking down, he didn't see anything that caught his eye, but suddenly his left side of his head, being his eye, ticked furiously. This signalled him that it is definitely to the left—somewhere, and that he "needs" it, all he was thinking about now was finding that wonderful scent. It painfully infested his mind.
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With a launch to his left— he immediately searched hard for it, clawing around the covered forest floor like some rabid animal— looking for the "cure" of what he desires. To fulfill it. Shortly after he kept up the scavenging for whatever it was he smelt, Blue caught a glistening coming from an object, then seen when he got close, that is covered slightly in twigs and leaves.
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Digging into the pile of twigs and leaves, Blue oddly became calmer as he grabbed one of the three vials and thoroughly began inspecting it. With wonder in his eyes- one of pure curiosity to just try it, just this once... but with a scintilla of hesitation. 'It wouldn't hurt to try...' is what Blue assumed of the possible effects from drinking this unknown blue liquid, or more say—venom. He'd pull the small bottle close to his face, spinning it a bit with his fingers to further examine the substance inside. Moving his arm down, blankly looking at it now, he felt some short of unease feeling in his stomach from the stench of it, as if he would damage himself from consuming it.
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Slowly deciding whether drinking it or not, Blues fingers twisted the cap off of the vial that trapped a larger stinging smell; almost dropping it from the rise in the dreadful smell it emitted. With the more it lingered through his nostrils, the more it began to smell— and somehow felt good again when he first tinged it, just like his thoughts of Red that waited... and waited in his head for a bus that would never come; she'd never get out of his head.
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His head began to spin nauseously as the smell was not actually the nice, romantic smell that felt like his thought of Red. It was more of a rotting corpse in some ways. It was a horrible smell that he couldn't even tell was there, he just thought his head was hurting out of nowhere... so maybe drinking it would take it away, Blue formed a solution in his head to take away the dizziness. Taking a release of a breath, he tilted his head back slightly and poured one of the three vials substance inside down into his throat, his body immediately reacted and he tweaked and made sharp moments from the venom swiftly going down and down. He was so naive to thinking it would truly feel like what he felt, true love- this was nothing like that, his heart quickened as he panicked a bit from the venom causing Blues throat to tighten.
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In discomfort, Blue grunted out small words of nothing; "F-fuck—!" "Gnhh", with his heart hurting badly soon came a lightness in his head, making even the littlest words unable to come out of him.
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Stumbling around the ground, running in some unknown direction, the venom made him feel anger with his efforts to stop the pain becoming useless. His eyes hurt to look side to side, and his legs felt like they were starting to break down from the reaction to the venom, and with no sense of direction, he suddenly-
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right onto a fallen tree log in the middle of the woods. As the sudden knock to his forehead, he shouted in pain for a split second before dozing off, now he'd lie there—knocked out....
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With Red, seeking out for Blue
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With a slight annoyed stomp to her strut in the direction she, somehow, remembered as the way to Blue's hideout... she wanted to find him- she swore he noticed her talking to that chief Infiltrator. Luckily that aggravating chief went off to do whatever they do, all Red knew was that it's definitely something she would get ticked off from. The Highlands of Hemlock were silent, and... Red felt uncomfortable with the atmosphere, like something was wrong- it felt as if multiple eyes were on her. But she quickly rubbed it off. 'No one's watching me...' She'd tell herself repeatedly in her head before focusing back on getting to where she needs to be. The feeling kept coming back, so Red began to quicken her pace, the forest never felt as if someone was watching her every move, but that dramatically changed after the events with Blue.
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With the longer Red stayed in this forest the more she felt the sounds of it get louder, as if in an instant the normal sounds of it came back, but- they just sounded so... off putting to her. It angered her, with the constant sounds, she just wanted some silence. But of course she trudged through it and got to where she suspected the hideout is, and she searched for the door-in a feisty manner; digging through the twigs in front of her to see if she could notice a door.
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While the messy, tangled sticks pricked Red's legs, she managed to uncover the latch she saw the first time she came here... with Blue. She loosely let out a grunt with her yanking backwards she launched open the door to the bunker, then making sure the door doesn't slam down on her as she went into it.
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A familiar distinct smell, that of Blue's hideout, slithered through Red's nostrils and made her halt for a second before brushing off the sensation she felt from it. Behind that door all she was hoping would be past it was Blue— and if not... she's not sure what she'd do to find him. He'd probably be doing one of those crazy ass plan of his that he had included most likely in his ramble from last time they saw each other.
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With an angry sigh and breath, right in front of the door now, Red knocked on it and called out to blue, in a brusque tone- to see if he's there. "Hey—Blue. Are you in here??" Nothing.
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She started to become impatient with him—thinking he could still be in there, Red spoke up again. This time she'd grit her teeth in anger, these random bursts happen to her so easily it's what she's most known for. "Why do you gotta make this so goddamn hard?!"
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Getting even antsier with her body language and tone, she slammed against the door; quickly then it broke open, the lock being ripped out slightly from the door frame and door itself. She impulsively pushed the door fully open, causing it to ricochet against the wall next to it and for her to glance at it—bewildered, before getting her attention back to find Blue.
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With her swiftly walking past the slightly broken door... it still seemed lifeless in the hideout, carousing Red to halt her breath and steps, trying to see if she could hear any possible sounds that she would hope is Blue making them. But... Red, still standing in place, she... started to contradict herself about this Blue guy, 'This is just— ghhh... I don't know if joining him on this was the right choice.'She sighed before continuing her inner thoughts.'I'll just have to deal with it... or not, if I can't find him...... I don't know if I would be happy about that or not.' She let out one more slight growl before starting to snoop around the place.
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There wasn't any sign of Blue yet... but, Red did notice the lack of there being his journal, and that... knife. The only things it seemed to be on his desk were his shades and a couple of pencils used to a different extent. Though, Red wondered what else than his journaling he had used those pencils for... as it didn't seem he journaled much at this point in time. Pencils and their use didn't matter at all right now to Red, and she shouldn't even let them distract her in the first place.
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She barged into other areas of the hideout, each time more worried than the last, 'Dammit, he's probably doing dumb shit... where are you Blue...' it seemed like he was long gone somewhere— anywhere... maybe even dead. Even though Red was mostly doing this against her own will, she doesn't want to fully admit that deep down she's somewhat formed a care for Blue. This whole situation with him Red hated with her guts, but she doesn't have it in her to genuinely hate him.
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Nothing showed up. He isn't here, just very vague indications of what he may be up to. This caused Red to feel renouncement on finding him, she's never like that—she... doesn't give up. Red vastly considered changing the search for Blue to outside, which is considerably going to be harder, but it's for the best it seems to her.
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Before setting foot past the door to go outside the hideout, Red then remembered Blue's shades—if he is dead, she'd at least want something to remember him, and not have to go in his place again—maybe.... After she grabbed the shades from his desk, she looked at everything going on at his desk before letting out a deep sigh and at last Red barged out of there, she can't waste time.
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Back with Blue...
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Groaning emitted from Blue, who had been lying knocked out on his back of this log, slowly waking up. With a stabbing pain in the back of his skull he rubbed his face and eyes, trying to wake himself up. He was still narcotised from that blue liquid.
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One by one his senses came back as his hands gradually stopped rubbing his sore face, realising he'd been knocked out of course made him wonder, 'Wha-... what happened to me... oh... shit—I... I hope I wasn't out for long.' He would gawp aimlessly at his surroundings for a few before shifting himself to have his legs laying off the log. Soon, memories of drinking potent poison flooded his brain, clouding his thoughts. The venom coursing through his veins, taking over his body. It made him feel real, alive, and free. It removed all the bad thoughts, the nightmares. But it truly isn't good for him, does Blue truly know that? No. He wants more. Needs more. There has to be more on him.
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Feeling around in his pants pockets for any more vials, he felt another—almost yanking it out from the pocket. The blue venom swished around from the force as Blue blurted out a short gleeful, but ridden with twisted intention, chuckle. It seemed like he even squealed a bit from having another, and when Blue stood up from the log he could barely stand correctly....
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He twisted the cap of the vial off, getting a whiff of the scent again after being knocked out and felt pulled towards it, then tilted his head back and drank it in a split second. It hurt like hell this time, nothing like the first time, everything felt dizzier than the first as well. Even though he was dozy again he couldn't fall asleep, it seemed as if he was being forced to keep his eyes open—even as it burned to do so.
67Please respect copyright.PENANAAtWm30LM2N
Blue had to get back home, urgently, but that was something hard to accomplish in the state he's currently in; he's wobbly, can't think straight and everything feels a hundred times worse right now. 'Red... I- I need to find Red...' was all he could form to think in his head. Pushing through the pain Blue was able to traverse through the forest. There wasn't much help on whether the way he chooses to go was correct but he hoped it was true, or a huge amount of his time would be wasted, feeding into his insanity.
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Time passed, but the exact amount had been unknown to Blue, it felt like the forest was endless as he began to forget his way through the grim forest. Gradually time for Blue seemed to slow down and him his self, though his panicking did not fault and only worsened with each step he took. Sounds of the forest and ones that were not truly there got louder to his ears to a point to where it was too much, causing him to be in a trance.
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Suddenly an owl flew down from a tree top above, colliding right into Blues face; he shook his head, uncertain of what hit him. And there he stood for a couple of seconds, trying to process everything—yet everything felt nonexistent, like a void.... His mind was plagued with giving up and that there's nowhere to go, he'd consider himself lucky if he found his hideout at this point.
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The hideout seemed completely unobtainable, he was using all of his power left in him to struggle through the dense woods, feeling chills shoot up his spine periodically. Weirdly, Blue had some sensation of someone near, hearing quick footsteps leading with the crunches of leaves and twigs. Nothing much crossed their mind, not even putting to mind that Red could be out looking for Blue, he couldn't imagine her wanting to do so—but he wished so.
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His body began to tire and exhausted, but while he stopped to take a small break and to be more aware of his surroundings, he finally found it—. Though, Blue noticed the broken lock, blankly glaring at it. 'Why- huh...' This was an odd occurrence for him, it seemed unworldly to think about the possibilities of who the instigator was. It could have been an infiltrator—or a deceiver, whoever it was... they could have taken one of his belongings. Luckily Blue had taken most of his prized possessions with him, it calmed him a bit with that thought.
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'Wait—shit... I need to check inside.' He felt antsy just to check, everything he's planned up to this moment could be gone, and could cause him to be defeated. Shoving into the broken door, he'd leave another dent within the one left by Red while he dashed through.
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He frantically went back and forth to spots in his hideout that he feared the most of being swiped away from his reach. Something was odd he had caught on to; whoever broke in just...went through every room and... didn't take anything? There definitely was something in search for, with the evidence they left.
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This took a toll on Blue to figure out just who this had been, so he went to his desk, sighing tiredly and worn out from the effects of the venomous substance.
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Slowly he realised his shades had been taken, 'Who would steal just my shades... at least everything else is safe.' Blue turned towards the front door with a sneer to his face.
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"I gotta fix that door somehow." Had grumbly slipped out from their lips, feeling agitated.
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Forcing their self to fix the door, taking some 20 minutes, with the materials at hand; he'd become terribly worn out, rigorously fighting himself mentally to stay awake just for a little longer. Soon enough, he felt himself collapse onto the couch he had smuggled into his hideout just some days ago, it was in a tenuous condition, considering the spot he found it at.
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Though he didn't count that as stealing—it was in the middle of the woods that surrounded his safe place, it was either thrown out, or... used in some creepy ritual...? Blue snickered softly to himself at the thought of that, but remembered that with the state of this country, not much people do crazy things like that. Then it slowly turning into a groan from his sleepiness and finally he let his eyes shut as he laid across the couch, his body now limp.
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In Deceiver HQ, with the chief of The Infiltrators
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Immediately the chief knew he needed to get over to Deceiver HQ. There's a possible chance that with the help of the red haired person, maybe they'll finally be able to capture Subject 1116. This information he knew needed to be notified to the head of Deceivers as soon as possible—which is now.
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He entered through the slightly grand doors, practically to the point of barging through them as he looked towards the throne-like chair that had sat slightly high with steps going up towards it.
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Head of Deceivers: They were talking to a deceiver that worked on the missile launch sites as the chief of The Infiltrators came running in. "How are the missiles go- Oh, hold on a second." Now their attention was to the chief, wanting to know his reason for his big entrance. "What's it you have to tell me? It must be important..."
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Even though the chiefs status was pretty high, he still felt penetrated by the glare in the head of deceivers eyes. "I-... I'm positive we may have someone who we can use to get closer to capturing Subject 1116."
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This unknown person at hand had vastly intrigued the head of Deceivers, triggered a slim grin to spread across their awfully crooked face. "Tell me more about this certain individual..."