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    Hello Penana! The handle's Blondemaverick, but I also answer to 'Blondie', 'Karin-with-an-I', 'Hey, Baldie!', and 'Aren't you... that... you know?'

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    pUbLiShEd BoOkS:

    "Black Heart" - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H7BWFRX
    "The Glass Cloister" - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083Y59V85
    "Vertus State" - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WKZKWMD
    "Valkyr State" - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WLN2XXP
    "A Box of Wet Matches" - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WS4FX6Y
    "Jane the Lich" - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BMPFJNFF
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Adjacent - Short Stories
R Completed

Short Story Content Descriptions:

Issue One - "Executable Forgiveness" (Drama, Sci-fi) - Estin is the first robot to be given agency; that is to say, given full human rights. However, his project is called into question after he's hacked and his integrity is compromised. Can he convince his wife it was only a one-off?

Issue Two - "Love on a Bed of Leaves and Letters" (Drama) - Julius Pessoa struggles with his guilt over the death of his young wife and his indecision to receive the gift she has left him in her craft room. Fall is a time of melancholy, but it is also one of promised renewal...

Issue Three - "In the Garden" (Sci-fi, Time Travel) - Dr. Leandra Hayes meets with her long-time colleague and ex-lover, Terence Whitaker, to approve a new companion-model robot he's about to release. When Lean meets Ema though, her understanding of reality is ripped apart.

Issue Four - "Forget Me Not" (Sci-Fan, Tragedy) - Spomenka and The Bounty Hunter fall in love on the dark-side of a terraformed Mars. However, disappointment and bloodshed are just around the corner.

Issue Five - "Cloven Dreams" (Tragedy) - These five sentences were written for a flash contest titled "Break My Heart".

Issue Six - "Penny" (Mystery) - Blue and Penny grow up together, bonding over fairies and magical gardens. Blue struggles to maintain that lifelong connection as they get older, but  Penny has a secret that will make or break Blue's understanding of the word "lifelong".

Issue Seven - "John Ghost" (Humor, Sci-fi) - A crude take on the traditional ghost story. Poops are made, phones are dropped, lessons are learned. An on-the-clock mechanic realizes that cheating the system might be inviting the company of strange bathroom-fellows.

Issue Eight - "The Mold" (Tragedy) - Fraya wants to be more than just a friend, so she makes Laura Lane into more than her best friend. She turns Laura Lane into a fallen angel, thus transforming herself into God's written word. Of course all Hell breaks loose. 

Issue Nine - "The Changes of Ylva and Tam" (Supernatural/Romance) - A couple cursed shape changers fatefully cross paths and learn to coexist. But is their love and patience enough to overcome their out-of-sync cycles?

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