In a world dominated by technology, the Schmidt family, led by teenager Evelyn, must confront a technological threat that puts humanity at risk. Evelyn is given Eve-Bot, a robotic assistant designed to help her with her projects, but things take a dark turn when a virus called EDSN unleashes an uprising of machines. They soon discover that the threat comes from their own neighbours, who work for Edison Corp, a corporation with a sinister plan: to use technology to enslave humanity.
Trapped in a dystopian labor camp, Zeiss endures a life stripped of hope and dignity. But when an unexpected meteor obliterates the camp's desolate landscape, it sets off a series of inexplicable events that plunge Zeiss into a riveting mystery.
DISCLAIMER: Dark themes - Violence - Sex - Abuse - Death
"The Flyania City", a modern city located on a isolated island. Under the management of the penguin mayor, the non-flying bird citizens lived happily and contentedly.
Several months ago, a pandemic called "Flyania"began to spread here, where patients hallucinated that they could fly and jumped from tall buildings to their deaths.
Herowl, a long-eared owl who worked as a night shift reporter, was dedicated to his job and admired the canary female anchor. He unexpectedly became involved in a series of events. He was determined to resolve the epidemic and save the "The Flyania City!"
No birds were harmed, injured, or killed during the creation of this story.
The characters, locations, events, dates, names, organizations, professions, departments, or any related elements in the story are purely fictional and have no relation to the real world. They do not reference any individuals, professions, organizations, departments, regions, or countries. Any resemblance is purely coincidental.
After the car crash, Silas didn’t wake up on the side of the road, or in the hospital, but inside a strange facility decades into the future, with a new body built for battle, and no memory of how he got there or what it all means.
Now, he’s on the run from killer androids and the army of automatons they control, in a dystopian, post-apocalyptic landscape ravaged by war.
The only way for him to save what’s left of humanity and recover his memory is to go directly into the heart of the beast, confronting his most powerful enemies in order to take their special abilities—called Protocols—as his own.