In a world dominated by technology, the Schmidt family, led by teenager Evelyn, must confront a technological threat that puts humanity at risk. Evelyn is given Eve-Bot, a robotic assistant designed to help her with her projects, but things take a dark turn when a virus called EDSN unleashes an uprising of machines. They soon discover that the threat comes from their own neighbours, who work for Edison Corp, a corporation with a sinister plan: to use technology to enslave humanity.
The story of two boys with troubled pasts who find that the future canget better. I'm also publishing this story on Royal Road.
The real-life tale of me after being diagnosed with autism in March 2019.
Since my diagnosis, it's always been my goal to share my experiences and thoughts with others around the world. It's not only informative and educational, but it's also a good creative outlet for me when it comes to letting go of my mind. Autism shouldn't be silenced. If you have your own experiences to share or any other questions, don't hesitate to DM me or drop a comment on any of the chapters. Thanks for reading!
Chapter five onwards was written during April Camp Nanowrimo 2020!