Now we get to the fun stuff. For those asking why I didn't do a similar part for villains/antagonists like the last part, it would literally be the same thing. Anyway, characters. Just as important if not sometimes more important than the plot. We all love our well written characters and even some side characters who don't get a ton of time in the spotlight, and they can help make a bad plot seem better, though not always.
My biggest piece of advice for this is to make them people first. The average person has a complex personality before whatever they are comes into play. This makes them more relatable to the reader since they get to see who they are outside of their duties as the main/side characters. Look at a character like Clark Kent/Superman: outside of being a superhero, and for most of his life, he has been mild mannered Clark Kent from the town of Smallville. He has friends at work, he loves his parents and colleagues and is just a pretty stand up guy which transfers well into the persona of Superman. Superman would be pretty boring if there was no real difference between Superman and Clark.
So, feel free to make your characters be whatever you would like to have for the story, but remember to make them people first. They may just be a collection of words and ideas, but your readers will want to read about well-written characters rather than planks of wood who only serve a single purpose. If any of you have read some of my works, you'll notice that I have an issue with this regarding my side characters, and I do wish to be better but it is a process.
Have a day