The Good End route
A Wish for a Miracle
After the incident that had emerged from the uncharted region. It was recently discovered that ‘Katyana Rosaline’ was still alive and well. The false news that was given to Crawford and Ichi were all a plot devised by a hidden organization that infiltrated the psychic academy of Rosenkreuz in order to get rid of them. Their objectives were to resurrect the Demon. Although in her homecoming, Katyana and her team succeeded in capturing the infiltrators and their affiliates, they failed to prevent the Demon’s awakening.
Acting as the leader of the joint Psychic Defenders, Katyana marched the elite team of Psychics towards the battleground of humanities final line of defence, the ‘Genesis Tree’. It was then she revealed that the awakening of the guardian ‘Gaia’ is also the trigger for the awakening of the Demon. Hence if ‘Gaia’ falls then the world is doomed. After making that said announcement, Katyana prayed for the safety of Ichi and Crawford.
Ichi in her final moments prepared to give in to fate, but as she kissed Crawford for what she thought of as the last time, Ichi saw the insides of Crawford’s mind. Memories of her that she has even forgotten, even the times she felt she was all alone. Ichi never thought that all this time Crawford had been nearby secretly looking after her. Despite him saying he has Precognitive abilities, then why? Why did he go so far to watch over her? Couldn’t he actually just see the future and make sure for himself that nothing happens? It was then Ichi remembered that Crawford once mentioned he could see the future but when it comes to Ichi, the future is shrouded in mystery.
“Huh…what is…this memory…” Ichi shook her head trying to stay conscious. “No…it’s not too late! I… Crawford!”
Trembling, Ichi with her wavering consciousness took in a deep breath. Regaining control of her powers, Ichi gritted her teeth. With the warmth and love that she received from Crawford, using it as a source for her mental support, Ichi channeled all her powers into creating the greatest healing ability there ever was.
It was a one-time ability that was supposedly only to be used only against the Demon to tame and subdue it. But Ichi didn’t use for the Demon, instead she used it for the one most important to her, she used it on Crawford.
Shouting out his name in her wavering consciousness, Ichi continued to channel all her powers into the one she held in her lap. “CRAWWW!!!”
Suddenly from around her, small particles of light appeared. They were spirits of the world that reside within the ‘Genesis Tree’. Gently overlapping their hand over Ichi’s, the spirits brilliantly gave off a blinding radiance. It wasn’t just the inside of the small enclosed area they were in but also the whole ‘Genesis Tree’ itself shined.
“PURIFICATIOOONNNN!!!” Ichi yelled out. Her body had long gone past it’s limit but her spirit has yet to yield. Eventually engulfed in the light, a tranquil silence blanketed her world.
Katyana and the rest of the Psychics have arrived in the uncharted area. But what awaited them was a surprise that left them speechless. What looked like the sky was blanketed in darkness, was actually a swarm of demons flocking together in their direction. Their numbers were innumerable, given the fact the whole sky was filled by them. Despair enveloped the band of Psychics as they peered into the darkness approaching them.
“W-what’s going on!? Why are the demons already here!?”
“Impossible…There is no way we can defeat them”
“This is…the end…”
Some of the psychics went mad, others fainted on the spot while there were also plenty who ran away. But for Katyana who bears the responsibility of leading what could be said as humanities last defense, she who was trembling herself rushed in headfirst with all the courage she had. In her mind there was only Ichi. She only wished to meet with Ichi one last time no matter what it takes.
Raising her hand up high, Katyana shouted out. “FOR OUR FUTURE!!!”
Not bothering to look behind her, Katyana quickly dived in head first towards the dense flocking demons awaiting them. Amongst the psychics that came along, only half of them still had the willpower to follow her. As things looked desperate be in situation and outnumbered. A single flicker of light brought hope to the despairing psychics.
There, far behind the demons, the ‘Genesis Tree’ had pulsed. It was at that moment a miracle appeared. The entirety of the ‘Genesis Tree’ shattered releasing a powerful arc of light expanding outwards engulfing the world as it eradicated the demons that were swept up by it. Feeling saved, the psychics shouted out in joy.
This phenomenon has never once occurred even in the records of the previous ‘Guardians’. Katyana who was also taken in by surprise looked up towards the small spherical ball of light that remained from the amazing phenomenon that had just occurred.
“Ms. Rosaline…” A figure that loyally followed her looked at her with joy.
“Yeah they did it…those two…” Katyana smiled as she walked away disappearing within the crowd of cheering psychics.
Inside the sphere of light Ichi woke up confused. “Where am I? Are we in Heaven…?” She looked around only to see nothing just pure white surrounding her.
It was then a voice called out to Ichi in her mind.
Gaia…Guardian of the World…Does this man mean far more to you than the world?
“Wha-!? Who is it? Who is talking?” Ichi was surprised as she jumped up looking around.
I will ask once more…Do you value this man more than the world?
This question weighed down hard in Ichi’s mind. For her there was no reason to save the world when the world had already given up on her once. But ever since her life with Crawford she had met new friends and had begun to love the world. If one were to think rationally, it would be wiser to give up one man for the sake of the world. The question is would she give up Crawford?
After a few moments of silence Ichi replied. “I…I don’t want to be apart from Crawford…” Ichi clenched her fist as she sat down helplessly thinking about Crawford’s fate.
For once in her life, Ichi finally realized her true feelings. The aching heart and helplessness she felt were all too unbearable for her. If she had the chance, she wished to see the smile on Crawford’s face one last time.
While waiting for the voice to reply Ichi voiced out her thoughts. “Does this mean I died…?”
Yes…indeed you have died. You have given up your life to save the man you chose over the world.
“No…then…wouldn’t it all be pointless if the world ended…won’t he just die again…? Did I save Crawford to let him die again? No…no…it can’t be!” Ichi started to become depressed as she thought of her consequences. But before she lost herself to her emotions the voice once again called out to her.
But there is an exception…Do you wish to save the world?
Slowly responding, Ichi replied. “Yes…if Crawford can live on happily…I will do whatever it takes…” An aching feeling once again clutched her heart. Tears started to flow down her cheeks remembering that she can no longer be together with Crawford.
Even at the expense of never being able to see that man ever again?
Ichi blanked out, her thoughts of wanting to be with Crawford and her thoughts of wanting Crawford to live on happily without her conflicted. If the heart could make a sound, right about now it would have made a big bang as Ichi felt her heart breaking apart. Despite all that she still chose the latter. She chose for Crawford’s happiness although deep down her feelings were in turmoil.
With a small smile gently curving into a wide bright smile, Ichi accepted her fate as she replied. “Yes…even if I can never see Crawford again…” Although she already made up her mind, but her body still rejected her desire as tears continued to flow nonstop.
Very well…I shall grant you your wish! As a reward for pure love, you will be living on together with that man. There is no such thing as resurrection, but in this case, you will have to share your life with that man. So should anything happen it to the two of you, it will also be shared between you two. Additionally as a curse for choosing that man over the world, you will also bear the responsibility of raising the Demon as your child. Now go! Return to whence you came from and live a long fulfilling life.
Ichi was shocked speechless as she heard those words. Tears of sadness became tears of joy. The white world around her shattered, and the moment the colors of life reappeared in her surroundings. There right above her looking down while holding out his hand, a man with unique golden eyes gently looked towards her. His voice sent chills down her spine.
Holding Crawford’s hand with both hands, Ichi pulled Crawford down and the two shared a passionate kiss wet with Ichi’s tears of joy.
“Welcome back…” The both said to each other as they pressed their forehead against each other. The sun setting down behind them as a group of psychics appeared to pick them up.
Six year has passed since the disappearance of the Demon. Nobody in the world knew what happened to Demon as it wasn’t sealed as it should have been, nobody except for Ichi that is.
“Hey Craawww!!! Have you seen Rou?” Ichi frowned while searching around their new house.
“Should I really tell you?” Crawford muffled a laugh as he teasingly replied.
Ichi sprinted towards the direction of the garden. “Don’t tell me…! Ah! So your with daddy again…” Ichi pouted feeling jealous of Crawford.
Although their child Rou was supposedly a curse given to Ichi, she was unmistakably their legitimate child. Today was Rou’s sixth birthday. With her looks and hair the splitting image of Ichi, she also had Crawford’s gold eyes as well. As if that wasn’t enough, like Ichi, she was also quite hard to handle as she doesn’t want to listen to Ichi which makes her jealous that Crawford hogs all her attention. Probably due to the fact Ichi pesters Rou to like poisonous plants despite Rou liking flowers instead could be one of the reasons Rou avoids her. Rou also has a set of horns since she is a demon, but nobody aside from Ichi can see her horns which protect her identity. Despite all that, Ichi smiled. It was more than she could have ever wished for. The family she dreamed but never had. She can now start over in her new life with the one she loved. The threat of a Demon was also officially declared as over, the world achieved its long awaited peace, and most of all while keeping her child’s identity and their shared life a secret, Ichi lived on happily together with Crawford and Rou.