Name: Thundire
Former name: Karl Preston (As human)
Origin: Earth
Former life: The boy who survived multiple lightning strikes and became showman as a teen (Died from machine explosion caused by high voltage surge in the middle of show)
Title: The Feared Bearer of Lightning
Element: Lightning
Trait: Short-tempered, fierce, fearless, protective, wise, show-off (Trait passed down from former life as human)
Weapon: Twin Scimitars
- Lightning Immunity: Immune to electric-based attack
- Electric Surge: Double damage when using electric-based attack
- Blessing of the Storm: Grants lightning resistance buff (Host-only)
- Bless: Enchant a weapon with lightning element
- Storm Breath: Unleash a lightning breath
- Shock Veil: Cover the caster's body in electricity, damaging anyone on contact. Can be done in physical and spirit form
- Lightning Blast: Creates an orb of lightning with large explosion radius
- Rain of Lightning: Summon a rain of lightning that strikes randomly
- High Voltage: Summon a deadly unavoidable lightning strike
- Fury Strike: Wield Twin Scimitars in both hands and unleash a flurry of slash on several enemies
- Oath of Protection: Grants lightning resistance for allies (All)
- Thunder Roar (Special): A roar followed by shockwave of electricity generated from Thundire's lightning body, electrifying everything within its reach that can stun, injure, or incapacitate enemies in its path. If Thundire is in a body of water, the entire body of water becomes electrified when using this skill. The electrical energy generated from his lightning body spreads rapidly through the water, delivering a powerful shock to any creature or object submerged or in contact with the water.