A planet located far from Fauryth inhabited by a peculiar race called Antauren. The Antaurens are bizzare alien hybrids ranging from eagle-human halfling with octopus tentacle hair, pointy eared and pale skinned human with several scales scattered around eyebrows, humanoid insect, human with scaly skins and dragon-like face, lion headed human with demonic horns, and more. They speak 3 languages: Native (Randomized Latin), Greek, and English. Their society structure is bureaucracy. Zoe, a young Antauren stayed on Fauryth after helping Amy and the gang when some of them got teleported to ZTA Alpha by accident. When Amy Symilton gone missing, he stayed in Infinite Tower along with Stary Silke, now empty as everyone left and follow their own path with the duo taking care of the tower until someone came in search for her. Known Antaurens:
- Zoe (Spelled Zou): A young Antauren who stayed on Fauryth after Symilton went missing. His appearance is that of greenish pale skinned human with sharp triangular facial shape, have glowing reptilian emerald-colored eyes with scales spreading above his eyes, leaf-shaped ears, hair spiked up similar to flower bud, and sharp teeth. He wore sleek black armor suit and often carry sword holder magnetically stuck on its metal scabbard which can be pulled out to generate sword made of energy beam from the holder. He can disguise himself as a dark brown skinned human boy with glowing eyes and short spiky hair through a hologram device that he always carries wherever he goes. Despite his military background, he retained his friendly and cheerful attitude to others.
- Xena: Young female Antauren and Zoe's friend. Her appearance is that of olive-skinned human with tiny beak on her nose, black scales around her face, violet eyes, pointed ears, long dark brown hair. Both her hands and feet had 4 long fingers. Being in the same squadron as Zoe and Rocdan, she wore the same black armor suit as his but slimmer than others. Despite her disfigured fingers and body shape especially around the hip area, she was one of the best soldiers among the Antaurens and quite attractive. Serious, cautious, and always looking out for her friends, she can be charming and friendly to those she cared for.
- Rocdan: Male Antauren and Zoe's older friend. He is the oldest and 2nd best soldier in the army. His wise and taciturn personality with gruff voice can be intimidating to some but he is actually caring and protective to others beneath the intimidating impression he unintentionally gives to others. His appearance is that of human with eagle head, octopus tentacles replacing the lower middle of his plumage as hairs, scaly human fingers and bird talons replacing his feet. Unlike Zoe and Xena, his black armor is wider and had more protective plates covering the suit as higher rank soldier.