Okay so I'll like explain it from the start to not cause any confusion. So the thing is I'm good at academics right and like I recently switched schools and this school in particular has stronger ties with great universities and colleges and stuff and the syllabus comes from Cambridge so it's rlly cool of u think abt it but the thing is the teachers SUCK like I'm not even in the slightest way trying to be arrogant or rocky or anything of the sort (I'm a pretty humble person if I do say so myself) but like IM BETTER THAN THE TEACHER, ITS SO CLEAR THAT I COULD TEACH BETTER like the teacher spelled the word "authoritative" wrong which is rlly easy for 8th grade yk but I didn't say anything bcs then it would've sounded as if I was nitpicking her teaching but she literally makes so many grammar mistakes while speaking or writing and stuff and it's not JUST the English teacher, pretty much every teacher does this.
So I went on a rant a few days ago to my mom abt this bcs as an e.g if ur surrounded by people who let's say have a lower vocabulary range in a specific language or aren't quite articulate to be able to speak fluently and only understand simple sentences then OF COURSE in such an environment you are quite literally forced to lower your speaking range and formulate your sentences in simpler language which over time deteriorates YOUR OWN articulation of the language and the natural flow you have while speaking and you habitually use simpler words while speaking with OTHERS aswell. That was one thing which rlly did bother me, and apparently my mom kept that in mind and today brought up WHETHER SHE SHOULD REHISTER ME STRAIGHT INTO 9TH GRADE?? (which yes, is possible, don't ask.) And since I'm good at academics it wouldn't rlly be a problem BUT THE FACT THAT THERE ARE SO MANY OLDER SRUDENRS THERE IS WHAT SCARES ME SHITLESS BCS OH MY GOD CANBI ALREADY FEEL MY STOMACH DROP WHEN HAVING TO TALK TO THEM and its not like I can just NOT TALK bcs I literally have everything on the line here (one important thing I forgot to mention is that my school is divided into to campuses, one is the junior campus which goes till 8th grade and from 9th grade onwards you switch to the senior campus which is across the junior campus, so it's basically super close) and the REASON I have everything on the line here is onfacr bcs my Aunt teaches at the senior campus and boy DOES SHE HAVE ONE HECK OF A RESPECTABLE IMAGE AND UNIMAGINABLE REPUTATION THERE like I cannot disappoint ANYONE neither here at the junior campus and much less at the senior campus. Well, if I do think abt it there are a few tempting perks of getting admitted to 9th grade BCS HEAR ME OUT...THEY HAVE CLUBS. AS IN SOCIETIES. SPORTS SOCIETIES, AN M.U.N SOCIETY AND WHAT NOT, and they have different subject "groups" you could say in which one of you have to take apart from the compulsory subjects AND AND THERES A SCIENCE GROUP AND I FRICKING LOVE SCIENCE sooooooo it's not too bad?? But the aspect of being under too much pressure is well a little daunting. Wish me luck tho :D