People could say it was stupid to think that Krowen's promise will live on, sometimes, you agree with them. He promised you that he would marry you when you both got older and it wasn't like you two were six or anything! You two were fourteen when you two make the promise!1011Please respect copyright.PENANAON9jgBMY2A
Sadly, he moved away shortly after. You two stay in contact until one day, you tried to call him but it leads to a voice mail saying the number you reached is not available. You try to call him every day but it always leads to the voice mail.
That promise stuck in your head for so long...
You never thought that simple, silly and probably stupid as well. Promise will mean so much to you. No one ever says such a thing to you. No one other than Krowen. You always wonder if he remembers the promise, he was the one who asked you. Surely, he remembers it, right?
Maybe it was a stupid promise that was made by six years old kids like other people says. You wonder if there's a chance you might meet him in this town. Huh. Probably not. What are the chances of that?
But if you found him, somehow. You will definitely ask him if he remembers-!
Your thoughts were cut off by your mother's voice calling you. Right, today was your first day of school. You take your bag and look at yourself in the mirror before went to the downstairs. You put your [H/C] hair into a lower ponytail. (Sorry if you have short hair.)
"Good morning, sweetie! I make you some of your favorite food and water with it." Your mother says sweetly as she goes to sit down on the chair. "Did dad went to work early?" You asked and eat your food.
"Yes, it is his first day. He needs to go there early. Maybe after a couple of weeks. He will go with his schedule and eat with us." She answered and eat her food but stopped and look at you. "If something is wrong with school today like you get bullied. Please tell me." She said and went back eating.
"Of course, mother." Your mother has always been overprotective. With you and your father. She always said that she didn't want to lose any of them and since you're the only child. That makes her even more protective. She always thought it was too late to have another child.
And the fact that childbirth is very painful and she doesn't want to face it again.
It was silence after that. You say your goodbye to your mother as you got out of her car and went inside the school. You walk to the principle's office to get your schedule. You went to your classroom and take your seat.
You are relieved that today was actually the first day of school if it's the middle of the year when you moved here. You would be screwed if you take someone else's seat. Although the teacher might change your seat. That sucks.
You hear the door open, your eyes move to the door and see a short guy. He probably would be the same height as you if you two stand side by side. He has brown hair and black eyes, he was wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans. He was....attractive. Definitely.
He takes your seat beside you. Maybe it's because of the seats you both take are in front of the chalkboard. You thought he would be that kind of guy who would sit in the back but instead, he was sitting beside you, in front of the chalkboard.
You scooted your chair away from him. His aura....does not seem friendly to you. "Who are you? I never saw your face before." He asked. Damned. He's been here a long time if he asked you that question. It took you a few twenty seconds before answering him.
"My name is [Y/N] [L/N]. I'm the new student." Damn it. Despite his height, he's has a very scary aura with him. "I know you're a new student. I just want to know who you are. [Y/N] [L/N]...that's a nice name you have. Since you told me yours, I'll tell you mine." He said as he put out his hand beside you.
You take his hand and shake it. "Hafiz. Hafiz Atkinson." He introduces himself. You nodded and asked. "Hafiz sounds like Islamic, is one of your parents Islamic?" He smiles and nodded at you. "My mother is a Muslim but she changed her religion but she still likes the name Hafiz and named me when I was born." He said.
"That's nice." You said and looking around. "Why did you move to this school? Family problems, parents got a job here, bullied in the previous school, moved from another place for fun or what?" He questioned you. You never thought he would have any interest in you.
Maybe because you're a new student and he knows everyone in this school or something else that you can't think of right on the spot. "Uh, my father got a new job and I think we will be here, forever, I guess." You replied. He nodded and bobbed his head like understanding manners...?
Then there was a silence.
"So, um....who are you in this school? You know, like a stereotypical school." You said as you trying to break the ice. "Um...maybe the bad ones. Like the rebel or the creepy now or both and I had a feeling that you will be the creepy one." He said and you don't know what to say.
"Speechless? Usually, people will protest when they hear it but you're just standing there. Speechless. I won't say that I'm quick to judge. I'm more of a physic. Kind of. I can feel what type of person you are" He said and you do nothing other than nodding.
Then a question pops up in your head. "Since you're a psychic or some shit, shouldn't you know that I moved here because of my father's new job. You're kinda psychic." "Well, I can be wrong. Not everything is written in stone." He said and put his head in his hand while looking at you.
"Any other question?" He asked. You put your fingers on your chin as in a thinking state. Since you're a new student in a new school, why not ask who you should avoid? "Who should I avoid in this school?"
"That's easy. You don't need to be psychic to know who it is. All you need is the time you have been in this school. It's Ashley Maddison and her boyfriend, Krowen Adams." He said. You were happy when you hear his name but it doesn't last long until you hear the word boyfriend.
He was dating another girl...If there was a piece of paper in your hand. You would clench it but instead, you clenched your hand.
I'm new to Penana. So, if there's anything you want to tell me about creating stories here, please do. I need some help.