"Are you okay?" Hafiz asked and it snaps you back to reality. Your eyes went everywhere and you lied, "I'm okay. Yeah." He didn't believe that you are okay but he let it slide. He knew what the problem was.
"Well, class it going to start soon," He paused and gave a coy smile, continues "Oh and remembers to avoid the people." He said and started minding his own business. The other students walk to the class and most of them are minding their own business or talking to friends but one of them look at Hafiz funny. This small and not really that important look made you feel uneasy and a little mad. "You have been here for three years yet you still haven't grown an inch!"
The some of the students behind him snickers with him but Hafiz seems like he doesn't even notice it. "Maybe I just didn't care about it, Jun Hai." He said and you can tell in his voice that there's venom in it.
"Well, I was just joking buddy! But really though, what happened to you? How come you're not growing any taller?" He asked. You are very confused with Jun Hai. You thought he was teasing or bullying Hafiz but, here he is telling him, he was just joking. Maybe because of the aura around Hafiz that he finds it unsettling?
Then, the bell rings and all the different students dispatch and the other students go to their new seat. "Well, talk to you in later, buddy!" Jun Hai said and pat Hafiz's back before going to the only seat that is available.
The teacher walks in and starts taking student's attendance. Your mind was filled with thoughts like "He was dating another girl..." "How could he?!" "He promised" and- "[Y/N] [L/N]!" The teacher shouts and you raise your hand and said "Here!"
"Finally, I have been calling out your name for three times now, please pay attention next time, Ms. [L/N]." She said and continue taking the students attendance. You hear some students snickering. You hear Hafiz chuckled, you send him a glare before looking at the chalkboard.
He stopped and look at something else instead. The rest of the class until the lunch time was...embarrassing. Because you're always got distracted by Krowen dating Ashley. The teacher let it slide since it is your first day.
You open your locker to get your Tupperware that your mom packed for you. Other than the Tupperware, you found a letter on top of it. You grab the letter, open it and it reads.
"I have seen you in the school this morning, I never thought I would see you again. You're more beautiful now than the last time I saw you. I'm so glad that you were coming to this school. What are the chances of that happening in real life? Prolly none! I don't have enough time writing this letter long enough but I'm sure we'll meet....again.
-From Your Secret Admirer."
You shrug it off and put it in your pocket. "I hope they have the balls to come out and say it to me, face to face." You thought and take your Tupperware with you to go and eat lunch. As your way to the canteen, you saw Hafiz with a girl.
He was smiling at her and holding her hand. "That's cute.... I wish Krowen would do the same thing to me..." You thought as you grip your Tupperware tightly. Hafiz saw you at the corner of his eyes. The expression on your face is very familiar.
The same face when he said to avoid Ashley and her boyfriend, Krowen. "Oh, Hey [Y/N]! Going to lunch alone?" He asked, turning his head towards you. You startled and nodded. "Yeah like usual. Why aren't you two went to lunch?" You asked them.
They scratched their head. "Uh..haha....Oh uh, you say that you're going to eat lunch alone, right? Well, you can come and sit with us. We don't mind, right Hafiz?" She said, trying to change the subject and look at him. Hafiz nodded. They both look nervous.
Did they do the hanky panky somewhere...? You narrow your eyes as if it's going to make them tell the truth. You nodded and said 'thanks' to them. You follow them to the canteen and see a group of people. When you say a group of people, you mean two.
"Oooh~! A new student!" A girl with blonde hair said.
"What's your name?" She asked you. You take the empty seat and replied to her answer. "It's [Y/N]. [Y/N] [L/N]. What's yours?" You place your Tupperware and look at her. "My name is Kimi. Nice to meet you, [Y/N]." She said and you nodded.
You open your Tupperware and eat your mother's cooking. You stay quiet and eat your food. You don't really want to bring up the letter because it meant nothing to you. All you care is that it is from Krowen.
Krowen always has been confident, cool, and never been so...excited about anything. If he "glad" to meet you again, he could have just went up to you instead of sending you letters. You just thought it was someone from the previous school you went to.
"I hear a rumor that has been around for a few....months now. It's interesting and also disgusting." Said the girl with short black hair, black eyes and with purple glasses, who looks exactly like Jun Hai. You raise your head and listen to it.
"So, you finally join the conversation now, huh? Well, this rumor is a teacher and a student have an affair and with something about him being gay and the student he is with is a boy. But we don't exactly know, if that's true or not. Hafiz didn't want to confirm it." She said and pouted.
She was looking at Hafiz, who was looking disgusted. "I don't want to look at something else that I didn't want and possibly scarred me for life." He explained to her. "So, are you possibly be Jun Hai's sister? Your face shape kinda looks like him." You changed the subject.
"Are you calling me a boy?! But other than that, yes I am his sister. I'm a year younger than him. My name is Wang Bai Ai." She said. You were afraid that you triggered her when she playfully shouts at you.
"Oh okay. When does the rumor start?" You lift the subject back up. "Last year. It's kinda weird rumor if you must say because, at the beginning, the rumor starts off with the teacher being gay but then suddenly the 'teacher and student' relationship is up there." Kimi informed you.
You nodded your head. "So, there's no evidence?" Kimi shakes her head no. "Nada. No pictures, but the teacher confirms that he didn't do it and I don't think anyone wants to take a picture of the moment." She said.
Maya chuckled a bit at Kimi's sentence. "Yeah. It's disgusting. Unless the teacher did something to them and wanted to blackmail them." She said and takes a french fries from the plate and eat it. Hafiz tries to take one from the plate but only to get a slap on the hand by Maya.
"It's mine, get your own." She said while glaring at Hafiz. "Lunch is almost over in a few minutes." He said, you look at your watch to make sure and he's telling her the truth. Maya let out a 'tch' noise but give him a small smile and the plate that has only a few french fries.
"There, happy?" She asked him, to which he nodded and eat the french fries. You close your Tupperware and then stare at them. Maya takes notice of the stare you giving to her and Hafiz. "What are you looking at?" She asked you and you shake your head, no.
"No, nothing. Just think of how cute you two are." You said quickly. You can hear a teeny tiny bit of jealousy in her voice. "Really? Aw...look Hafiz! She said that we look cute together! Thank you, [Y/N]." She said and hugging him while looking at you.
She looks like she was going to kill you. You look at the other way and on your way at eyeing things and people. You saw a girl and someone looks like Krowen. The girl has black hair, her skin is tan. She is beautiful.
Maya changed her look from glaring at you to confusion. She pulls back from the hug and takes a look at what you are looking at. She frowned and turned her head to the table. "Who is it?" Hafiz whispered into her ear.
"Ashley and Krowen. Looks like she took interest in the male." She whispered back. Kimi was looking at the same direction. "Oh, no, no, no, those two are bad news. Well, mostly Ashley but don't think about it, [Y/N]." Kimi said.
You hear her but you're still staring at them. But then Krowen saw you looking at him, he gave you a smile and a wave. Ashley looks at the direction he was waving at. When she saw you, she gave you the nastiest look ever. Nastier than Maya's look.
You turn your body and look at the group you are with. "She already hates you from that look." Bai Ai said. "Thank you, Captain Obvious," Kimi said with a sarcastic voice. The bell rings and everyone takes their stuff and went to their class.
You and Hafiz went to the same class, so you're following him. You felt safe with him ever since Ashley gave you the look and you also felt like you're going to get attack by Ashley. You were just looking!
"Do you want me to walk you to home?" Hafiz said out of sudden. You look at Hafiz in disbelieve. "Are you sure? I mean my house isn't that far from the school. What about Maya?" "Maya's guardian will take her home immediately once school is over." He replied back.
You two enter the classroom and take your seat. "Well, my house isn't far from the school either, maybe in a different direction but I can still walk you to your house." He continued. You nodded and smiled at him. "Thank you." You said.
After the school has ended, you and Hafiz walk to your house, you never thought you would ask someone to walk with you to feel protected. "Um, thank you again. You don't have to do it but you did." You said while looking at him. He was also looking at you. "You're welcome." He replied back.
"Is this the same route to your house?" You asked him, trying to get to know him better. He shakes his head no. "No, my house is in the east street and yours is in the north street." He said. You nodded and kept asking him questions "How did you and Maya become a couple?"
"She confesses her feelings to me and I accept it." "So, do you love her? It sounds like you accept it just for being polite." You said and quickly realize what you are doing. "I'm sorry, that is very inappropriate for me talking about." You apologies quickly.
"No, no, it's okay and of course I love her. If I didn't, the relationship wouldn't last for two years." He said and you sulked a bit. "You're in love with him aren't you?" He said and you let out a quiet 'yeah'. He sighed and thought to himself. "This is bad..."
Your back straight up when you both hear police sirens, you both look at the police cars and it looks like they went to the forest that is nearby the school. "Isn't the forest is like school's property?" You asked Hafiz and he nodded.
"Let's go." He said and ran off towards the school. "Hey! Wait for me!" You shout at him and chase after him. That police sirens could be anything like a thief but that sirens change everything.796Please respect copyright.PENANAKY47TTRS1C