I open my eyes and try to push myself up but pain shoots up my arm and I jerk it up lose my balance and knock the wind out of me. I lay on my back taking small breaths and trying to make up for lost air then I sit up careful to keep weight off my right arm. I shakily stand up and look around. I’m in a log cabin thing that is surprisingly cozy I keep looking and behind me I see the bed like cot I was laying on is in the middle of the room. On the other side is a kitchen with the hawk-boy. “Who are you?” I blurt out. He turns towards me and I cant rip my eyes from his. They’re bright blue with silver flecks. “Aria, you can stop the charade now.” He says with a laugh.
“What charade, and who’s Aria”
“Seriously back there was not a good time to start one of your jokes. Now seriously stop.”
“This is no joke.” I say as I turn to a door behind me and walk towards it. I’m about to cross the threshold when I trip and I would have fell but fortunately he caught me. Unfortunately he caught my right hand right where the eagle-man scratched me. He pulls me to my feet then lets go of me and I rub my wrist which had started throbbing. “Lets sit down and talk” he says walking towards the couch tucked in the corner. I reluctantly follow him and sink into the soft cushions next to him. “Who are you?” I ask him once again. “You really don’t remember me?” He says sounding hurt. I want to lie, tell him it was all a joke but I made the mistake of looking into his eyes and I knew he would be more hurt if I lied to him than if I didn’t remember. “No.” I say sadly. He takes a deep breath. “Well, I guess we can… start over?” He says slowly. I hesitate before giving a short nod. “I’m Rowan and…” He laughs and tears a hand through his dirty blonde hair. “Man! This is so weird” “Wait.” I say sitting straight up. “You know me?” I asked. “Yeah!” He said his eyes lighting up. “You were my…” He starts but stops and someone interrupts him. “Rowan you should tell her she has a right to know.” a cat says leaping onto the couch beside him and rubbing up against him. “You were my best friend.” He mumbled his beautiful blue eyes clouding As he picks the cat up and places her on the ground. I looked at my feet feeling guilty and noticing how the cat rolls her eyes and sighs. “Its not your fault.” He said softly grabbing my hand. I jerk my hand out of his grasp and watch as his face falls even more. “I’m sorry. I didn’t—” I start to say. “Its not your fault. To you I’m just a weird stranger.” He says without letting me speak “I’m going to go for a walk.” He says before standing up and running to the door With the cat at his heels. I blink and a hawk is flying across the sky. I watch him till I cant anymore and then sit on the couch feeling bad that I made him sad and feeling just downright miserable. I lay on the couch thinking. Theres a strange boy who is hiding something, a cat that can talk and wierd eagle men that are after me. I cant remember anything before but i feel like thhis is how it has always been. I hear someone come in but don’t look thinking its Rowan. I didn’t want to hurt him, I didn’t mean to hurt him. Yet I hurt him anyways, I feel like all I do is mess things up. I’m just about to stand when someone grabs me pulls me back on the couch and presses a blade against my throat. My first thought is “Rowan lied!” Until I hear the person holding the knife say, “If you scream or move I will happily slit your throat. I carefully look up and see the eagle-man with the scar smiling down at me with his knife against my throat.