Wednesday, 05/29/XX
Izuki yawned loudly as we trudged to the dilapidated classroom. The sun hadn't risen yet, but we were forced to meet up with everyone else before we started training. Mita-senpai said we weren't ready to focus on our powers until we conditioned our physical bodies.
The only time I exercise is P.E. class, but I never committed to a workout schedule. Izuki had the upper hand as he does track. I loathed him for being so tall and lanky.
Mita-senpai created the exercise routines while Natsuki critiqued our form. Compared to his companion, Natsuki was ruthless. He made Izuki and I do laps around the campus field with him tailing behind us. He threatened that if he were to catch up with one of us, that person would have to do push-ups until he was pleased. He was merciful enough not to use his superpower, but regardless, he was a fast runner.
My lack of cardio bit me in the ass multiple times as Natsuki constantly caught up to me every lap.
The boy patted my shoulder as he swiftly ran past me. “Drop down now!” Natsuki bellowed.
I bent with wobbling knees and I started my fifth set of push-ups. Izuki turned his head and giggled at my suffering.
“Keep on running, chopsticks!” I seethed through gritted teeth.
Natsuki's sharp eyes glared at my movement, waiting to see if my form would falter. My triceps and chest burned as my elbows buckled from burnout. Izuki's laughter echoed as he and Kouji continued their run.
“Go rest. Your body will break if you continue,” said Natsuki before running to catch up with the other two.
I didn't hesitate to plod to the iron-wired fence where Mita-senpai was sitting against. Ashamed I couldn't finish a 5k run, I avoided eye contact as I plopped next to him. A searing pain ached in my chest, hardly managed to breathe. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead while leaning back onto the fence. A cold sensation on my arm made me jolt. I turned to my right to see Mita-senpai holding a bottle of water. I eagerly accepted the offer and downed half of the bottle. I thanked him as I put the cap back on.
I know I'm out of shape, but he could cut me some slack. I thought. I'm feeling pain in places I never have before thanks to that cut-throat demon.
My thoughts were interrupted by nearby laughter. My eyes widened as I saw Mita-senpai smiling widely at me.
“Cut-throat demon?” He chuckled.
I felt my stomach drop realizing I was speaking out loud. “S-sorry, I didn't mean that…”
Expecting to be told off for insulting his boyfriend, Mita-senpai's eyes were focused on the field with a calm smile plastered on his face. “It may not look like it, but Natsuki has a heart. He cares, he really does.”
“Cares enough to kick my ass?”
“Yes,” he smirked. “He's preparing all of you for what's to come. Natsuki’s more experienced than I am. He's been through it all.” His chest lowered as he let out a sigh, muttering, “he’s preparing you all for the worst,” under his breath.
I handed the bottle back to him, watching his face for any sign of aggression, but he was relaxed.
“Natsuki traveled across Japan, transferring from school to school in search of finding you youngins.” He said, twisting and playing with the cap of the bottle. “Eventually I joined him. The journey hasn't been easy, but the fact we're making progress gives me hope.” His golden eyes were locked on me as if I was the one holding the key to everything he’d been seeking.
I nodded, unsure of what else to say. I've always seen Mita-senpai as someone who's always put together. Pondering made me realize I never knew much about him, let alone his struggles.
“Natsuki! That's enough!” Mita-senpai called out. “Let's hit the showers before school starts!”
Izuki collapsed on the field after their last set of push-ups. Natsuki attempted to carry the boy, but couldn't as he was at least two times larger than him, so he dragged him by his feet.
Mita-senpai stood up while wiping off the grass on his bottom and headed towards the others. He showed his usual reassuring smile while patting Izuki on the back.
I slouched in a chair at one of the study tables in the library with my head down. I wanted to eat something, but the lingering pain in my stomach stopped me from getting up to walk to the cafeteria. It's only been three days since training started with Mita-senpai and Natsuki, but I don't think my body could handle another day of running or pull-ups.
Tugging my white hoodie over my head, I endured the pain I felt in my aching arms. I hoped no one would come here, but people usually go to the cafeteria or stay in their classrooms for lunch, so it was unlikely. I liked sitting here at the back of the library when I wanted to be alone. There’s air conditioning, silence, emptiness. I can be by myself without having to worry about other people seeing me.
I shut my eyes, feeling myself succumb to sleep. I'll sleep until the school bell rings.
A few moments later, I could hear the sound of footsteps coming towards me. I ignored whoever was passing by and continued to snooze.
“Can I sit here?”
Unable to lift my head, I gave a nod. I moved my arms closer to my face to cover my ears.
There were muffled sounds of the person pulling out the chair. It seemed like they came here to study as I heard them click a pen and turn the pages of a book.
“Hey, are you alright?” The person’s low voice cut the silence.
Snapped out of drowsiness, I finally glanced up and nearly toppled off of my chair. His tousled silver hair framed his slender marble-gray eyes. My eyes were drawn to the glint of the several piercings on his ears. It's such a crime for him to look handsome in a plain white school shirt.
“Do you want to go to the nurse's room?” His thin brows furrowed, slightly pouting his lips in worry.
I shook my head as I raised my head up. “I-I'm good! Don't wor—” The growling of my stomach cut me off. I hugged my torso while groaning, slapping myself mentally from embarrassment.
This is the absolute worst time to see Matsuoka. I thought, wanting to cry.
The boy continued, seeming to not hear the grumbling or notice my mental breakdown. “Are you feeling tired because you didn't eat?”
“More like from exercising… My entire body is sore.”
Matsuoka unzipped his backpack and rummaged through his belongings. He lifted what appeared to be a candy bar.
“This is all I have on me,” he sighed as if he wanted to offer me something better, “but you should eat some protein. It'll help with your recovery.”
I hesitantly took the protein bar from his hand and whispered my gratitude. I carefully unwrapped the protein bar and took a bite, trying to chew as quietly as possible. The taste of the rice krispies covered in chocolate combined with the strange protein flavor wasn't the best, but I savored it. I'd eat anything Matsuoka handed me.
“Hey,” he said, “you were with Kouji at the ramen shop the other day? You're Yokono, right?”
I stopped chewing, surprised he could recognize my hooded face. I nodded while taking another bite.
“I’m glad that kid has friends. I was worried about him.” My ears perked up at the mention of Kouji’s name. I wanted to press further, but Matsuoka continued, “What class are you in?”
“2-B,” I murmured.
“That makes us the same age.” He smiled warmly. “You can call me Takeshi if you'd like.”
My face reddened, fathoming the idea of calling Matsuoka by his first name. Being on a first-name basis felt scandalous for some reason. “Call me Rito then.”
He lightly smiled, resting his face on his propped-up hand. I felt too spoiled to see him smile so many times.
I wonder if this is how he treats the girls who are always flocking to him. Now that I thought about it, him sitting at a library by himself was strange.
“Why are you here?” I asked while chomping down half of the bar.
Takeshi lifted his face from his hand, his slender eyes suddenly widening. “Sorry, am I bothering you?”
Shit, did my exhaustion sound like irritation? I quickly shook my head. “You're always with your group of friends. Seeing you alone seems out of place.”
He chuckled softly, brushing his locks back with his hand. “Makes sense. I needed a place to study for next period’s exam.”
Hearing him converse with me so casually made the sound of my heartbeat echo within the silence of the library. I chewed on the last bits of the protein bar, thinking of what else to talk about. Before I could open my mouth, a group of giggling girls caught sight of us, more like Takeshi, and sprinted in our direction.
The girls’ laughter and quick footsteps made Takeshi turn his head. As they approached him with coy gestures and obnoxious giggles, I instinctively pulled my hood over my face.
“Who's that?” A girl groused, the tone of her voice dropping several octaves.
Takeshi got out of his seat while putting all of his items into his bag. “He's a friend of mine.”
He walked to my side, leaned down, and whispered, “You get some rest, I'll make sure they don't interrupt your nap.” The sound of his honey-thick voice made the hairs on my neck stand on end. “Stretch and massage yourself too to help with the muscle soreness.”
I glanced up to see him wink at me. He nodded his head before chatting and heading out with the flock of whiny girls.
I crumpled the bar wrapper in my fist, slamming my head on the desk. The fading silhouettes of the girls brought me back to reality. I rested my cheek on the table, crumpling the wrapper. The happiness dissipated as quickly as I finished the protein bar. I let out a hollow laugh thinking I was special