The next morning Dawn woke to her brother leaning over her a small smile on his face. She was so confused considering the male rarely ever smiled, in fact, the last time she had ever saw him smile was when he had gotten laid. “Huh? What’s doing.” she asked as she sat up , that was when he let her sit up.
“Oh nothing just got us both jobs at the club we were at last night. Getting paid pretty decently too.” He said smiling at her.
“A job at the club? Doing what?”
“Both of us?”
“Yes both of us,” he started saying with a pout before he continuing on, “they believe me to be too lanky and slender to be a bouncer.” His face had drawn up into a sneer at being called lanky and slender of which he was bth but he did have some muscle that wasn’t always obvious by the clothes he wore.
“Okay when do we start?”
“Tonight if you're up for it,” he said the insults to his person forgotten as he looked at her again.
Dawn nodded and pushed her brother away and out of the tent. “Let me get dressed you pervert.” She said chuckling. When he was finally outside of the tent ‘standing guard’ as he liked to call it, Dawn pulled her cot from off the top of her wheeled trunk and opened the heavy load to look through all of the clothes she had let from their flight across cities and oceans to find out who and what they were.
Sighing softly she thought about the first time their emotions had ever killed anyone.
It had been in 1879, they had been left on their aunt’s doorstep with a noth attached to their blankets a note that explained what and who they were ; a note their aunt burned as soon as they were old enough to read. That was what caused the female’s death. The twins had been so enraged that she would destroy something that would tell them who their parents were and what they were that they screamed and almost raised their hands to her but as their joined fists came close to the woman she grabbed her heart and collapsed.
The twins were horrified by what they had done and fled the house after packing up their things and setting the place on fire. After that night they fled the country sing the money they're now late aunt had saved up to pay for passage to Greece and from then on they had been traveling country to country always going back to Greece and Ireland like something was pulling them to the two countries.
Now here they were settling down in Dublin, Ireland even though they both knew in their hearts that they would more than likely be packing up and moving back to Greece when they found out all they could here.
Once more Dawn let out a soft sigh as she pulled a satin mini dress over her head and let it fall down to the tops of her thighs. She then pulled no torn black tights and hre combat boots before letting her brother back inside the tent.
“What time do we start?” she asked softly before taking out her brush and combing out her tangled golden locks.
“Now.” he said grabbing her arm before taking off running with her barely able to keep up.