I have a pretty big obsession with books.Whenever I go to a mall,I will want to go to a bookstore.I like reading books because I feel like it's just somewhere I can escape reality.My parents think I'm crazy for just buying books one week and wanting more books the next week.I can't help myself for loving books.
I have one friend named Janet who loves book just as much as I do.Maybe even more.Yes,I just used her ACTUAL name but I heard her name was pretty common anyways and she doesn't know about this whole blog thing soooo.....I'm safe.......for now.
Where were we?Oh yeah,Janet.She is crazy for books.She even has sisters that are crazy for books.Once,she borrowed me a book.I might have accidentally left it in the rain.She went BALLISTIC.Well not that bad.Ever since then,she is suspicious every time I borrow a book from her.If I mention anything and I mean ANYTHING about books,Janet immediately reminds me about what I did.
Okay,now.Lets talk about bookstores.If you have ever been to POPULAR Bookstore,you would know there is a 'Blockbuster section'.Look I don't know how to break this to you but....all of those books are shit.They are literally the WORST BOOKS EVERRRR.Look,there is a reason they are that fricking cheap.They are extremely crappy.I'm not trying to diss the authors of the books,I respect those people for working hard for those books,but they(the books,not the authors) are just so not interesting.You are probably thinking 'Don't judge a book by its cover'.But I have read most of the books from that section.They were...um.....what's the word?BBBBBOOOOORRRRIIIINNNGGG.
Listen,I have read better books.Better yet,I have many way more interesting SERIES than those excuses for books.Like the Falling Kingdoms Series.I have all five books and book 6 I think will be coming out soon.There are also 2 other books to learn about how all the crazy shit that's happening even started.Right now I have all five books,Falling Kingdoms,Rebel Spring,Gathering Darkness,Frozen Tides and,Crystal Storm.You really have to buy those books.Wait a second.....Don't buy those books just because I told you to.I'm just suggesting.Okay?Okay.
So yeah...that is my thought on books.Hope you enjoyed reading.Or maybe you didn't.Maybe you just skipped until here.I wouldn't know but you better have.
Well.....That's it for now.