Remember,the two people I mentioned last time? Hulk and T-Rex.Yeah.E just can't forget about them because she is like really angry at them as she says.Its hard to forget them when we are in the same class.Since it is almost the end of the year,it is a time for everybody to give and get their textbooks.There is also the struggle for people who lost their textbooks.Hulk,T-Rex and I are the prefects for handling the textbooks while E is not.Great,right?No.
E and I are close friends and we do most things together.I will be busy rushing around classes to collect textbooks while she stays in class and plays Monopoly.Teachers at almost the end of the school term don't teach and just leave us to do anything we want in the class.
Now let's talk about those textbooks.Every year,we get and return our textbooks.Usually,we call the classes to us but this year we have to pack up all our stuff and move it to those classes.It might sound simple but there are lots of books to haul.The heaviest of them all is {insert drumroll} the Maths textbook.Its so fricking heavy.We also have to keep the class under control and not disturb us while we are either stamping or writing some codes or wrapping books or cutting tape with an exacto blade.(We don't have scissors so we use an exacto blade but I do not advise using and exacto blade instead of scissors)
Here are some tips to get over someone but their kinda....weird:
1.Sit on your couch with lots of snacks like ice cream,chips,soda etc. and just watch TV all day.
2.Get out of your house and do something exciting.Like going to a water park,theme park,go swimming or just sleep.Your choice.Just distracting yourself with stuff can just help you forget and get over someone,I think.
3.Play with your pet.Oh?You don't have a pet.Well,this step is obsolete to you then.Just move on.
4.Ball your eyes out for God knows how long.
5.Spend your entire day on your phone/tablet.
6.Do an arts & crafts project.
If all else fails,just prank them.Prank them REALLY badly.Like 'Don't mess with me'style prank.
Well......That's it.This is really short cause it's just like a quick side note and not like a full thing.