He was the son of the rebel leader, as well as the first child soldier trained. I ddontknow where this takes place, but its leaning towards Ukraine.
Nonetheless, he was trained to be a killer, and did just that.After the rebellion was defeated by american forces, the child solderes were taken in and integrated into the american society. Thirty years have passed, and while vladimir, as i will call him, has developed ocd and refrains from emoting, he lives a relatively normal life. While unmarried, he has a higher-end marketing job, as well as subordinates who despise him.
He lives normally until he becomes triggered, a news article on child-soldiers. His mind goes blank, and he wakes in new clothes in his bed. His clothes from the previous night are nowhere to be seen, and while confused, he goes to work in a flustered state. At work he opens a drawer within his desk where spare mice and chords are kept, only to find a fully loaded pistol. He slams the drawer and doesnt open it again. He continues the work day until seven, and leaves to go home.
He turns on the television to watch the news, and hears a description almost identical to himself being reported at the scene of a mass homicide.
Panic ensues.
-please dont use this character i will be using him in a story i am currently working on.