No Plagiarism!HvaYHUDnNCHaULQFghpFposted on PENANA My inner demons are not that of folklore or what you read about in books. My inner demons are much worse than any of that. My inner demons are my past. My past is full of hunger, molestation, my brother raping me for six years, my son dying, then my sister who was the one person who knew the real me dying, and then the one woman who really and truly saw my talent who is my stepmom passed away right after. My demons don't have red skin or beady black eyes. One of my demons is right here in this town, roaming freely with no consequence for what he did to me, he never had to pay for letting his friends have their way with me time after time after time from the age of six to twelve. He thinks I don't remember any of it but the images are etched into my mind forever. When I close my eyes I see my dear older brother ripping off my clothes, with that evil smile. My demons are not just a story, they are real. Another one of my demons is roaming freely even after he killed my sister, this demon doesn't even see anything wrong with what he did. In fact he tried to have sex with me at my sister's funeral service. My demons aren't some secret kept under lock and key, no, I have no such luck, my demons will forever be in my life as a "big brother" or the guy next door. The doctor that made a mistake during my sons birth, causing his death three months later after he had to spend his entire life in a hospital, that doctor is still working and didn't have to pay for what she did to my baby, she never had to pay for the pain she has caused me, this kind of pain doesn't get better over time... It only gets worse.