Everybody assembled in the stadium as the first intergalactic race of the season was getting under way. Each team was announced as their IRs parked into their assigned positions on the track. The racers had a few moments to make any last-minute adjustments and inspections. Bradley and Lindsay took their inspections outside the Silver Stallion. Bradley looked as Lindsay gazed over the various IRs.
“You good?”
“Look at ‘em,” she nodded towards the others. “You think we’re in over our heads?” she wondered. Bradley glanced at the other IRs before shrugging and offering her a smile.
“First race jitters. It happens. Honestly? No. I think there’s a reason the Esperians wanted us to compete. And it wasn’t cuz of some technology they gave us. I think we’ll be fine; more than fine!”
“Right…” she sighed and looked at the sky. It was the ideal day for the start of the races. Buno’s weather remained the same throughout all three of their weather cycles: each went on a few Earth months. The two took advantage of the summery climate: Bradley wore a plain white t-shirt and blue jeans while Lindsay donned a lavender tank top with black Capri shorts. Bradley examined the artillery specialist, an undesired emotion wavered over him as he noticed the mark that stretched across her brow. “Brad…” Lindsay huffed.
“Sorry. It’s healed?”
“Think it’ll go away completely?”
“Doubt it. Malik said it made me look bad-assed. What you think?” she gave him a smile. Bradley laughed.
“I guess so. Then, you’re wearing your dog tags; rough and tough Marine, you are!”
“Oh; these ain’t mine.” Lindsay fingered the chain that hung around her neck.
“Husband’s? You both were in?!”
“Yep. I figured his good luck charm would do me some good.”
“Good luck charm? What’s so lucky about ‘em?”
“He was deployed to Iraq. Their unit wore their tags on their boot. So, he’s out on patrol one day and so happen to look down; they’re sticking out away from the tongue. He goes to tuck them back in when a bullet hit his buddy right behind him…”
“W-What?! Wow…”
“Yeah. So, had it not been for them… I would’ve been a widow right now…”
“That’s… scary as hell…”
“Who you telling?!” Lindsay shook the dreaded sense aside.
“It is finally the day of the races. Is the Earth team prepared to accept their first loss?” Areiv approached the two. Lindsay wanted to smile at his attire: a royal blue tunic with his Esperian gems adorned on the hem, with matching slacks. But, his comment caused her to narrow her eyes.
“Huh. Brad, I don’t know who got bonked on the head, him or me! Someone’s gotta pass us for us to lose!” her remark surprised both men.
“Your assurance is charming, indeed. A friendly wager if you like?”
“I’m listening.”
“If you so happen to outpace me, I will be at your disposition.”
“For how long?” Bradley asked. The Baron smiled.
“Until the next race. However, if I place greater than you… you will have to be at my beck and call!”
“Deal!” Lindsay agreed. Areiv’s smile widened.
“Then we shall meet each other at the finish line. Be certain not to delay too far behind.”
“You hear all this, Lizzie? And he was talking about my ego! Just cuz you got Baron in your name don’t mean we’re gonna bow down to you on this track! We will place higher than you; that’s a promise!” Bradley chipped in. Areiv lost his smile as the two stared at one another. Lindsay feared that she had to stand between them until smiles crept up on both their faces. Bradley gave his hand and Areiv shook it. He gave Lindsay a courteous bow.
“May fate be with you, Earth team…” he added before moving back to his IR.
“Wait… did you just call a truce…?” Lindsay stared at Bradley. He shrugged.
“Just realized that if it wasn’t for him… you wouldn’t be standing here beside me…”
A dropped flag indicated the beginning of the race as the IRs zoomed from the starting position. As soon as he could, Bradley opened the lock-on system.
“Alright, it works!”
“What you mean, ‘alright, it works’?!” Bradley looked at the pager. Malik laughed.
“It works faster than we expected! Anyway: we got an Olenion IR. Main material is nickel. Max speed is seven-fifteen, wow, that’s slow; no hyper drive detected.”
“Gotcha!” Bradley nodded. Right next to the pager system was a switch for the pilot to communicate to the artillery specialist.
“Your girl’s Runner is made of nickel…”
“Wait, what; who…?” Lindsay looked and saw Agnab in her way of attack. “The hell? I ain’t shooting at Agnab! Just… pass her…”
“Alright…” Bradley nearly sighed out, maintaining his laughter. He zipped past her, placing the Earth team in tenth position. The Olenion fired onto the Silver Stallion, delivering a shower of arrowed fireballs. Lindsay held on to her seat as the Runner rocked; she widened her eyes.
“The fuck… did she just shoot at us?!”
“Ain’t no friends in racing, darling! It’s strictly business on the track!” Bradley let his laughter out. He was glad the blows didn’t knock them too far off track.
“Oh, hell nah…” Lindsay grumbled as she typed in the information in her system. Just as Yoji and Malik said, the computer selected and filled her ammo. She made a one-eighty turn in her seat and grasped her trigger handles as her own lock-on system appeared across the screen. Lindsay adjusted and fired, making a direct strike on the wing of her friend’s IR. The mint green Runner veered off route and Lindsay hoped that her friend wouldn’t be too upset with her. Then again, she had shot upon them, Lindsay told herself.
“Woo; nice hit, Lizzie!” Malik praised through the communications system. She could do nothing but grin.
The duration of the race was quicker than the humans thought it would be. Before long, the remaining racers had one lap to go. The spectators had their favorites at the beginning of the race. Yet, after Lindsay’s bullets pierced through the Qees IR, the majority converted to the earthlings.
The Earth team found themselves in a healthy lead with Bradley maneuvering through the other racers, and Lindsay immobilizing those who either fired upon them or drawn too close for her comfort.
“Heh, we got company…” Bradley sang out with a broad smirk on his face. He placed the lock-on system towards the IR that was creeping closer. Bradley became discouraged by Malik’s intake of breath.
“Uh… eighty percent tungsten. Other elements? Unknown…”
“Unknown…?” Bradley’s eyes widened. He clicked on the adjacent switch. “Lizzie, we got a tough one: tungsten…”
“Tungsten? Spell it…”
“Seriously…? T-u-n-g…”
“Got it!” she resumed typing. As the ammunition loaded, Lindsay turned, clutching the triggers with anticipation. When she recognized who it was, she dropped her hands.
“Okay, I don’t hear nothing. What’s happening? No match?”
“Yeah… I got ammo for him…”
“Okay. What are you waiting on…?”
“… I’m not gonna fire at Areiv.”
“Um, what…?”
“He wants a race… give him a race!” she smirked.
“So, I hate to tell someone how to do their job but um… if you don’t take the Baron down, he will pass you guys. If you haven’t noticed, you’re closing in on the finish line…” Malik’s voice sounded through Lindsay's pager system.
“You obviously ain’t never seen Brad race! He’s the best driver I ever seen so if anyone can guarantee a win, he can. Trust me; Areiv’s not getting past us today!” Lindsay declared. Bradley caught her comments and his heart warmed fully.
“Thanks, Lizzie…” he spoke softly and pushed the Silver Stallion to its peak speed. Malik was right; the finish line was coming in view. Bradley grumbled as he saw Areiv already on the right-hand side of them. Lindsay said that she wouldn’t target Areiv, but she aimed and kept a steady lock on his IR, just in case.
“Come on, Brad. You can do it…” she half-whispered. Lindsay didn’t wish to resort to shooting at the Baron. It looked as though she had no alternative as the nose of the sleek Runner passed ahead of their own Runner. Lindsay seized the handles tight. “Sorry, Areiv…” the woman was an instant from firing until she felt the thrust of a collision; Bradley decided to bump into Areiv from the side. The Baron's Runner wobbled and with another push from the Silver Stallion, he veered off track, coming down hard into the lush field surrounding the track. The conflict between the two ensured that the other racers caught up but Bradley held the Stallion at max speed as the Earth team passed the finish line first.
The crowd was roaring as Bradley and Lindsay climbed out of the Silver Stallion. The pilot picked up and twirled Lindsay in excitement as they celebrated.
“Holy shit; I can’t believe it! You did it, Brad!”
“Whoa… like I didn’t have a bad-assed, dog tag wearing gunner helping me out…? Couldn’t have done it without you…” Bradley put the woman down and beamed at her. Bradley was prouder that Lindsay had so much trust in him than winning the race itself. The two could’ve placed second and he would’ve been satisfied. Yet, hearing Lindsay had faith in him made winning all the better.
Bradley's smile nearly disappeared as he saw Areiv approaching the two. The alien gave them both a modest but pleased expression.
“Areiv! We didn’t hurt you, did we…?” Lindsay gave him a glance over. The Baron gave her a quick bow.
“I am unharmed. My IR is a separate account. Most remarkable piloting techniques, Bradley. You seem to astonish me every time we engage one another. Today was no exception. I do confess, however, that I owe you both an earnest apology.” he offered them a small grin. Lindsay gave him a conceited smirk.
“You owe us more than that!”
“Ah. I believe you are correct. What will the Earth team have me arrange for them?”
“Let’s start simple. Drinks are on you, tonight!”
“Very well…” Areiv gave Bradley a nod.