Keith cleared his throat as he rapped on the door and was relieved that he was staring into the deep brown eyes of Lindsay’s mother, Sandra. She peered at him as he knew she would; ever since the arrival of Lindsay’s family and the other earthlings, Keith contemplated on when this conversation needed to take effect. He understood he postponed it long enough.
“Is… Lindsay here?”
“No. She’s out with Areiv, Will and Val.”
“Okay. Can I come in and wait…?” he asked. Sandra continued to gaze at him but moved aside to allow him in. The two sat on the sofa in painful silence as Keith glanced over the main room. The ringing of the new year experienced a notable difference in the apartment as a pink bassinet was present in the area: Lindsay was an aunt and the planet of Buno experienced their first birth of a human being.
Sandra was glad for the cooing noises that emanated from the bassinet; she got up and checked on the newborn while her husband, Carl emerged from one of the rooms.
“San, leave that baby alone! She’s fi… oh…” he stopped in his tracks when his eyes settled on Keith. “Ah. Keith. Need something to drink?” he offered. The Earth team’s manager shook his head. “Okay. Are you… here for what I think you’re here for?” the man asked warily. Keith stared at the tall and slender man; for some reason, he couldn’t recover his voice and solemnly nodded. “Okay… think I’ll fix myself a drink, then…”
“Carl…” Sandra warned, but the man shrugged as he made his way into the kitchen area.
“It’s gonna be needed, San!” he countered. Keith knew the man was right. He should’ve been better prepared for this but his heart galloped as he watched the two; Sandra finally sat but was worried, not looking at the man while Carl poured a large helping of tan liquor in his glass. Perhaps a drink wasn’t a bad idea, Keith thought. He decided to sigh away his nervousness and opened his mouth to ask for a drink until the door opened wide, letting Lindsay, Areiv, William and Valerie inside. Her smile was radiant at first as she clung onto Areiv’s blue arm but quickly dissipated as she took notice of Keith.
“Keith…” she greeted.
“… Lindsay. Ba-”
“Something wrong?” she interrupted him; it was unusual for the manager to be present in her home. The older man had slipped out of his obvious disdain for the woman since the attack but it didn’t stop the two from bickering. For him to be in her apartment, Lindsay reasoned, there had to be something to do with the Silver Stallion.
“… No. Just… talking to your parents.” Keith shocked the woman, hoping that his uneasiness wasn’t evident in his tone. Lindsay squinted her eyes at the scene: her mother appeared calm enough but ignored Keith; Sandra watched as Valerie reached for the infant. Lindsay glanced in the kitchen space where William looked in the refrigerator while her father gave her a nod. Carl sipped on whatever was in his glass and the artillery specialist widened her eyes.
“What? This? Don’t mind this, sweetheart…” the man made an effort to convince Lindsay.
“Oookay… well, we’re gonna get ready for the festival later tonight. Unless… we’re having practice?” she glanced at Keith. There had to be another reason for him to be here, Lindsay pondered. But the man shook his head.
“Practice as usual will be Monday. Have fun…” Keith tried but glanced elsewhere. Lindsay widened her eyes and opened her mouth to retaliate but Areiv pulled her along.
“We intend to, thank you.” the Baron replied with a small bow. As Lindsay closed the door, she had no chance to figure out the incident in the main room as the Esperian gathered her in his arms and gave her a tender kiss. The woman smiled as she draped her arms around his neck.
“My, my; we’re getting the hang of this!” Lindsay laughed. Areiv smiled back.
“Sharing kisses is one feature that does not alter between our species. And I enjoy kissing you very much. However, I sense that something is on your mind?”
“Yeah. Okay, something ain’t right out there…”
“Are you referring to Keith?”
“Yeah. First, he doesn’t do random visits, especially to my house…”
“Perhaps he is simply choosing to converse with your parents, Lindsay.”
“No. It’s more than that. Daddy’s all nervous.”
“He appeared fine to me. Lindsay…”
“You don’t understand. My daddy only drinks alcohol when he’s nervous.”
“I see. Then… that may be a concern between the three of them. You need not worry about it. Did you require me to help select out attire fo-”
“Areiv, I’m sorry but it’s gonna drive me bonkers until I find out what’s really going on! Stay he-” Lindsay was cut short by Areiv's thin lips landing on hers. Lindsay gave out a moan as the kiss grew deeper and she relaxed, forgetting the predicament in the main room.
Lindsay didn’t regard it as rushing; she admitted on Christmas evening she always desired to kiss the Esperian. The emotions she struggled to sink finally broke out; Lindsay noticed she didn’t blush as often when she considered the alien in a romantic manner. A year ago, she gave out her last farewells to her husband on the cliff; she understood it would still ache for her to think of her loss. Lindsay realized she would forever remember Tracy but she felt Areiv was right. He would always have a unique place in her heart but, as it was time for Tracy’s soul to cross over, it was time for her to be comfortable enough to start over.
Areiv ended the kiss and gazed into her eyes.
“Lindsay… let us have sex before preparing for the festival…”
“Whoa, wait; what?!” Lindsay immediately jerked away from him.
“Oh. Perhaps… we can have sex after the festival…?”
“H-H-Hold up! Is this how Esperians work…?! Just cuz I’m comfortable kissing you don’t mean I’m ready to h-have sex with you!” she glared at him but Areiv gave Lindsay a perplexed glance.
“I… do not understand your anger. Asking for sex is too forward of me?”
“Uh, yeah!”
“But… I have read that sex is a rather pleasurable action. I would love to offer you as much pleasure as I can. Is that not what human males do for their human females…?” the Baron made an effort to explain. Lindsay calmed down long enough to hear his remarks and couldn’t help but to give him a smirk.
“Wait… so… you really don’t know what sex is… do you…?”
“I will confess I am not acquainted with that particular term, no. However, if I interpreted properly: something that is shared between a man and a woman that is most pleasurable. If it is the wording ‘man and woman’ that troubles you, I would wish to emphasize that even though I am what you may consider alien, I am a male alien. We should be capable to engage in sex together. Please, do not be upset.” Areiv gave her a look. Lindsay laughed.
“Oh, God; you have no clue what sex is! Oh, Areiv, I’m sorry for getting mad at you! Okay…” she led the Baron to her bed, and the two sat on the edge. “You read right; sex can be really pleasurable but it’s something that’s… intimate.”
“Are you suggesting it is too soon for the two of us to be… intimate?”
“… You don’t know what that word means, do you…?”
“I do not; I am still learning certain Earth terms. I am most confused!” Areiv admitted. Lindsay laughed once more at Areiv's facial expression, the laugh served to prevent herself from blushing.
“It’s okay! I’m here to help! So. Alright. Um… yeah; humans use sex to… mate, for the most part.”
“To mate…? I have no doubt Esperians use that term differently than humans do.” Areiv continued to gaze at Lindsay with a puzzled stare.
“Ah. Okay… what do Esperians do to make a baby?”
“To make a child…? Oh, I see…… oh!”
“Right! That’s sex and being intimate!”
“I understand, now. I must apologize although I notice you disapprove for me to do so as much…”
“It’s okay. So, now that you know… you still want to have sex before the festival?” Lindsay sought to maintain an even face as she put her arms around the Baron's neck but failed as she surrendered to a bout of laughter. Areiv let out a chuckle as he returned the embrace.
“I have no doubt that it is too soon for us to become that… intimate. Esperians consider that function a ritual, however.”
“Oh, really? So, it’s not as casual as we humans make it?”
“Traditionally, no. However, with our analysis and adjustment to human behavior, quite a few Esperians are breaking tradition. There exist several of your human behaviors we enjoy. However, as Baron, I cannot see myself growing so… nonchalant about our ritual.”
“Oh…” the woman nodded her head before abruptly giving him a glimpse. “Wait a minute… you telling me that you’re a virgin…?!”
“Oh, you and your human words…” Areiv smirked and Lindsay laughed.
“Alright, wise guy! Hmm… you’re… pure? You’ve never been intimate with anyone…?”
“My dear Lindsay, you are the first female I have ever kissed.”
“Yes. Admittedly… you are the only female I have desired to kiss…” Areiv gave her a light smile. Lindsay flushed but returned the grin.
“You better be careful, Baron or we’d have to break that tradition of yours!”
“She’s been clueless all these years? No one’s said anything to her, yet?” Keith asked Sandra. The woman peered at her hands in her lap and shook her head as Carl took one of her hands.
“I… we honestly felt that it was better this way… her not knowing.”
“You weren’t supposed to come back…” Carl admitted. Keith sighed and looked at his own hands.
“I… I know. Karen was my only connection and when she decided to move on… I didn’t imagine I’d ever see her, again. My God, it was fate. The first time I laid eyes on Lindsay… I didn’t know what to think. I panicked. Deep down, I guess I wanted it to be her. And it ate at me that she looked… exactly how I hoped she would. The way she stands up to me… every time, I tell myself: that’s her. That’s my daughter…” Keith recalled with a small smirk on his face.
Neither had heard Lindsay come out, and the three started at the sound of glass shattering in the kitchen section.
“There has been a minor hazard in the kitchen zone…”
“P-PAS, complete shutdown…” Lindsay ignored the mechanical orb as she gradually made her way into the main room.
“As you wish…”
“Oh… Lizzie…” Sandra covered her mouth.
“What… did he say…?” she asked. Keith’s heart sped as he stood and bit his lip, staring at Lindsay.
“Lindsay? I’m your…”
“This is a joke. Yeah. Cuz, you knew I was eavesdropping…”
“Lizzie, I wish it w-”
“No, no, no, no… you… you never call me that. You… can’t be my fath… no! He’s sitting right there,” Lindsay pointed to Carl. She realized that the man had a solemn expression on his face and Lindsay turned to her mother, glaring at the woman. “Mom… you… had an affair…”
“Liz, honey, no!” tears sprouted out of Sandra’s eyes. “Me and Carl… we adopted you.” she tried to explain. Lindsay stared at the three in complete shock before giving out a sharp, hysterical laugh.
“O-Okay, joke’s over! That ain’t funny; why, why would you even joke like that…?”
“It’s… it’s true, Lindsay. I don’t know how to really prove it to you-”
“N-No; you shut up!” she glared at Keith. Her eyes softened as she turned to Carl. “Daddy, tell them…” Lindsay stopped short when she realized that the man had tears in his eyes.
“I’m… I’m sorry, Lizzie…” Carl managed. Lindsay shook her head in disbelief, angry tears spilling from her eyes.
“Why… why tell me this, now…?” she half-whispered. When no one responded, Lindsay glared at the three. “Why did you wait so long to tell me?!” she yelled. The uproar made Areiv, William and Valerie come out of the rooms.
“Is everything fine, Lindsay?” Areiv asked but at once caught sight of the tears trickling from her eyes. The Baron gave out a low gasp as he gently took her arm, the discomfort in the room very prominent. “Come; let us receive fresh air.”
“Liz…?” William gave the scene a puzzling look. Areiv threw him a friendly grin.
“Do not despair about your sister, William. Lindsay will be fine. We shall return shortly.” the Esperian announced as the two left.
The Baron knew to display patience with the human woman as he waited for her to settle. Areiv and Lindsay sat on the usual cliff facing the Sea of Buno for thirty minutes as she explained what she found out. Afterwards, the alien held Lindsay as she wept, not choosing to speak of the incident anymore. When Areiv heard somebody approaching, he turned around and smiled at the sight of Lindsay’s brother.
“Okay, so, what’s going on? No one will talk to me. Mom’s locked herself in their room and dad’s drinking… more…” William heaved out. Areiv looked at Lindsay to respond but she continued to cry. William sat on the opposite side of his sister and waited for a reply as Lindsay wiped at the rest of her tears. The woman glanced at him and realized that at least William wasn’t adopted; she recalled her mother’s pregnancy and how excited she was to see him. As Lindsay continued to study William, it made sense; whenever anyone met the two, no one believed they were brother and sister. All that time, Lindsay thought it was because she favored their mother while William was a spitting image of their father. His father, she fumed in her head.
“Guess there’s no other way to say it than just say it. Will… I’m adopted…” Lindsay sniffled.
“W-Wait… what?!” his eyes widened as a smirk flickered at his lips. William at once erased it when he realized that she was not joking. “No…”
“Yeah. I’m not your real sister…”
“That’s… bullshit. Who told you that?”
“Overheard Keith saying it.”
“Your manager? How the fuck would he…” William’s eyes stayed wide as he gawked at Lindsay. “He’s your dad?! That’s… wow. No way. It’s not true…”
“I… I dunno how to feel. All this time. Someone should’ve said something before now! And, everything seems like a fucking lie. I know how I feel. Betrayed; I feel fucking betrayed! And a damn fool…”
“Don’t; stop that. You shouldn’t feel that way. Hey, you know what I say?” William waited until Lindsay faced him. “To hell with what they say. I give two shits what they just told you! I don’t know what happened for Carl and Sandra to adopt you… and I honestly don’t give a fuck! You shouldn’t, either! Nothing changes the fact they were… they are mom and dad! That’s what they’ve been all our lives. And, all of mine, I’ve only known you as one thing: that’s big sis. I’ll be damned if that changes all because you were adopted. You’ll always be my real sis, Lizzie; adopted or not!” William threw his sister a glare. Lindsay stared at him in awe, more tears growing in her eyes.
“Will…” the woman choked out before giving William a huge embrace.
“Fuck ‘em, Liz! Who cares about some paper saying you ain’t a Ramsey by birth? It don’t matter; never has… and it never will!”
“… He’s right, Lindsay…” Keith’s voice intervened. Lindsay didn’t turn his way but glanced towards the open sea.
“I ain’t got nothing to say to you…” she huffed, understanding why her anger reappeared. Remembering how Keith treated her when he realized he was her biological father made Lindsay's feelings of betrayal stir up once more.
“Please Lindsay; hear Keith out. He has…”
“No, Baron. It’s okay. I… understand…” Keith’s slight murmur was enough to make Lindsay jump up and glare at him.
“You… understand…? Do you? Really? Cuz, I sure as hell don’t! I’m still a bit ticked off on the whole adoption thing but you know what really gets to me? If you’re my real dad then why in the hell have you treated me like some fucking infection since day one?!”
“Lindsay… I can explain…”
“Did you know when you first saw me? Did you?! You knew from the moment you laid eyes on me that I was your fucking daughter, didn’t you?!”
“… I had a feeling…” the older man couldn’t look at Lindsay while she was that upset, that heated at him. Keith led those around him to believe he could take Lindsay standing her ground against his conduct but the fact was it gnawed at him. The spectacle Lindsay was showing in front of him was too much for Keith to deal with.
“Then, why, damnit?! You could’ve at least had the fucking decency to tell me then! Or at least treat me like a human being! But, no; you treat me like shit! Or is that how you treat the rest of your kids?! Look at me, gaddamnit; at least be a man about that!!”
“Lindsay, please…” Areiv tried to comfort, but Lindsay offered the alien no notice as she continued to scowl at the man in front of her. Lindsay expected to receive the familiar steel glare Keith gave back to her when he held up his head but the woman wasn’t prepared for what she saw instead: tears.
“Lizzie, I am so sorry!” Keith cried. Hearing him say her nickname nearly maddened the woman further but Lindsay could do nothing but look at the display in front of her. Keith's show of emotions was something different for her; the man produced no other emotions except contempt for the artillery specialist. The sight of Keith breaking down tugged at Lindsay and she almost felt sorry for yelling.
“Keith… gaddamnit, stop it! Just… tell me why…” the woman glanced elsewhere.
“I… I figured that if… if I felt nothing by treating you so bad, you weren’t my daughter. I panicked, Lindsay. Because… it was the total opposite. I felt awful afterwards; always. But… I couldn’t just stop treating you differently in front of the others; they already had it in their minds I didn’t like you. After the attack… I didn’t care. You needed… someone. I should’ve said something, I know. I… wasn’t ready. All I knew was that it overwhelmed me to see you, to see how much you’ve grown. Lindsay… please forgive me…” Keith pleaded. Lindsay stared at him as he explained but turned her attention back towards the ground.
“… I don’t know if I can.” Lindsay retorted as she walked away.