No Plagiarism!scdJwHGzvAyN2cUnb9TAposted on PENANA Freshman year, the year you show who you are. The year that will determine who you will be know as for the following three more. I for one didnt really know how terrible it was going to be if something embarrassing happened to me. But on August twenty first was the day of the cafeteria conundrum. If you're in high school you must really know how terrible the cafeteria lines get five minutes after the bell for lunch rings, tables full of backpacks, chairs claimed by books, books that have student names there for chairs claimed by students ; i mean mite as well put your name on the chair. Well that day little big me (i refere to me as a short chubby kid) i was sick and tiered of waiting in line for fifteen minutes to get my plate so i decided to sprint from my 4th period class all the way to the cafeteria. I packed my books up five minutes early during the lesson and waited by the door , i told my self if this worked out i would mind doing this everyday. And im off by the 2 ring of the bell i was out of class and heading down the stairs, dodging Bill, Margie, Steven and Eddie and catching up to the kid in the wheel chair to the front of the line. Entering the double doors i see that all 3 lines weren't full. My eyes widden and my heart skipped beats i swear i couldn't breath because i for once was able to pick a line that i wanted, not the one that was the shortest on: Baked chicken with mash potatoes steamed carrots and broccoli, line 2 had juicy meat loaf, with a piece of bread peas and corn, the 3rd line was the schools famous spaghetti and meat balls, garlic bread and a small side of salad. I swear colors never looked much brighter and my nose was being sent into ecstasy. I made my mind up and went with the spaghetti. Catching my breath i made my way into the line there wasn't much people, just a couple of geeks from the chess club, i didnt like them because they denied my request to join because "it was to full already" and behind them was Randy. The rivalry was still there, i know he wanted to rub in that he beat me to the line but all he did was smirk and turn back around. I was never more exited to be first in line. As you know the first are always served a bit more, i got double the garlic bread and was fortunate to get strawberry milk. Punching in my number and thanked the lady i walk away like a champion. Neglecting the wet floor sign my back is sent backwords and my plate hurling onto my chest. Everything happened so qickly it was like getting slapped in the face. I got up my favorite shirt was ruined and what was even worse was that everyone in the cafeteria saw my accident.