The first class of the day? Defense Against the Dark Arts, and oh how much I want to have this teacher be the second teacher to cast the Amnesia spell on himself. He's cruel, mean, and who the hell demonstrates the three unforgivable curses to fourth years!!!
I hate spiders don't get me wrong. If I had a nickel for every time I took a work boot to a spider and smashed it several times after it was already dead I wouldn't need the lottery, but what this Professor Moody did to the arachnid was unforgivable. I never heard a spider scream so loud, let alone at all.
"I can't believe he did that!!" Nirvana cries as she came in through the portrait door and sat next to Sierra in the common room. I was too busy pacing in front of the fireplace. Something about this man was certainly not right.
"I know that poor spider!!" Sierra adds. I shake my head.
"Did anyone notice that vial he's always drinking out of?" I ask them. They both look up at me with a questioning look.
"No," Nirvana answers, with a raised eyebrow. I sighed rubbing my finger against my temple.
"It's probably just some booze Ange... there's nothing we can do about it." I stop pacing after realizing that I was actually impacting the carpet before turning to her.
"Nothing? That's two teachers in a row that has been hired at this school drinking during class. It just doesn't add up. No... Dumbledore can't be that much of an idiot." I lean against the fireplace in deep thought.
"What are you going to do Ange? Spy?" Nirvana asks with a raised eyebrow. I grin at that idea.
"Yes! We can spy!" I run up to Nirvana and kiss her cheek.
"Good going Vana," Sierra chuckles.
"We've done it before girls! Our first year when we were helping Neville when he was suspicious of our friends. We can do it again."
"We almost got expelled, Angelica," Nirvana says with a tone of worry.
"It will definitely happen if we get caught." Sierra agrees.
"Than we don't get caught then," I argue.
"But," Nirvana frowns before sighing in defeat, "I guess we can be your lookout," she finally replies.
"Perfect! We will do it tomorrow then." I say feeling accomplished.