Diagon Alley was unusually quiet today. It was kind of eery walking through it all. Nirvana, Sierra, and I kept close to each other. The wind blew past a few witches and landed at our feet. I kneel down to pick it up. It was the same paper father was reading just this morning.
"Terror at the Quidditch World Cup"
"Wow, Vana, I think your sister saved your life." Sierra says with her mouth slightly agape. Nirvana shook her head.
"Where I know that this happened... I don't trust that journalist." Nirvana says with a tone of disgust.
"Rita Skeeter?" I looked over at the girl questionably.
"She overexaggerates EVERYTHING! I mean, have you read her biographies? Armando Dippet: Master or Moron? C'mon! Everyone knows that and I quote, that that book is one-quarter truth to three-quarters rubbish. If you want to know a good place for information, look for anything not written by Rita." I chuckled by the end of Nirvana's rant.
She always was passionate about facts on history. It was probably the reason why she was placed in Ravenclaw. Hermione Granger may hold the seat for the brightest witch, but Nirvana is an absolute genius.
Sierra and I have grown up together since we were 5 so it wasn't news to our families that we were put in the same house. Gryffindor to be precise.
Our first year was full of excitement, especially when the fabled Boy Who Lived joined our class. Our second year was rather terrifying, having to deal with the Chamber of Secrets so many people were petrified, including Sierra. Sierra was looking in her mirror when she saw it. She doesn't like talking about it, I can't blame her. Our third year we did a lot more sleepovers with Sirius Black escaping and all.
"Oh! My! Merlin!" Sierra shrieks interrupting my thoughts. "Girls! Look at all of those dresses!" I look over at her and chuckled.
"Sierra you don't need a dress right now..."
"Yes, I do! Ange look at the supply list!" She says waving the parchment in front of my face.
"I can't look at it if you keep waving it in my face." I grab her wrist quickly and look over the list.
"Dress robes?" Nirvana gasped. "That can only mean a dance."
A Dance?
"Yes! Finally, I always wanted to go to one of those! The muggles always make it sound so much fun!" Nirvana agrees with the girl, while I just get lost in my thoughts. "Can we go to look at them now?! Please?" She insists grabbing my arm.
"Maybe later, I don't know about you but I still got some things to replace... like a new broom and a new... wand..." I murmur the last statement about the wand. I had a hand me down wand from my older sister Eden, she was thirteen years older than me and died in a crossfire between Aurors and a death eater the summer before I was born. Last year though some of the older Slytherin boys broke my wand on accident on the way home, they actually did feel bad, shocking I know, and they all gave me some chocolate frogs in a poor attempt to make it better. I'm just glad it didn't happen in the middle of the year.
"Awww, okay fine," Sierra whines slightly Nirvana shakes her head.
"I will go look at dresses with you alright? Besides, an Ollivander's experience is best without an audience." Nirvana gives me a wink and I smile back slightly.
"Sounds alright to me , " I tell them as I start walking to Ollivander's. "I will see the two of you in a bit."