I continued to stare up into Salem’s face. My mind could not quite keep up with what was happening. The young man in front of me was dressed in slim fitting white trousers, a white button down shirt and a short-waisted blazer with deep lapels and bold stripes in red and blue. On his head he wore a straw hat with a blue ribbon running around the middle.573Please respect copyright.PENANAgZ6XMs04V7
“Miss-should I call a doctor?” He was bent over me, peering into my face with obvious concern.573Please respect copyright.PENANAel5Zrd98wS
“No, no doctor needed,” I managed breathlessly. “If…you could just, help me up.”573Please respect copyright.PENANAwgnyvRiGoG
“By all means.” A heart melting smile spread across his face. With great care he helped me back up to my feet. Once I was the correct way up once more he tilted my head back and examined my face, his own face just inches away.573Please respect copyright.PENANAJRFl2R1oel
“You seem to have survived unscathed. Anything feel broken?”
I shook my head. I felt a bit sore and bruised, but on the whole I think I was more shaken-up than hurt.
“I think I’m OK. Thank you. I should really be more careful,” I said, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and anxiety. What on Earth was I going to do now?
“Well, I’m just glad you’re alright. I wasn’t especially looking forward to this visit home but I may have to rethink that if I will be graced with your company.”
My mouth felt dry and I was unable to say anything in reply, fortunately I was saved from having to by another voice joining us.573Please respect copyright.PENANAqbZdZ156C3
“Salem. You’ve arrived.”
Salem turned his head from me and looked up to the house. A very elegant woman was stood by the front entrance . She was wearing a dusky pink dress with black beading and several thick gold chains were draped around her neck. She was looking straight at Salem, though she did not seem particularly pleased to see him.
“Mother. You are looking well.” Salem replied, with only a touch of cordiality in his voice.
“I wish I could say the same for you.” Her eyes looked him up and down. “You are late. We were expecting you last night for dinner.”
“Yes, sorry about that. Something came up in town, business,” he said evasively.
The woman finally turned her attention to me.
“Is this a friend of yours?” she asked, with undisguised hostility.
“Actually, I’ve never seen her before in my life, until a few moments ago. But I’m afraid she took something of a tumble down your steps.” He smiled across at me.
“I see.” The woman appeared to warm in her demeanor slightly. “I’m sorry to hear that. Are you quite alright Miss…?”573Please respect copyright.PENANAvjqafZGO1J
“Whitmore, Lacey Whitmore.” I had decided it would be less complicated to keep my own name. “And I’m quite alright thank you.”
The woman paused for a moment, clearly in thought.
“Whitmore-of the New York Whitmores?”
“Um, yes.” I smiled, hoping that would be the end of the questioning.
“Hmm, I was not aware that Bertie and Ruth had any family left in England.”
“I’m a cousin,” I said, “a distant cousin.”
She nodded, seemingly satisfied.
“And what brings you here today Miss Whitmore.”
Here was my chance.
“Well, I heard about the wedding of your daughter and, as I was in the area, I wanted to stop by and offer my congratulations.”
“Oh, how kind.” Her voice did not suggest that she found it particularly thoughtful. “Where are you staying?”
I had been prepared for this and had done some research based on my notes from the library.
“I’m staying at the Swan Hotel, in town. I’m here on a painting holiday. I’m traveling the countryside for a few weeks, working on my watercolours.”573Please respect copyright.PENANAwUqTFxRV7i
“How resourceful of you,” said Salem. A look passed between him and his mother, she did not seem best pleased.
“Are you traveling on your own?” she asked.573Please respect copyright.PENANAbplKZvbWLB
“No, I’ve been traveling with a friend of mine, unfortunately she was taken ill yesterday and is staying with some relatives nearby for a few days while she recuperates.”573Please respect copyright.PENANAtq99d74MXj
“Oh dear-nothing serious I hope.”
“No, just a cold.” This was going well.
“Mother, seeing as Miss Whitmore had quite a traumatic shock falling down your steps, surely she should come inside the house for a little while, at least until we are sure she has fully recovered? Especially as she is now without her companion.” He looked up at his mother and she looked down at him for several seconds. Eventually she looked back at me.
“Of course. I’m afraid we are very busy with the wedding Miss Whitmore and have a house full of guests but you are more than welcome to come inside to recuperate.”
I was pretty sure that was my cue to politely decline but I needed this invitation.
“I do not wish to be any imposition, but, it would be lovely to see Marribelle, I’ve heard so much about her.”
“Well, that’s settled then.” She gave me what I took to be an attempt at a warm smile. “Allow me to introduce myself properly. I’m Agnes McClaire. My son, Salem McClaire, you have already met.”
He tipped his hat in my direction.
“Charmed.” He said.
“Please come inside Miss Whitmore. Salem, where are your bags?”
“In the car.”
“I’ll have Foster take them up to your room. Miss Whitmore?” She motioned for me to follow her up the steps, which I duly did. “You’re fortunate you arrived when you did Miss Whitmore. The entire household has been down on the river for a picnic luncheon. We have only just arrived back at the house. The powder room is just over there if you wish to use it,” she pointed to a room at the end of the hall, “If you’ll excuse me Miss Whitmore, I must rejoin my guests. When you are ready, you will find us in the drawing room,” and with that she turned on her heel and headed towards a closed door.
I walked over to the powder room. From the corner of my eye I could see Salem disappearing up the stairs in the main hall. My brain was struggling to keep up with the recent events. Salem was here! What on Earth was I going to do? Salem and I had both assumed that he was not living here in 1924. The fact that he was American and had not appeared in any of the wedding photos we had seen in the newspapers has certainly seemed to suggest that. But he was here. He was here and he was alive.573Please respect copyright.PENANAF35bZylxlx
I went into the powder and splashed my face, hoping the shock of the cold water would help me make sense of everything. I looked at my face in the mirror. Suddenly everything started to become clearer. Maybe this was never about finding out what had happened to Salem. Maybe this was never about helping him move on as a ghost. Maybe this had been about saving Salem all along. Maybe that’s why I’m here.573Please respect copyright.PENANAYjdpEojVnv
I’m here to save Salem’s life.573Please respect copyright.PENANACeKttfnBti
I took and a deep breath to steady my nerves. If I was here to save Salem, I had the feeling it wasn't necessarily going to be easy. We still didn't know exactly how Salem died or exactly when. One thing I did know however was that staying here in the bathroom certainly wasn't going to help Salem, so I opened the door, headed back out into the main hall, and walked over to the drawing room. 573Please respect copyright.PENANAR62akDbX8S