"You have the sixteen bedrooms of course, but you'll obviously have to lose some if you want to convert them all to en-suites." Mrs Camber's heels clicked sharply on the wooden floor as my Dad struggled to keep up with her relentless pace.532Please respect copyright.PENANADrrJD6rLBX
"Yes, I definitely want them all to be en-suite, though I think..."532Please respect copyright.PENANAeLyPNEeJvq
"The servants quarters will be perfect for the family accommodation." Mrs Camber continued, "that just leaves the outbuildings. I do wish you would reconsider converting them to apartments for long-term rentals. You could make a lot of money and it would bring in some regular income, and don't forget, we do handle rentals..." Mrs Camber's voice faded as both she and my Dad disappeared through another door. She was certainly an efficient woman-sturdy and in her early fifties, short but well proportioned. She rarely smiled and walked everywhere as if she was constantly running late for an appointment. I had been following them around for the last five minutes as she outlined to my Dad the final bits and pieces regarding the house but to be perfectly honest I wasn't that interested. I just needed something to distract me from last night's events. After Salem's declaration that he was planning to remain a permanent house-guest, I hadn't been able to think about anything else. I still wasn't entirely convinced that I hadn't imagined the whole thing, and to be honest I sort of hoped that I had. I wondered if Mrs Camber knew that we had a resident ghost? I doubted it though, she probably would have charged us more if she had.532Please respect copyright.PENANAYlhsiCU7EU
"Enjoying the tour?"
I let out a small cry and whirled around. Salem was stood a few feet away, leaning against a closed door.
"Would you please stop doing that! What are you doing down here anyway?" I looked around to make sure that no one was in earshot.
"Would you prefer it if I just stayed in your room?" he asked with mock politeness.
"I guess not."
Salem thrust his hands into the pockets of his trousers. They were slim and clung to his slender hips. I tried not to notice.
"Have you been following us the whole time?" I asked him indignantly.
"No, if you can't see me, I'm not there. I'm not invisible, I'm a ghost."
"Well, if you're a ghost, how is it I can see you?"
He shrugged his shoulders.
'I have no idea. All I know is that I showed up here," he waved his arms around to encompass the room we occupied, "in this house, yesterday, when you and you Dad arrived. I figured you both couldn't see me-your Dad certainly couldn't."
"So, where were you before yesterday?"
For the first time I saw anxiety in his face. He glanced down at the floor before looking at me again.532Please respect copyright.PENANA3jelGDc7fi
"I don't know. I don't remember anything before yesterday."
Great, we have a ghost with amnesia.532Please respect copyright.PENANAv2x5CNq71L
"But you know your name?" I reminded him.
"Yes, I know my name is Salem," a look of concentration crossed his face, "and...I can remember, see, little snippets of things-kind of like a dream but I can't remember anything about my life before this."
"Well, maybe you used to live here, or, maybe," I swallowed self-consciously, "you died here. Do you remember how you died?" I hoped that wasn't a rude question to ask a ghost.
He slowly shook his head.
"No, I don't remember anything about it. But," he hesitated.
"Go on," I pressed.
"Yesterday, when I was walking around the house, I came across this old grandfather clock on the next floor. I don't know what happened but-I had this strange feeling, like, this clock was important somehow. More than that even, it was like it was the key to something, the reason for why I'm here."
"A grandfather clock?" I threw him a skeptical look.
Salem sighed and closed his eyes.
"I know it sounds crazy, but, this clock, I know it's important."
Before I could question him any further I heard the sharp clack of Mrs Camber's heels once more. I turned and saw her and my Dad enter the room again.
"Ah, there you are Lacey. We were wondering where you had gone."
"Sorry Dad, I was a bit tired so thought I'd stop for a rest."
Mrs Camber handed my Dad a bunch of paperwork.
"If you have any other questions, please phone the office. I must be running now, I have some other properties to show today."
Mrs Camber and my Dad exchanged polite goodbyes and she began heading in the direction of the main hall.
"Um, Mrs Camber, can I ask you a question?" I rushed after her before she could leave the room.
She whirled around, a harried look on her face.
"Of course."
"Has anyone ever, um, died in this house?" I tried to ask the question as casually as possible.
"Died?" Mrs Camber raised her perfectly plucked eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, you know," I gave a light laugh but it sounded false, "has anyone ever died in the house itself, or, maybe," I lifted my shoulders as if I was thinking, "ooh..been murdered in the house?"
"What are you doing?" whispered Salem.
"Murdered?!" Mrs Camber exclaimed. "No, not that I know of. The house is very old of course so there is a good chance that someone may have died here once, but as to any murders-I've certainly never heard of any. The house has not been occupied permanently since the 1930s. Why do you ask?"532Please respect copyright.PENANAyiSjGg1eyC
"Oh, just...research. For when we do our murder mystery weekends," I nodded over to my Dad, "Just wondering if there was any material we could incorporate."
"Great idea Lacey! I'm sure this house has a ton of secrets."
If only you knew.
"I'm sorry, I can't help you there. The McClaire family owned the house for generations but, like I said, no one has lived here permanently since the 1930s. Well, I must be going. Goodbye Mr Whitmore, Miss Whitmore," and with a flourish of hair and papers she was gone.532Please respect copyright.PENANAcKEYL9q3x0
Dad looked at his watch.
"I need to get going myself honey. I have the electricians coming in soon. Will you be OK by yourself for a while?"
"Sure, I'll explore the house some more."
"Ok, just be careful." He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before disappearing through another door.
I turned to face Salem.
"Right, I'd think you'd better show me this...what's wrong?"
Salem's forehead was creased with wrinkles, his lips pursed into a tight line.
"That name-McClaire. I remember it! I, I think its my name."
"McClaire? The family that used to live here?"
"Yes!" Salem suddenly burst into a fit of excitement. He began pacing up and down. "Yes, I remember. That's my name! I can remember...dam it!" He pressed a fist against his forehead.532Please respect copyright.PENANAm9lkh0aYYu
"Maybe things will come back to you gradually?" I said gently.
"Yeah, maybe," he said but he looked defeated.
Suddenly another thought crossed my mind.
"But Mrs Camber said that the family hasn't lived here since the 1930s? Why would you be here if the family doesn't live here anymore?"532Please respect copyright.PENANAuH2t6VQrDt
Salem looked even more confused.
"I don't know. Maybe the house has some special meaning or something."
"We could do some investigating? Now we know your name, or possibly know your name, we can find out exactly who you are and how you died. That might give us some answers as to why you're here."
"You'll help me?" Salem seemed genuinely surprised, and grateful.
"Sure. I mean, I'm still pretty certain I'm hallucinating or having some sort of a nervous breakdown but until I can prove that I may as well lend you a hand. I don't fancy sharing my house with a ghost forever."
Salem drew me into his stare with its unwavering intensity.
"So, where do we start?"
"Firstly, finding out exactly who the hell you are."