I flinched as the sun touched my skin. But instead of a burning sensation... I felt warmth. I peeked open my eyes and looked up.
I gasped.
The sky was a light blue and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The sun was so bright; a yellow that was the brightest light I had seen in my entire life.
I glanced down at my body, finally noticing the pale pink skin. Screaming, I thrashed in Harvey’s arms until he dropped me onto the grass.
”What’s wrong?” He asked worriedly, getting on his knees and picking me up again.
I stared at my hands. The pale skin almost white in the sun, the texture was soft and smooth. Flimsy nails covered my fingertips.
My hands shook.
I trailed my hands up my arms, the same light skin going into my clothes. I glanced down. I wore a thin cloth with multicolored dots that was tied on the sides all the way up to my arms.
I pulled my legs in close as Harvey continued to hover over me. My once black-diamond skin was replaced with the near colorless skin that covered me head to toe. I touched my face; my jaw, my cheeks, my nose.
All replaced with something else.
I felt my heart beat fast and I broke out in a cold sweat as a horrifying realization occurred.
I’ve become a human!