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Chapter One
I’m sitting at my table in an internet cafe, working on a book I’m writing, minding my own business. My hair was is in a teal state.
-Wait, what? People don’t know what I’m talking about? Okay-
If you do not know what I am talking about, let me explain.
In my world, people’s hair color change depending on their emotion. For example, If you were attracted to somebody your hair would turn pink. The stronger the emotion the deeper the color is. My hair is teal, meaning I am feeling creative and inspired.
Everybody is born with white hair. And it starts to change once you are old enough to understand and actually feel the emotion. And also, when you are sleeping your hair is white because you feel no emotion when you sleep. But when you are feeling fine/ normal your hair is just a light gray but not white because you still are feeling something.
There is also magic, dragons and other stuff like that, but that’s just your cliche magic and dragons.
Anyways, back to the story. I was just minding my own business, working on a story. My best friend, Quin, was sitting next to me. We were talking when I spot someone sitting across the cafe, I know her from somewhere but I can’t put my finger on it. A piece of my hair falls out of my bun and I see the color has changed. It was now a light pink.
I try to hide it when Quinn asks “What the fuck girl who you checkin’ out?”
“N... no one okay.”
“Fine,” he says sarcastically, “just point to him. Come on!”
I look over at the girl again. She is staring at me. Her hair also a light pink.
“Oh look. It looks like that girl is checkin’ someone out to. See her hair is also pink. Ha!”
“Quin… I- don’t say that to loudly.” I say.
“Why?” He asks me stupidly, moving in his chair a little.
“Because. Just… come outside with me for a little bit please.”
“Okay,” He sounds confused. But follows me outside anyway.
“Quin. don’t ask me who I’m ‘checkin’ out’ okay. It’s kinda awkward. Especially when you point out someone else who is supposedly ‘checking someone out’”
“Why? I don’t see why that is a bad thing.”
I raise my voice a little, “BECAUSE I’M GAY, QUINN!” my voice quiets down a bit. “Okay. so- just...” I trail off, not really knowing what I was going to go with that sentence anyways.
“No- you can’t be.”
“Okay, yeah now that’s just rude.” I say.
“Yeah Quinn, it’s rude.” Simon had just come up to us. Simon is the worst person to tell anything to. He spreads it everywhere.
“You- how long have you been listening.” I say anxiously
“I heard the whole thing. Now everyone’s going to know. Loser.”
“I- I” I start to tear up. “Well your only making fun of me because you just feel bad about yourself. And don’t try to tell me I’m wrong because I saw you kissing Justin the other day. Who’s gay now, Si?”
I hear him mumble under his breath “Bitch. You’re still gay.”
I look inside the window she’s still there staring at me. Her hair is a deeper pink than it was before. I look at my hair. It’s still pink, but now it’s the same shade as her’s. I would have thought it would be blue or red or something but it’s not. It’s hot pink.
There’s no use in trying to hide it now. Everyone’s going to know anyway. I walk back into the cafe with tears in my eyes. I sit down at my table. My laptop was open. I stare at the doc I was writing my story in. It was a story about a young boy and a dragon. But I can’t be worrying about who this story is going to turn out. I now need to worry on how my life is going to turn out.
My head is down on the table. I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I look up, it’s the girl. Her hair is still a deep pink, and mine is identical.
“Hi, my name is Tori.” She puts her hand out. That’s who is was thinking of Tori Anderson, one of Simon’s ex-girlfriends.
“Scarlett.” I say shaking her hand pitfuly.
She pulls me out of my seat. I stand facing her. I just now get a good look at what she looks like.
“I liked how brave you were back there,” she says.
“Brave? I wasn't being brave.” She’s holding my hand. She realizes what she’s doing and drops it immediately.
“Yeah,” she says, “you were.”
“How?” I ask.
“You stood up to him. I’ve seen him kissing Justin too. I’ve just never had the courage to stand up to him.” My mouth opens to say something, “No- don’t talk, listen to me. It’s brave that you did that. And don’t say it wasn’t”773Please respect copyright.PENANAvksIpY3djF
“I...okay I might be a little brave.”
Quin walks in and looks at us “Okay people Satan Simon is taken care of.” he says swiping his hands together as if her was trying to get dirt off.
“What did you do?” I ask confused.
“I took care of him,” He says it like it’s obvious.
“Yeah I got that, but how?” Tori was now getting annoyed too.
“Oh, I just punched him in the face.”
“You what?!” I really wish that he didn't say what I thought he said, but at the same time I do.
“I punched him,” he says. Then he mumbled, “God can you not hear anything.”
“Well I heard that,” Tori said sarcastically.
“Whatever go back to what you were doing. And you’re welcome for destroying Simon.” He says walking out of the door.
Tori looks back at me. Her hair the deepest pink it had been, and said “I have nothing to do today. Want to come over to my dorm?” she sounded so innocent I couldn't say no.
“How about you come over to mine. My roommates staying with his girlfriend this weekend. Anyway I have to feed my dragon so...”
“You have a dragon?” Her eyes seemed to light up.
“Yeah. Come and see her, she’s just the cutest baby ever.”
“Yes we need to do that.”
Chapter Two
She looked so happy playing with Rose, my blood red dragon.
I started to say something when there was a knock on the door. I open it, Simon is standing there looking embarrassed. He had a black eye, from where Quin had punched him.
“What do you want?” I ask smiling at his black eye.
“I- I’m sorry.” he sounds sincere, but I know he’s not.
“About what?” I ask like a mom trying to weasel something out of my child.
“About the thing.”
“What thing?” I ask again.
“The... The gay thing.”
“Okay. Apology accepted. Bye.” I shut the door in his stupid face.
Tori looked at me, still holding Rose. She gave me a face of what looked like she was telling me ‘What the actual heck dude?’.
Simon knocks on the door again. I open it with a blank stare.
“What?” I ask again.
“Will you just please… not tell anyone?”
“About what? Simon this is getting old.”
“About be kissing Justin. I… I still like Alouette, and I don’t really want her to break up with me.”
“You know what. If I’m going to be fixing all your problems just come in.”
“Okay.” he walks through the door and looks down at Tori, “Oh hi Tori.” he double takes, “Tori? What are you doing here?”
“This is my dorm.” she looks at me and winks.
“Yeah how have you not noticed?” I go along with it. “I mean you’ve dated her before. Even if your gay.”
“Yeah well your still gay, so that doesn't make a difference.”
“At least I embrace my sexuality. Your still dating Alouette, how do you think she would feel if I told her you were cheating on her with a boy.”
“Well, still how have you not noticed that she lives here?” I ask getting closer to him.
“I haven’t noticed because...” he trails off thinking about what he might say next. “Because she doesn't. Thats why.”
“Really? Because I seem to remember this being my dorm.” Tori says kinda shyly, looking at me, struggling to keep this joke alive.
“Whatever.” Simon says moving over to the couch and sitting down. “Just I need to know that you wouldn't tell Alouette.”
“Okay.” I say sitting down next to me, Tori scooting in with Rose and sitting on the floor. “Just tell me what I would get out of it.”
“Me not spreading everywhere that your a lesbian.” He pulls out that last word, making it seem more intimidating.
“Why would I care?”
“So your reputation isn't ruined.”
“Just a question. What reputation is there to be ruined?” I question.
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(This story most likely will never be completed, as my friend who worked with me on this has quit the story because people were complaining about how everyone was gay but there's only like 3 people who ;w;)773Please respect copyright.PENANA03tgFNBRGI