"Good boy?" The k-9 slowly wagged his tail. I slowly raised my hand and touched his cheek, rubbing his ear. The dog leaned into my touch and I tried to smile, wincing from my wounds. "You're a good boy. Thank you for saving me." I spent a few minutes petting the dog, entranced by his wild coloring and his eyes. I saw a bit of a documentary on wolf-dogs once and wondered if he was one. He didn't have a collar so I wondered if he perhaps was a stray. He was a gentle one if he was. Finally I decided I had to get home at some point and painstakingly got shakily to my feet, leaning on the dirty wall for support. I groaned at the thought of walking the rest of the way to my apartment, but it had to be done. It was comforting though, to have the dog stay by my side and I ran my fingers through his thick coat. Slowly we made our way to my apartment building and then up the steps to the second floor landing and down to my place. As I opened the door, the dog went in as if it was only natural he do so. I raised an eyebrow at him, but what the hell? I'll figure out what to do with the beautiful beast later. I went to the sink and grabbed two bowls from the cupboard, filling one with water before opening the fridge and grabbing the lunch meat. I put a couple slices in the second bowl before putting both down for him. There was a knock on the door and I frowned. I hesitated before making myself go to the door, and looked through the peephole. My breath caught at the sight of my Dad and I started to shake, my palms starting to sweat. I backed away from the door on shaky legs before turning around and rushing toward the back of the room I patted my knee for the dog to follow, not wanting to utter a sound and let Dad know I was here. The k-9 understood and followed me closely as we went to the bedroom and locked the door. I went to the corner near the closet and sat down, curling my knees to my chest. My Dad started shouting obsenities and I covered my ears. I'd have to move again. This always happened. Tears pricked my eyes, then fell down my cheeks. The dog licked them away and I hugged him, burying my face in his thick fur, holding on for dear life. Ever since it was discovered I was gay, the abuse became unbearable. Even now that I was older and moved out, it wasn't over. He sent people after me like it was a game. He found me everytime I moved. He made it unbearable to live. The dog moved away from me and I let him. Movement caught my eye and I looked up to see a naked man in my room. I screamed and cowered. I didn't want to get beaten more. That's all I could think about, that he was another person sent by my father to harass and have fun with me. I didn't think about how he got in with the door locked or why he was naked. The man turned from me to my drawers and went through them, finding a pair of sweats and putting them on before leaving. I heard the door open and panicked. ~Oh god! He's letting him in!~ I curled up further into a ball, sobbing. But the sound of my father's heavy footfalls down my hallway never came. I heard the door shut and lock again and my heart hammered in my chest with fear. When I saw movement in my doorway, I looked up to see the man there. Athletic build in only my sweats. Dark brown hair, short-cropped with stubble along a handsome jaw. His blue eyes captivated me. ~No way.~ It shouldn't have been possible. It shouldn't have even occurred to me. But...where was the dog?
"Wlodzislaw." I watched him, confused. "That's my name. You can just call me Law."
Eventually I managed to reply. "Aristaios."
The man, Law, smirked. "Are you Greek Aris?" I nodded, strangely starting to relax. "It's late and you've had quite the ordeal tonight." Law reached for me and pulled me to my feet, deftly sliding my tank up and over my head. I shivered at the feel of his fingertips against my ribs. Those blue eyes of his seemed to smolder. I shook in fear as he undid my jean shorts and let them fall to the floor.
I didn't understand what was happening. "L-Law?"
"Hmm?" He asked back as he pulled me into bed with him and hugged me from behind. I was hyperaware of everywhere our skin touched but besides strip me and pull me into bed with him, he didn't touch me appropriately.
"W-what a-are you doing?"
"Taking care of you." He whispered in my ear.