Love has been known for centuries, you see originally it was from a flower like opium. The flower it was from was a rose, hence the saying “Roses are the flowers of love”. It’s not just a saying when people would give roses to their love interest it would start to act strangely. They became unaware of their surroundings and always clung to the person who gave them the flower. For a while no one knew why it was happening, so they decided to run some tests on the flower. The rose contained toxins that could influence the human brain to be in a lovesickness, it was a danger to the world, but also a cure. Scientists had come to the conclusion that using the extract of the flower, we could make medicine to help deathly illnesses. The rose was our salvation, to this day the rose is what we live by, we worship the rose because without it we wouldn’t have the best-known drug “Love”.
Now that you’ve heard a short summary on how “Love” came to be, let’s go to the present time, well no that’s too far. Let’s go back to the beginning, my beginning. I was your average, no, I was your un-average outcast. The girl who could never be influenced by “Love”, the “Ice Cold Queen”. No one ever really called me that, but they always implied it, while they were on their love high, I was locked in my room refusing to interact with people like them. When they would show affection, I would show hatred and disgust, it wasn’t them that I hated, it was just the drug that they took. They didn’t know it, but it consumed them, they were so addicted to “Love” that they didn’t know who they were without it. I knew the risks, I knew what it does, I know how it affects people, I know it all. And yet I fell so hard because of one guy, someone I barely knew, someone I barely know now.
I lived my entire life watching what “Love” does to people, my parents constantly taking the drug with other people. They had lost the true feelings they had for each other and instead of ending it they found someone who could supply them with the feeling they most strongly desired to be consumed by. That drug was the thing that tore my family apart, that drug is what made me heartless, what made me numb to the world and unaffected by it. I would never feel such a desire to walk into a dark alley and put my trust in some man or woman to supply me with such a deadly weapon.
I was safe from the drug during my middle school years, I had a few friends that would gag at the mention of the word “Love”. I had found people who would stay by my side and live this life unaffected by “Love”, however that didn’t last long. My friends had started taking the drug when they reached high school, they found hookups that would supply them as long as they stayed with them at all times. That was the rule around here, if you have a supplier, that supplier owns you, that person would be your forever soulmate. If you or your supplier fail to be faithful to each other when taking the drug, you’d die. Not physically, but emotionally, you would go throughout your life wanting the drug’s effects, continuously searching for someone to give you the drug your supplier used to provide. You would be nothing but a “Lovesick” zombie, begging for the pure “stuff”.
There are a few rare cases when you find a supplier that would provide you the drug you desired, maybe even better than what you were craving, that only meant that you had found your true soulmate. Their drug would be the only thing on your mind. It’s never just the drug that makes you go for more, but the supplier, it’s how they process it or just the way they pack it up, no one knows. They just know that once you are supplied your “prescription”, you always go back to that specific supplier.