30th September, C class
Mr.Berg: Next week will start "C class team tournament" and it will take place during ECHO combat lessons - Tuesday and Friday-, in the arena. I divided you in 8 groups, 4 in each. These groups are made in order to develop you as much as possible, therefore cannot be changed. The tournament format is my own invention – ladder type. At the beginning, in next Tuesday, I will order each team according to combined max. registered output without support abilities from other students. Team with the biggest combined output is going to be in 1st place, team after them 2nd etc. 1st place is going to fight 2nd, 3rd versus 4th etc. Winner will get higher place, but looser – lower, therefore, for example, if you start as 1st place and you lose, then you will become 2nd place. Next battle will be between looser of higher level and winner of lower level, t.i., between, 2nd and 3rd, 4th and 5th etc. 1st and 8th places will be free. After 7 rounds the placement will end and final places will be determined. The winners of the tournament will get automatically the highest grade.
The Summer's (a.k.a. Maiden of the Sun) shard of reality
Summer: (Interesting, who will be my teammates? I cannot wait to see them!)
The arena, each team is in their space
Windy explorer energetic: Hey Summer or should I call you Maiden of the Sun, can you believe that we are in one team?
Summer: It is delightful surprise and you can call me as you please.
Windy explorer: Then I am going to call you Maiden of the Sun, because it sounds much cooler. Officially name of my ECHO is Windy explorer, because it seems that all good names were already taken. That is why I prefer that you will call me Master of storm, Maiden of storm or any of 15 other cool names. I am sending them to your e-mail.
Summer smiles: OK, Master of storm!
Windy explorer very curious: What are your abilities?
Summer: I can heal. For me it is the most useful ability in the world, because I can help my family, friends and other nice persons.
Windy explorer: Right, you have special permission to use your ability outside the school. You are so lucky! Although it is no wonder regarding your ability, because it reflects your inner world.
Summer: What are your abilities?
Windy explorer: I can create wind and tornado, be very fast and even fly!
Summer: It is very impressive, especially to create tornado.
Windy explorer: I will show it!
Creates very small, 0,5 meter high tornado.
Echo of flora: Can you make it larger?
Windy explorer: No, because it is so boring patiently develop just one ability. I like more to learn new ones. What you can do Echo of flora?
Echo of flora: Heal myself and control vines.
Windy explorer: But can you make to bloom flowers?
Echo of flora: No. This is my limitation.
Summer: What cannot be done by one, can be done by many. I am only developing this ability, but if I succeed, I will be able to boost abilities.
Echo of flora very curious: Can you try it on me?
[Meditation music such as youtube.com/watch?v=eOpOaG1-83Y]
Summer: OK! (Friends are an extension of me and I am extension of them. We are many and at the same time one.)
Yellow energy surrounds Maiden of the Sun and Windy explorer. Windy explorer creates2 times higher tornado.
[End of meditation music such as youtube.com/watch?v=eOpOaG1-83Y]
Windy explorer: It was so cool!
Echo of flora: By the way, where is the 4th member of our team?
Summer: Maybe sick? Should I ask about that to Mr. Berg?
Suddenly they receive a text message: "I am here."
Windy explorer: Is here a ghost?
Another text message "No, Shadow. I came here with you."
Summer: Calm down. If I remember correctly, in our class is very shy girl, who rather writes than talks. Shadow, can you come in front of me?
Suddenly a shadow in dark corner moves in front of Maiden of the Sun. Maiden's of the Sun light reveals a girl.
Shadow text message: "Can you see me?"
Summer: Yes. Do you wish be our friend?
Shadow text message: "What is it so great about friendship?"
Summer: So many things. For example, friends support each other - friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil. (For my father this Baltasar Gracian quote is one of the most favorite.) I accept you with your shyness. Do you accept me?
Shadow text message: "Yes. What is our plan regarding the tournament?"
Summer: The 1st thing what we must do is to relax – be the 1st or the 8th place, it does not matter. The most important thing is to enjoy ourselves, be teammates, who support each other.
Other girls: Yes!
Summer: We will show everybody else this fighting style.
The August's (a.k.a. Ice knight) shard of reality
August: (Another group work... No matter if I am in group with competent people or airheads, I will achieve my goal.)
Mr.Berg: Group H – Ice knight, Joker ninja, Jester ninja and Clown ninja. We will go to the arena, where each group will be able to start their training as a team in from others separated space.
The arena, each team is in their space
August: What are your element, abilities, max. output?
Joker ninja smiling: Party, chill out all night and too much to remember!
Jester ninja and Clown ninja smiling, laughing: The same!
August: Answer seriously.
Jester ninja: Chill out! Just relax – be 1st or 8th place, it does not matter. We are going to play the new video game so do not disturb us.
August: So you are not interested in winning, getting stronger?
Clown ninja:Yep! Too much boring work. Just not to fail will be good enough for us.
August: (This again... As always difference between not to fail and to achieve the highest is so huge...)
August goes to Mr.Berg.
August: As far as I understand in the rules is not said that in both teams must be the same amount of fighters, only that no more than 4. So can I fight 1 against other teams?
Mr.Berg: Why do you wish to be alone?
August: Because I am better alone than with people, who drag me down.
Mr.Berg: So that is your approach? I will agree with 1 condition.
Both go to the rest of team.
Mr.Berg: Ice knight wish to fight alone so I have proposition for you ninjas – all 3 fight against him. If you win, you will get average grades by default and all team will just skip all fights. If you lose, you will run 20 laps, ~6 km around the arena training area before each fight of Ice knight during the tournament. SCU will be permitted. All agree?
All ninjas: Yes!
August: Yes. (If I cannot defeat them, then I am not worthy to fight alone against other teams.)
All get ready for a fight.
Joker ninja: You have no chance!
August: (Overestimate yourself, underestimate your opponent and unpleasant surprise might happen.)
Mr.Berg: Start!
[Music - with a beat, which increases, rebellious - Korn - Twisted Transistor youtube.com/watch?v=7KSRAnwo3Uk]
Jester ninja with his enchanted speed gets behind Ice knight and together with Clown ninja trap Ice knight with wind pincer attack. Ice knight cannot move. Joker ninja like an eagle, who attacks to his prey, uses wind to enhance his jump and descends to kick Ice knight. Suddenly Ice knight avoids the attack and freezes unprotected Joker ninja. Jester and Clown ninjas understand that they will run out of energy if they keep up this and charge with enhanced speed at Ice knight, but they both slip. Ice knight freezes the closest of the opponents - Jester ninja. Clown ninja runs away to avoid Ice knight, but Ice knight creates ice in order to ice-skate and he catches up. Clown ninja tries to use wind to push away his opponent, but Ice knight nullifies it, tries to hit, but Ice knight catches his fist and starts to freeze. Clown ninja understands that there is nothing what he can do and gives up.
[End of the music]
Ninjas very confused: What happened? How is it possible?
[challenge – how you understand Sparanza – Vindication lyrics musixmatch.com/lyrics/Sparzanza/Vindication connection with the fight (do not read further until you have your answer)?]
Mr.Berg: Because you overestimated your power – you thought that you are predators and he is a prey, but in the reality your roles were switched. When Jester ninja attacked, Ice knight nullified Jester ninja's wind and got speed boost from Clown ninja, which helped to avoid the attack. After it Ice knight easily froze Jester ninja, because he put all what he had in one attack and did not predict possible counterattack.
Clown ninja: But how he avoided so fast? I did not felt any changes in my wind and then in just one moment my wind stopped to affect him.
Mr.Berg: Because in order to hold him you used max. 80% of your max. output in order to have enough stamina to keep up the pincer attack, but he used his max. output for one powerful burst. This was his 1st trap. 2nd trap was frozen floor, which you were not aware of until it was too late.
Ninjas! I hope that you remember about those 20 laps.
Jester ninja: I still cannot believe that we lost! How could you do it?
August: You think that you are free and can fly everywhere, but in the reality you are like birds in a small cage, who are not aware of the cage's restricting nature, because your understanding of everywhere is limited to the cage. This is the main reason why I won and do not wish to be with you in one team. Also you had quantity on your side, but I had quality. If you used more effective your cards, you would win.
Mr.Berg: Ninjas, I hope that now you understand what I meant that time, when I said that combat is more than max. output. Although it can show potential, it is only a part of factors, which determine outcomes of fights. Moreover, in some sense fight is even conversation without words.
[reflection – how you understand Sparanza – Vindication lyrics musixmatch.com/lyrics/Sparzanza/Vindication connection with the fight after reading the answers of Mr.Berg and August? Are there differences between the 1st and the 2nd time?]
August: (I will show everybody else this fighting style.)
[Test yourself - answers to 1st challenge according to my shard of reality - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kTyIbA57YZPKy8_TJqy9BqLpDUmOuVexeeFX8twIePI/edit?usp=sharing]