H had pulled me out of the monster's grip, pushing me out of the way. He drew a sword, with flames flaring up. With one swift swing, the monster was gone. Instead of dying, the thing had turned to dust.
The pile of dirt had blown away into the night, as if it was never actually alive. I just stared, not sure what in the world just happened.
Hades turned around, looked at me on the ground. The sword was still in his hands. He looked like nothing from the other day. He looked like he did in my dream, a throne crown on his head, black clothing from head to toe, with a long silky black cape hanging off his shoulders.
He didn’t look like the man I had known before. The man that took me out days before was no longer in front of me.
“Are you alright, sweet one?”
He pulled me up to my feet. “That-t thing . . . it-t. . . it was my date . . .”
“No, it was a shapeshifter. And you were almost it’s dinner. Are you okay? Did it hurt you?”
I felt my knees turn weak. “He just turned to dust,” I said, zombie-like.
“I know,” Hades agreed. “Don’t worry. He won’t hurt anyone again.”
“Who . . . what . . .”
“Steffi, I think you may be in a bit of a shock right now. I think you may need to sit down.”
“He . . . he . . . he was . .” I wasn’t feeling all that great. My stomach was turning. Hades was holding onto my arm. My ribs started to squeeze me tightly, causing me a great deal of pain. I hadn’t been like this in a year, I hadn’t felt this high level in pain since the hospital.
I got out his grip, and turned around away from him. Everything from dinner came up, making me feel weaker.
Instead of jumping away, Hades held onto my hair. When I was done, he said, “Steffi, we need to get you out of here.”
“H . . . H . . . I am,” I didn’t have time to finish what I was saying. He picked me up, and I was in his arms like a small child.
“I think you need rest. Come, I can take care of you.”
“H, what’s . . . what’s going on-“
I couldn’t finish my question. He placed his large hand on my forehead, and I fell into a deep sleep.